Today we’d like to introduce you to Kemi Adeoso
Hi Kemi , please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hi, my name is Kemi Adeoso, but many people know me as Emmy Milan on social media. I am a travel, lifestyle, visionary content creator focusing on providing a balance of gems to my community while emphasizing the importance of visualizing your highest self and allowing God to show you that you are capable! “If you can see it, you can be it.” No need to limit yourself; we are all blessed with skills and talents that are waiting to leave an impact not only on ourselves but the people and things we choose to surround ourselves with.
I originally grew up in New York, but three years ago, I took a leap of faith and decided to officially move to Houston, TX. Exploring and seeing the bigger picture in life has always been a quality of mine and I find it quite a coincidence that the Texas slogan is “everything is bigger in Texas”. Back in New York, I spoke at several different events, empowering others and sharing how my love for travel, art and mental health plays a role in my self-confidence. Life to me is like a canvas and you have the ability to create anything you want out of it. Having these kinds of reminders allows others to step outside their comfort zone and create new memories and experiences. I also provide gems on fine dining experiences, local events, and hotels within different communities.
Travel is a big part of my platform because it was one of the first experiences that showed me that I can overcome my battle with anxiety while allowing myself to soar as high and as far as I want—all I have to do is allow myself to. I’ve been to several countries; some of my favorites are Greece, Thailand, Turks and Caicos, Dubai, and Morocco. During my travels, I like to create content for my followers, providing them with itineraries of places to go, things to do, excursions, provide hotel and villa reviews, all to provide my supporters with access to the same or similar experiences. No need to gate keep when everything in the world was made for ALL of us to enjoy.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Just like life, the road is not always smooth, but we can get through it. Some of the challenges I’ve faced in my journey were mainly around feeling as though I did not fit in. This belief mainly stemmed from my childhood where I often was bullied because I was not considered popular or had all the latest trends, but one thing I did have was a personality and one that was so bright that fitting in could never be an option because I was always destined to stand out.
The challenge here as a multifaceted woman was that although the bullying from elementary school to high school stopped, I still had to continuously remind myself that I’m capable of achieving great things. Confidence is the source of our success, and this is why I encourage others to not be ashamed of their story but rather use it to ignite their confidence and inspire others. We have more power and control over self than we sometimes realize or give ourselves credit for. Just because others can’t see it doesn’t mean you can’t see it. Once I started to look inward, everything around me began to flourish outward, and due to this, I fell in love with the connection between travel and mental health. Once I changed my perspective on limitations, I began to find myself in the most exotic artistic sceneries and spaces that I had imagined myself to be in. I had to break the spirit of self-doubt and the beliefs that stemmed from my peers during my youth that I was not good enough to do certain things and started to follow my own voice that I’m more than good enough to do all things. I would speak words of affirmation to myself and noticed during each travel experience I was finding myself more and more. Not only was I finding myself internally as a person, but I was expanding my knowledge by being open-minded to embracing new cultures and different definitions of “fitting in”. The thrill of gaining new knowledge and deeper insight towards growth is something I love sharing with others, because who says we have to limit ourselves when we can just get on a plane and explore the entire world? This road, although it had a lot of highs and lows, was made perfectly balanced for me. This is why I hold so much passion in my journey as an influencer; I just want to teach and help others break limitations, barriers and fulfill all their heart desires. Whether it’s through travel, self-care, mental health awareness, or spirituality, there is nothing impossible in this life for us to achieve!
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Although travel plays a big role in my platform, during my 9-5 I’m also an IT Project Manager working in Digital Advertising. Choosing this career path was what I call destiny and alignment. This role allows me to utilize all my natural skills, including my love for creativity, leadership, empowerment, and team work consistently, which also helps me stay motivated in my influencer journey. What sets me apart from others is my passion for utilizing all my skills in every industry I enter. I always tell people that God gave us every key we need through our skills to open every door we are destined to enter.
Due to my role in digital advertising, I often get to experience the backend work that comes with creating amazing content and the advertising strategies that come with it. Being a content creator on the side, this couldn’t have aligned any better. I have traveled to multiple media-related events and have met numerous amounts of influential people both within and outside the country representing my company while networking with other like-minded artistic, creative professionals all open to sharing valuable gems towards overall company and individual success. Being a person that loves to create is something that is embedded in you from a young age, and it’s actually something you can’t just escape—once a creator, always a creator—and I find that to be a beautiful trait.
Along with my IT career, I also have my own travel brand “Trip in Luxury” where I help others plan amazing luxurious trips, and also a women’s empowerment group I started recently here in Houston called “Queen to Queens” which focuses on sisterhood, love and coming together to straighten each other’s crown. So many great things in store for the future with the intentions of leaving a positive impact on the world. Again, no need to limit ourselves to one thing when we have the opportunity to achieve it all.
We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
My favorite childhood memory was meeting Nicki Minaj. This was a special time during my adolescence because I was just beginning to find myself, stepping outside of my comfort zone and what society and my peers deemed as normal. I looked up to Nicki Minaj because she was raised in New York like myself, and although she faced a lot of controversy, she still expanded her wings and achieved all that she had a passion for while remaining her authentic self.
Living in NY, we are raised in a fast-paced environment where they say the strongest survive, which is why self-confidence is deemed as important in helping you thrive. Meeting Nicki Minaj during her Pink Friday launch in NYC was the start of my journey towards elevation and proving to myself that I can see myself engaging with the stars and being amongst those who were not meant to fit in but stand out bright.
I began coordinating several events with other members of her fan base at the time who all shared similar interests, and we started to develop a community which is known as “Team Minaj.” This community was the first set of real friendships I made where everyone carried unique personalities, artistic visions, and uniquely ambitious characters that brought us all together as one. No judgement, no doubt just being accepted for being your true self and all that comes with that. This is how the importance of community began to emerge in me.
My Team Minaj era was one of the best eras in my youth. From concerts to backstage experiences, to Team Minaj dinners, we were simply a group of young people aspiring to pursue our dreams while visualizing ourselves doing great things. Although years have pasted and my Team Minaj era has come to an end, I still utilize the importance of community on my social media platform and within my career.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/emmy_milan
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kemi-adeoso-341663246/