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Daily Inspiration: Meet Iris Martinez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Iris Martinez

Hi Iris , so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I’m Iris, the owner of Vida y Vibra Bartending, based in Huntsville, TX. Vida y Vibra is a mobile bartending business. Vida y Vibra means “life and vibe”. Our mission is to bring all the life, energy, and good vibes to events through delicious cocktails and collaborate customer service. I grew up in Huntsville, TX. A town north of Houston, TX. I am Mexican American, a mom, career coach, and entrepreneur. I attended Sam Houston State University where I received both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I’m passionate about my community and driven to create meaningful experiences that impact others.

My journey into bartending began during college, where I worked at a local shoe boutique in Huntsville, next to a lounge bar called “Epic.” I was captivated by how effortlessly the bartenders not only made drinks but also built connections with customers. I found myself gravitating towards the energy of the bar, even volunteering to help with stocking just to stay close to the action. Eventually, I trained to assist the bartenders and discovered a passion for creating cocktails, often experimenting with ingredients to craft new drinks outside of the bar. The fast-paced environment, combined with the hard work ethic I witnessed at Epic, left a lasting impression on me, sparking a love for bartending that followed me long after I graduated and moved on from the boutique.

In 2022, I turned that passion into Vida y Vibra Bartending. Inspired by mobile bartending services I’d seen in other cities, I realized Huntsville needed a similar experience, but with a unique twist. I wanted to bring all the life and vibes of a bar without client’s having to leave their home. As a new parent, I also knew I wanted to create a business that could provide for my daughter and build a legacy for her. I grew up in a low-income, first-generation immigrant household with a single parent that worked extremely hard to provide for me. Part of the reason I started Vida y Vibra is to continue blessing my mom with the things she didn’t get to have and acknowledge the sacrifices she’s made for me in her life. She even helps me prepare for events and supports everything I’ve decided to do as an entrepreneur.

Since 2022, I’ve built Vida y Vibra from the ground up, assembling a talented team of bartenders who share my enthusiasm for delivering exceptional service. We’ve earned a solid reputation throughout Huntsville, Conroe, Houston, and beyond.

This isn’t just a side hustle—it’s my passion brought to life. Through Vida y Vibra, I get to be creative, lead outside of my 9-5, and engage with people from all walks of life. Each event teaches me something new and each client I meet makes an impact on the business, and we turn around and make those memorable experiences for them through our mobile bartending services.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The road to building Vida y Vibra Bartending was anything but smooth. Everything felt like a learning experience, and I found myself constantly adapting and learning from my mistakes. I knew that a clear vision and a solid business plan were important, but my first challenge was getting the word out about the brand of mobile bartending to my area.

I began by offering free events, hoping that someone would see the value in this service for the Huntsville area. I had to expand into nearby areas to reach a broader audience. I also didn’t feel comfortable charging clients’ large amounts like other bartending companies until I was confident in the service I was providing. As a result, I ended up investing a lot of time and effort into those first few events instead of generating any income.

In the beginning, I wore many hats—bartender, marketing coordinator, client relations manager, and of course, mother. It was overwhelming, and after my first year, there were moments when I felt like I wouldn’t make it. Bookings were slow, and there was a lot of judgment. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw the value in a mobile bartending service. By the end of 2023, I nearly gave up, questioning whether I was truly cut out for this.

Just when I was on the verge of walking away, inquiries for the new year started rolling in, and I received help from additional bartenders. Slowly, I got better at juggling all my responsibilities, and the business began gaining momentum. Through all of this, Vida y Vibra even secured a contract with an event venue in Huntsville. I learned to outsource where I could and push through the challenges. Entrepreneurship has completely transformed my thinking, pushing my work ethic to new levels, and I’m super excited to continue seeing Vida y Vibra grow.

While the journey has been filled with challenges, I wouldn’t change a thing. These experiences have added authenticity to my journey, and I hope to inspire others who may feel that entrepreneurship isn’t for them, showing that with the right resources and guidance, it can be. I often think about my mom and family coming from very little and still making things happen as motivation. Every setback has fueled my determination to succeed. I always say sometimes we got to embrace the “L’s” to celebrate the Wins.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Outside of running Vida y Vibra Bartending, I work full-time as a Career Coach at Sam Houston State University. In this role, I help students develop their career readiness and encourage them to take a proactive approach in finding careers that align with their passions. As a first-generation college student, there are so many things I wish I had known during my time in school, and I hope to be a resource for students, guiding them toward success and helping them shape their own paths. One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is how my entrepreneurial experience with Vida y Vibra has enriched the conversations I have with students. I encourage them to pursue their interests, embrace versatility, and think outside the box to get themselves to where they want to be.

The skills I’ve gained over the years, from customer service to building relationships, have greatly influenced how I approach my work with clients. This focus on community and collaboration helps us stand out. I’m not just a business owner; I’m deeply moved by community. When clients interact with me, I aim to welcome them into the Vida y Vibra community.

Vida y Vibra specializes in convenience, allowing clients to enjoy their events without worrying about tending to their guests. We also manage crowd control and ensure everyone is served appropriately so clients enjoy their events without drama. We offer a custom experience with themed drink choices, bar decor, garnishes, and custom menus. I always say we don’t just throw drinks together; we create the vibe of a cocktail bar. I strongly feel people shouldn’t get to miss out on experiences because of finances, and we work closely with clients to ensure their vision is brought to life by considering their budgets. Additionally, our bilingual staff can communicate with diverse groups of clients. I am most proud that our bartenders have versatile work backgrounds in health care, food service, retail, beauty, corrections, and education that help with upholding excellent customer service and working diligently in fast-paced environments.

Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
First and foremost, I owe everything to my mom. She taught me the value of a strong work ethic and the importance of staying humble when things are going well and when they aren’t. She raised me on her own and she still supports me even in adulthood, and she is behind the scenes in my business so much and so often that she gets the first credit. Her guidance has been the foundation of who I am, both personally and professionally. My daughter, although she’s only three, gives me the drive to continue doing all that I do so she can live a good life free from financial stress and anxiety. My cousin Pedro, who owns a restaurant-bar in town, has also been a huge inspiration. His hard work and determination push me to continue representing my family with pride as a business owner. To my best friend, Brenda, who has been there to bartend with me when I didn’t have back-up and continuously pushes me to believe in myself every day. And to my friend Aaron, who has been a constant sounding board—I owe him a lot of credit for putting up with all my venting sessions! To Ricky, who has helped me keep the business organized cause he knows I needed it. To Judith, who was there from the very beginning and helped kickstart Vida y Vibra. Also, my full-time work colleagues that are constant cheerleaders and the biggest hype team. To Sonia, for giving my 21-year old self a chance at Epic and gave me my first experience in the professional world years later. Lastly, I want to give a big shout-out to everyone that has helped me behind the bar—Nitzia, Nelly, Ana, Dani, Lucy, Mariela, and Noemy. Whether they’ve worked two events or all, their dedication, late hours, and positivity at every event means the world to me. To everyone who has ever cheered Vida y Vibra on, you deserve all the credit. I’m simply carrying forward what you’ve inspired.

Most importantly, I am deeply grateful to our clients. Their support and referrals have been the driving force behind Vida y Vibra’s growth. None of this—this article, the bookings—would be possible without them.

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Image Credits
Mirrored Lens: Photos by Kara

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