Today we’d like to introduce you to Maria Morgan.
Hi Maria, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Where do I begin, my nickname is (meme), and I’m a Child of The Highest God! Born in Mobile, Alabama, and raised in Texas. I live in the Heights! I am a beautiful Wealthy Woman of God! I use not to be able to say that, but I know I’m the child of God and his children are Beautiful-lol. I have a bakery business called: “Heavenly Sweets Bakery” I learned how to make cookies from my grandma and I was marketing her cookies several years ago, before I decide to build my own brand, “Ailene Martin-Beck” is my grandma’s name, and I watched her make other dishes since she is a true southern cook. My grandma usually cooks almost everything from scratch, everybody loves her homemade Apple Pie! Jesus!!! I can make you some great-tasting cookies-(any flavors) and cook you a homemade breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She loves to serve, help, and assist people, in any way she can. God is always her provider and keeps her going in spite of any situation. She can help you administratively, customer service, praise dancer, flag ambassador, and as a good friend. Contact: Heavenly Sweets Bakery for your bakery needs! I’m well known for my flagging as a flag ambassador in ministry and industry or wherever the Holy Spirit leads me to minister indoors or outside. I’m known for being an administrator ministry and industry, helper, server, researcher, navigator, and an around person that will give my last to help anybody.
I have many stories and much to say, but I know I trust God all the way with my entire life, even though it hasn’t been easy, God will give ease to things in your life. I always tell people “More Abundance of Grace & Expansion of Strength upon your Life for Eternity”, I need to put that on a t-shirt-lol, for real. Life is interesting! Now 2023, I plan to revamp my Bakery business, revamp my Printing business-(I print offering envelopes, design and print others things, upon request), and work on becoming an Author in the making. Much prayer in all my endeavors. I would like to have a storefront and/or an entire plaza in Jesus’ name! So be it! I do have my bakery business Facebook page “Heavenly Sweets Bakery”. So, come along on this journey with me as I navigate life! Shout to my sis-Prophet Sarobia Dubose for this opportunity. I want to thank so many people and I thank All of you!! Holy Spirit have your Way!
I want to thank so many ppl, my mom my sister/all my sister’s, brother’s, my Mentor, Spiritual Mother, The Prophets, the Apostles, Bishop’s, all my God Mom’s, Arts Ministries, friends & family, much love & many blessings for Eternity.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It hasn’t been smooth all the time, my health played a major part, me dealing with different things in ministry and industry. I always put people before myself, to make sure everyone was good. That is just the type of person I am. I can go deeper with dealing with my health, there was a point I didn’t know if I was going to make it–I was bleeding for months-non stop, going to the hospital almost every month, running tests, x-rays, exams, blood work, the list goes on until they said it was a tumor, thank God it was B-9, but I went through so much pain to the point the morphine wasn’t helping at all, I starting to walk like a baby taking their first steps. I told God to take me now, He said you have a ministry to do, much work in your hands, you can not stop now!
LOL, I was like this is not the greatest thing to go through, and keep on moving, lol, Jesussss, Mighty God. What help me was Music, my first love–I play different instruments and was trained as a choir director and in many other areas of ministry. Music help with the pain the hurt, and the trauma. Through it all I’m still here, the enemy tried to take my life several time, until this Day 2023, but Holy Spirit covers, protect, rules, and abide in every circumstance. I have more to do and to conquer and win. This is not the end!
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Well, I hold many hats, lol. I’m a tech support, customer service, administrator, helper, leader, protector, and navigator. I do have my security license. I work in different places. At this point, I want my business to flourish, with an overflowing abundance of money. What really set me apart-mainly is the unique, unusual way I praise Dance (FLAGS) I can flag for hours, I did 4 hours or more or less, however, the HOLY SPIRIT LEADS ME, not my flesh, but what assignments say and being lead by HOLY SPIRIT, there’s a difference-I do not do it to entertain or for a show. I am representing what Heaven will look like 24/7 nonstop worship and praising, yielding, adoration, before the throne, at his feet, saturated with Holy Spirit for Eternity!
Mighty God, I get excited to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, which is our Faith Foundation. To others, it might seem like it’s a lot, but God give me so many winds to keep going, even when there’s no music, you can hear the sound of the flags and what the Holy Spirit is saying through movement, O yes, I move my feet and entire body while Flagging. I have embraced my weirdness, LOL. It is beautiful in the sight of God’s eyes. I always say “I’m a student always learning.” I don’t know everything, but God helps me daily. Let my flesh die daily.
My prayer/passion is to teach all around the world-creative movement in the art of flags/dance-The Word of God-Prayer-Prophecy, worship/praise in Movement through Flags-my weaponry.
What sort of changes are you expecting over the next 5-10 years?
Now 2023 & beyond, I plan to revamp my Bakery business, revamp my Printing business – (I print offering envelopes, design and print others things, upon request), and work on becoming an Author in the making. Much prayer in all my endeavors. I would like to have a storefront and an entire plaza in Jesus’ name! So be it! I do have my bakery business Facebook page “Heavenly Sweets Bakery” for it to increase. For my territories to increase, I have favor with all, CEO, BANKS, INDUSTRIES, Ministries, KING/QUEEN, THE ENTIRE NATION.
To be able to ship more of my cookies, to expand my printing service business, to grow more in God, in my word, to speak more, to share, to teach, to build a customer service ministry-type of business something different, we need customer service in our ministries. To expand my knowledge of stocks and investments. To help so many more people in a way I can with no limits!
- Dozen of cookies are $14 call for further details.
- For my Printing Service, you have to contact me for pricing.
- By Admin service, call for further details.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @maria.j.morgan
- Facebook: Maria Morgan
- Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/maria-j-morgan-9721774b
- Twitter: @MemeMJM
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/mariajm2010
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@mariajmorgan100?_t=8ZB0e0uOUGJ&_r=1
Image Credits:
Sean Young (@shotby_seank) (FB: Sean Kaleb) https://seankphotography.pixieset.com/booking/?fbclid=PAAabNSA59bwtPWMb7glAWSuTW4WJAu0zsIrRPFOEhNLEVHVguxOYCLJc61iY