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Daily Inspiration: Meet Angelique Edwards-Cooper

Today we’d like to introduce you to Angelique Edwards-Cooper.

Hi Angelique, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I was called to ministry about four years ago. At the time, I was a Church Administrator. Actually, I was more than that. I was the treasurer, the secretary, the security, the worship person, the cleaner. I mean everything. I use to pray for The holy Heavenly Father to send me some help. But he never did. Little did I know I was being groomed to have and run my own ministry. I call that time period Spiritual Bootcamp. I had to learn everything quickly, including how to deal with people who did not like me. That were a part of the ministry. That did things to sabotage me. I had to learn to forgive and to pray for my enemies. Just as the bible says. It taught me the importance of removing that word or letter I. You know when we say I can’t forgive them. I won’t forgive them. I am through with them. The Holy Spirit led me to what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. In my ministry The Heavenly Father told me to go back to the original way. That way is Hebrew. He showed me that he is not religion which creates division that divides people into different denominations, which are demon nations. That divide people from his true vision. As he said people without vision will perish. So I said Papa make it plain for me. He showed me we are all one under his way. That we are a way of life. That way is Love and Truth.

In Hebrew before there was what we know as an alphabet, there was an original called an Aleph-Bet. In that language there was no letter J. So his name wasn’t Jesus until about 500 years ago due to the Greeks. His name was Yeshua Hamashiach. which means The Son of life He who Saves The Anointed One. Notice the first three letters of his name is Yes, which spell yes. Whatever we ask in his name, it is always Yes. Lord translates as Adonai. So, I call it The Adonai Prayer instead of Lord as Lord in Hebrew means Baal and that was a false God. I also learned that instead of God we say Yod. which means the Head as he is the Head Master of all.

So The Adonai Prayer says short version let your be done on earth as it is in heaven. Not my will but his be done. Will is his pleasure. Then it says Give us, forgive us and our. See that. It doesn’t say I or me it says us and our so through the Adonai prayer we are praying for everyone all around the world and our enemies without us having to think about what it is they did to us or we did to them. It is an ultimate act of love as we pray and forgive for everyone which creates in us a clean heart and renews the right spirit. The Holy Spirit and opens the door for Yeshua The Messiah to be the just judge. As even the Most High who name is Yehovah doesn’t judge he gave that to his son. This allows the father to look at the person’ heart and see what or why they have trespassed against someone, whether knowingly and unknowingly and he gives said punishment not us. Also we don’t realize that if we do not forgive then we will not be forgiven. Do you know how many people think they are forgiven but aren’t because they haven’t forgave others?

I also learned about anger that when we get angry the father literally takes his hand off of us. That means his holy protection is gone and that’s how we get hurt in arguments and fights. When you know someone is after you trying to literally take your life. Or perform witchcraft against you. And yes it is real and just because people don’t trust that it is. Doesn’t make it go away. It just gives it a place to hide. So I was humbled and empowered at the same time. I learned who I truly was not in the world but in the Kingdom of Yod.

I am an Apostle I have the seven fold ministry the 7 fold gifts of the holy spirit. I am a High Priest under The Order of Melchizedek. I am a Prophet known as The Pulpit Prophecy Poet. I am The Woman Moses as I have come to finish what Moses started. I am a Minister of The New Covenant or what you know as The New Testament which is a Covenant of The Holy Spirit. I am Wonder Woman as I come with my Lasso of Truth as I have just wrote my first book. Yod’s Holy Book of The New Covenant. I am a Prayer Warrior and intercessor. I am The daughter of The Most High.

People look at me and think other than what I am. I am also a person who has been in the world at one time. Let one without sin cast the first stone. I will wait. Yet he called and I answered. I am here to do his will which is his pleasure. As the gates of hell cannot prevail against his will. But, we must speak it with our Pe which is Hebrew for mouth.. Words are seeds which means when we speak we are to sow seeds of life not death. As we reap what we sow therefore the power of life and death is in the tongue. Speak Life. We are too religious and not spiritual but there has to be a balance between the physical. The thing is the spiritual is the leader the flesh is the follower. That’s why the Messiah would say Get thee Behind me Satan because the flesh was rising up trying to take over when it can never lead. it will always be a follower.. This is why we fast to subdue the flesh and there are different kinds of fasting it’s not all about not eating for days. It’s about taking a pleasure of yours and making a promise to the father to not engage in that pleasure for how ever long you agree to do.

Once I learned all that he had at that time for me and to trust the fact that yes he does talk to me. Yes I have dreams and visions. Yes I am all that he says I am. I was free and got removed from that ministry and started my own. He gave me The name The Millennial Temple which is the last and final Temple that is spoken about in Ezekiel Chapters 40 to 48. He said we are The Stone Kingdom of Truth and that every lie ever told would be revealed with the truth. when I tell you so far that is exactly what has been happening. It’s a beautiful thing. Not all news is feel good news to one’s ears or heart but, the truth shall set you free.

I learned that I was ordained to be who I am before I was in my mother’s womb and knitted together while I was inside. And if we all just ask him who we are in his Kingdom. Then it would eradicate jealousy, envy, hate the tools of the evil one. And we walk in our true authority as Kings and Priests of the earth. Doing and saying his will.

I started my ministry out of a conference room in North Augusta, SC then was moved back to, now get this the very building that I was a Church Administrator at. Yes it was mine. Then Covid hit and I had to go online. Not because I was closed down or fearful but because no one was coming. I have a YouTube Channel called The Pulpit Prophecy Poet The Chosen One. My Instagram is The Millennial Temple and my Facebook is The Millennial Temple. CloutHub is Apostle Angelique Edwards Cooper @themilltemple. Recently I made the decision to close The Ministry Building I have. Little did I know that me finally making that decision, Opened the door to what is now One of the greatest moves so far in my life. The Millennial Temple is coming to Houston, Texas. Yes that’s right my proving ground and school was in Augusta, GA, I have been here for 25 years.

25 years ago The Most High told me to move from my hometown of Queens, New York to Augusta GA. A single parent eight months pregnant did just that. Now 25 Years later he told me to Move to Houston, Texas this time I am pregnant with a spiritual baby of his fire. I can’t wait to get there and begin delivering. I have started packing and my house is on the market. Houston here I come. I am coming with the new, I am coming with your spiritual inheritance. I am coming to read the last will and testament of the Messiah Yeshua that he gave at The Last Supper. I have written the book of his will. As the will must be read in order for you to receive your spiritual inheritance. The Holy Book of The New Covenant that has the 613 commandments not just ten. I am coming to baptize in the Holy name of Yeshua not a water baptism as those are no more. But the baptism of The Holy Spirit Fire of Yod to each and everyone regardless of race, creed or religion for with The Holy Spirit we all one in him. To include the wicked all you have to do is repent and be made clean white as snow not ever for him to remember again. Repent means to turn back to him. Confess your sins and come out of agreement with Satan as that is what Sin is allowing Satan, the devil to use your body. As it is not his to use it is Our Holy Heavenly Father who made us and loved us beforehand.

I am coming to show you what we have been missing and most of all that everyone of them. Our Holy Heavenly Family. The Most High Yehovah, The Messiah Yeshua, and The Holy Spirit Ruach Ha Kodesh and The Hosts of Holy Heavenly Angels are all real. That it is not just some greatest story ever told but it is truth. I come to bring an Anointing of Love and healing and deliverance and empower you to do the same. Not just sitting in a building in the same seat for years and years and not learning anything. I come to show you who are to uplifft and bring salvation to the poor, the downtrodden and the ones broken down by calamities. to set free the captives to wake up the dry bones, to heal the sick, the lame to walk, and the blind to see. I am coming because I Am has sent me to you! Get ready Houston The New is here. I am Apostle Angelique Edwards- Cooper The Woman Moses with The Fire of Yod.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Not smooth at all. Ministry is never smooth. You mostly deal with spiritual warfare. That is when Satan attacks you according to who you are in the kingdom. See we don’t know who we are but he does and he attacks us according to that. For instance, a Prophet gets attacked by sinus issues, stomach problems, memory issues and financial just to name a few. I know of all as I am a two time cancer survivor. That’s right Satan tried to literally kill me numerous of times. I have died and came back at least 3. I have had over 20 something surgeries. I had stomach cancer first and breast cancer second.

My gallbladder is gone and three months later I was diagnosed with Small Bowel Obstruction with Internal Hernia repair. After three months of going back and forth to the emergency room. Having the same test a Cat-Scan at least 5 xs in a month that results always came back negative. Finally in 2013 going to the same emergency room and having the same test. After 13 months of suffering of not being able to drink water or use the bathroom it would feel like razor blades were cutting my intestines. Extreme pain to the point that I didn’t want to commit suicide but I did ask the father to take me, Yet he never did. The Answer finally came the Doctor came in the room and said you have a Small Bowel Obstruction with Internal Hernia the surgeon is on the way.

When the surgeon came he said you have a Small Bowel Obstruction with Internal Hernia we must perform surgery otherwise you will die. Let’s Pray and we did. Needless to say what happen was from the Stomach Cancer that took five years to diagnose they took 3/4 of my stomach as I had a 5 pound Gist Tumor or what you would call Gastro Intestinal Stroma Tumor. The scar tissue grew and wrapped itself around my small bowel. I was back having the same surgery again where my stomach was being cut open. same scar and same 50 staples being put back in. And learning to eat again small meals. In 2002, that was in October in March of 2002 I had my second child my daughter which came three months early. So eight months later I was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer in 2005 Breast Cancer had a Left Breast Mastectomy with Reconstruction. had a Silicon implant put in and 16 years later it encapsulated more pain and had to have surgery again in March of 2021.

In 2015, I was attacked by witchcraft where a witch had given me a weave and whatever they would poke me with the needle and had put a chemical on the weave that caused me to have seizures. At the time I thought she was my spiritual sister a minister but she was on a mission to take me out. She also had the spiritual gifts but used them for bad. While I was in the hospital she would try and get people to agree to my death and get them to take my hand to make an X and sign over my rights to her and all my possessions. Even then I was protected because even though I was unconscious I would wake up and see her screaming at the doctor. Somehow I took a video of myself as evidence to show that witchcraft is real. I discovered that after I left the hospital. Of which I could not walk I came home with a walker, I couldn’t be left alone, I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t take a bath. And I was on major medicines. After 2 weeks of everyday praying for the healing fire. I woke up literally with a new body and able to walk. Yes I am a walking testimony. I could go on with more testimonies.

See your stomach operates your brain which is why I was always being attacked in those places. I learned that the Holy father uses me for his Glory. That I am a modern day Lazarus that it takes power to snatch someone back from death. That everything I went through was to show forth the very fact that he is real. I am living, breathing proof of his power and I am grateful. I also learned that I had to go through these things because the higher you go the higher demons you have to fight. He was preparing me for 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse. So that I can prepare those for them as well.

There have been great financial challenges as I was told not to ask for tithes and offerings. That those that want to give can of your own free will. Why? because Tithes was never about 10% of your money. He never wanted anyone to suffer or feel left out because they can’t pay tithes or have to choose between paying an electrical or water bill or even eating. That was made by man. Tithes was about tying your 10% of your time to the ministry to help out. Or for us to take an introspection of ourselves and to pray.

It was meant to work this way when I give you knowledge about the kingdom system and you go and practice it and find out it works then you are to come and give that Woman or Man of Yod a financial blessing. At the time the father will then give you one back that exceeds what you gave that leader. That is the true process. We serve an awesome Yod. People are not use to that and would rather keep in the tradition that keeps them bound to the kingdom of Mammon which is money than by the Holy Spirit. Not being recognized for the fruit I bear because I am not a Mega Preacher. I am only coming in a donkey.

Family and friend issues because you don’t do what you use to do. Drink, curse, eat pork. Go out all the time. Because you dedicate yourself to studying and praying. Because you give prophecy that others can’t see. They call you crazy and the other thing being a woman. They say a woman is not supposed to be an Apostle or to preach and teach. Yet Mary of Magdalene was the first woman Apostle. have you ever looked at the Last Supper Picture. The original look at it and you will see that right by Yeshua is a woman that is Mary of Magdalene she was called a prostitute by The Romans to discredit her although she was officially recognized by the Vatican in 2016 as being so finally.

Mother issues as I am mother 0f three children. Meaning having to reteach them what you thought you already taught them to be right and finding out it’s a lie. And for them to overstand that I am not the same person they knew and carving time out to take a break and be with them.

Judgement issues of what you use to do. Oh you use to do erotic poetry, you use to be an adulterer. You use to be at the clubs. Yet guess what he called me just like he did Moses who was a murderer and David who was an adulterer. And so on it’s not what you did it’s who you are!!!! Issues of looks I don’t look like your average Apostle. Yet looks are deceiving. My heart and the fruit I bear speaks for itself. There are many fruit on my tree and not just any fruit or seedless. But fruit with seeds of life that grow bountifully.

Getting help. I have once again been everything for my ministry including the photographer and videographer and set up crew and break down crew, Everything I am A One Woman Ministry. Loneliness trying to be with the one who accepts your calling and don’t think you are crazy when you wake up and give a prophecy. Or when you go warring and speaking in tongues. One thing I love is confirmation and he gives it at least 4x’s because he doesn’t want us in doubt about his word that is not his spirit. That keeps you from doubting yourself and knowing that yes he talks to me regardless of how far fetch it sounds because it’s his words they always come to be in his timing.

Jealousy and I wishes and curses that people say against me because they don’t know me nor my story. Because I look a certain way or I don’t do things the same as everyone. And through his protection he sees and knows what I don’t what was said behind my back. To the point of people actually praying to him wishing bad on me. I know all theses things and it’s hurtful. But, I am Hated for his name. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Learning new words and terms. Breaking traditions that everyone is use to because you now know the truth. I am free indeed. Glory

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Apostle of The New Covenant. I operate by The Holy Spirit and when he says shift, I shift. When he says move, I move. I do not get stuck in man’s or my way. I am here for his will. I specialize in the truth, the Holy Spirit Fire of Yod in love. I will help you to be the best you can be. Bring you back from past traumas so you can tap in to the Holy Spirit. And Teach you the Kingdom Way.

I am a Poet and a Dancer and an Author. My New Book Yod’s Holy Book of The New Covenant. I am most proud of. I always wanted to write one and now I have and it is a Holy Book Divinely Given to me!! I am currently doing a Revival called The Great Awakening Revival America Sweetland of Liberty.

The Father is sending me all over to preach the what you call Gospel. Or Ghost Spell which really means Good News. I am preaching, teaching the good news that the Kingdom is at Hand. Right at the end of your hand that’s how close he is. Search no more he is inside of all us all we have to do is welcome him. How beautiful are the feet of those who Preach the good news?

Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
I like the variety of people from everywhere. When I get there next month I will let you know. But what I hear is traffic is bad. Still have to compare because I come from New York and that is the worse.


  • Rise Up In Love Fundraising T shirts $35
  • The Balm Oil of Gilead Anointing Oil $20
  • Yod’s Holy Book of The New Covenant $45
  • Speaking Engagement’s free will offer
  • Rise Up In Love Bling Shirts $45

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: @themillennialtemple
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @The Woman Moses
  • Youtube: @The Pulpit Prophecy Poet The Chosen One
  • Other: @themilltemple on CloutHub

Image Credits
Photography by Kel’Vision Photography

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