Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Bre Hayward. They and their team shared their story with us below:
Dr. Bre Hayward is a dynamic, transformational leader and entrepreneurial strategist. Dr. Hayward, founded Baby Hair™ in 2015 and has successfully spearheaded an e-store while mentoring and inspiring others to maximize their potential. Why Baby Hair™? Dr. Hayward, has built the brand on diversity and inclusion while fostering an environment of trust. The brand formulated hair care products such as luxury Shampoos and Conditioners for all hair types. Baby Hair™ strives to keep everyone in mind when creating their formulas. Do you have curly hair, thick hair, fine hair, suffering from breakage, how about no hair but a dry scalp? Okay! A beautiful head of hair starts from within. Many things control your hair’s health and rate of growth, from heredity to nutrition, and Baby Hair is here for it!
Baby Hair™ is a “Safe Space” deeply rooted in equality; therefore, the brand is gender fluid, so people from all walks of life can enjoy the benefits of the products without regard to social hindrance. Additionally, Baby Hair™ also offers fine-quality extensions to protect hair between styles. Why the name Baby Hair™? The product formulation is designed to make hair softer and more manageable while removing debris from the scalp and promoting hair growth. Baby Hair’s quality ingredients allow one to imitate the hair they once had in adolescence, before the dyes and perms, much like a baby’s hair. Get Back The Hair You Were Born With, with Baby Hair™! We often spend so much time and effort on skincare that we neglect the hair on our head. Instead, we opt for value, and we are here to tell you while value is excellent, quality is even better. We are unsure about the quality of the bargin stores 30 ounces of 2 and-1 Shampoo and Conditioner for $0.97. If it’s 30 ounces and $0.97 it maybe too good to be true regardless of how great it smells. Overall if you understood the dangers of food quality you put into your body and the long-term effects, would you do the same for your hair?
Tying it all together, studies show a positive change in appearance has a significant impact on self-esteem. Therefore, Baby Hair™ reserves a portion of its proceeds to provide complimentary hair care services and makeovers to victims and survivors of Domestic Violence. Baby Hair™ partners with salons in the Houston and surrounding areas to bring joy to others. Bre, the founder of Baby Hair™, mentions that there are several outside forces beyond our control. However, the one thing Baby Hair™ can bring life to is your hair™! Baby Hair™ firmly believes that positive change sparks when you look good therefore you feel good. Baby Hair™ offers products with a cause, because Baby Hair™ believes everyone deserves to feel their definition of “beautiful.”
Would it have been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Baby Hair™ is a Black-Women Owned Business. The most extraordinary obstacle Baby Hair™ has faced diversity. While diversity is embedded in our mission and DNA, the challenge we face is brand awareness and spreading the word that Baby Hair™ products are not a black thing or a white thing. It’s a scalp thing. Baby Hair™ has on staff chemist who analyzes hair DNA strands from all ethnic backgrounds in the hope of finding a formula that works well for each person.
What makes you happy?
What makes Baby Hair™ happy? You! Being authentic and genuine to who you are. We all have not so-good days. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of negativities in the media and in the wake of social injustice. Baby Hair is here to let you know we care for you just how you are. You are one of a kind, and the world would not be the same without you in it! So much is beyond our control so let’s participate in one of the things that we can, a healthy head of hair.
Contact Info:
- Email: customerservice@
mybabyhaircare.com - Website: www.mybabyhair.com
- Instagram: mybabyhaircare
Image Credits
Charlton Reed
AJ Evans