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Conversations with Sally Duncan

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sally Duncan.

Hi Sally, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
GHGSDR has been fortunate to have been around since 2008, which is a long time in the rescue world. We attribute our success in rehoming German Shepherd Dogs to our wonderful volunteers. We have several volunteers who have been with us since inception, which gives us stability and a sense of history. We also have newer volunteers who bring enthusiasm and new ideas to our group, which is essential for us to continue our mission.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
As with most rescues, we never have enough fosters. We can only take in as many dogs as we have foster homes to keep them.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a founding member of GHGSDR so I’ve filled many of the Board positions as well as being a long-term foster (22 years). Being a long-term volunteer, I know a lot of the history and why we have rules that are still in place. It’s my job to guide the Board Members and the group so that we will continue to thrive for many years. As with most jobs, the President needs to be able to communicate clearly and with tact to volunteers, adopters and others. I help resolve disputes or miscommunications in the rare times that it is needed. An important part of my job is offering knowledge and support to fosters, adopters and often just people who call in about issues they’re having with their German Shepherd Dogs, whether it’s questions on food, behavior, grooming or just wanting to know something about the breed. If I can’t help, I send them to someone with more experience in the needed area. I guide the hard decisions when it comes to health-related issues such as when a dog’s health has deteriorated past help. If needed, I’m often the person who sits with one of our dogs if euthanasia is required; it’s an act of respect and a decision never to be taken easily.

While I may be the President of GHGSDR, understand that it’s our amazing board that makes us run smoothly. The dedication of the Board and all of the volunteers keep us active and enthusiastic even in these times of record-breaking animal rehoming.

What’s next?
We are passionate about our work and mission. We hope to continue to place these beautiful dogs a second chance at a great life, all while enjoying the company they give.


  • Puppies (6 months and under) are $425
  • Adult dogs are $400
  • Senior dogs (six and older) are $225

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Personal Photo: Our logo Additional Photos: 1. Sally Duncan and Finn 2-5. Christine Adams 6. John Conyers

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