Today we’d like to introduce you to Melissa Silva.
Hi Melissa, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Hello everyone, my name is Melissa Jazmin Silva. I am a 24-year-old, Mexican-American, born in Houston Texas. I’m bilingual, and fluent in both Spanish and English. I am truly blessed to be here to share my story with you all. I had a tough upbringing growing up, but I know it has shaped who I am today. I didn’t grow up with good role models and had to mature fast. I learned a lot about who I never wanted to be, and why I deserved better. While living in a domestic violence household, as a child, I was molested. Vulnerability comes with being able to remind others of the importance of being kind, as we don’t know what life other people have lived. I consider myself a woman who is both so caring and thoughtful of others. I admire the strength and hope I have for better days when faced with hardships. I love being ambitious and goal-driven. I do my best to use my voice to express why what I love and care about matters. I am the proud wife of Fermin Flores, who I married when I was just 18 years old, after dating for 8 months. We are going on 7 years together and 6 years married in 2022. I am the mother of two handsome boys, Sebastian a 3-year-old, and Alexander my 4-month-old. My marriage and the family we have is my priority. We may or not be done growing our beautiful family. I focus on breaking the generational curses of my childhood and every day alongside my husband who is my biggest supporter, work hard to give my children a better life. I graduated from Channelview High School and San Jacinto College. In December of 2019, I received an associate’s in General Studies. As of right now, I plan to continue my education to pursue a teaching degree. Teaching feels like the ideal thing for me, as my love for children grows every day. Perhaps, the decision in regards to my career path can change, because of how passionate I am about a lot of different things. I am best known as the stay-at-home mom who shares a lot of moments in her life on Instagram as the THEFLORESMAMA. When I can I also am there as a photographer to others in the Houston community and surrounding areas. I hope to say I have a successful photography business one day. The way I capture and express my emotions when talking about a certain day in my life is what has made me stand out as a content creator in Houston Texas. I love connecting with other people, which is why I can say I have more friends than family in my everyday. A huge focus of my content is my lifestyle and motherhood journey. I get to share my experiences as a wife and mother. Most importantly I am able to relate with others. My goal is never perfection, so when I post, I don’t only share my happiest moments. Life is not easy and I do go through hard times even now as an adult. I also love sharing stories on Instagram, as I am able to do questioners and communicate publically or privately with others. My top connections with others go beyond Texas; like California, New York, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and so on. It is so fun to get others excited to be in or come visit Houston Texas. For the past 3 years, I have worked with multiple brands, and even am part of the Amazon Influencer Program. I am now able to make an income at home and receive gifts, just by uploading bits of my everyday life. I enjoy making long-term friendships with parents and even hosting events for our children to play together. I also can’t forget to mention that having a social media platform, allows me to stand on the importance of certain matters and even support others. I love thrifting (buying second-hand) and supporting small businesses the most. I genuinely love being able to do this. All in all, I do not plan to stop, and I plan to grow. I want to continue growing as an individual, wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. I hope you remember me as the friend from Houston Texas; who listened, cared for you, and did root for you too. I wouldn’t be here without the immense love and support I get. I will always give back when I can. I never expected Instagram to be this platform for me, but I am very grateful.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Being a content creator, as a wife and mother, does come with its obstacles and challenges. It’s very time-consuming, so I must know how to multitask and prioritize. I have to follow a schedule, to not overwhelmed myself. When working with companies, I sign contracts, in which I have to agree on how and when to deliver the content. My family being my priority means that my content creator schedule can not interfere with my family time. The challenge here is that even following a schedule there is no guarantee not missing out on being present in certain moments. Also, the Instagram algorithm will make many companies not notice me, and I must reach out when they don’t. Growth and recognition can take days, weeks, months, and even years. There’s a lot that goes behind the scenes, like the amount of time it takes to get the photographs, the editing, emails, and delivery. Patience and commitment are fundamental. I also only work with companies or am part of causes that I genuinely use, love, or respect. Lastly, I understand that not everyone will love what I post. I do my best to remain true to who I am. Social media can be a powerful platform when we know how to use it to impact and not impress.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a content creator to some and an Instagram mom influencer to others. Creativity and being genuine gets you to many places. I hope to be best know as a kind, caring, and respectful woman. Always a helping hand or there to listen. During my content creator journey, my family grew, and we’ve experienced living in different parts of Houston Texas. It’s incredible how diverse and big Houston can be, even when you were born here. I still have so much to explore and share. This is also just the beginning, as 2022 has opened so many doors for me, Instagram won’t be the only one hearing from me soon. I am very grateful to be able to make an income, make friends all around the world, and love what I do.
What was your favorite childhood memory?
My childhood was very traumatizing, so it is hard to remember it clearly, although I did learn a lot from it. I will say that the closest it could get for me to refer back to it as a favorite would be when I was a student in school. I believe knowing I felt safe when attending school in comparison to being at home explains why I have had a love for education since being young. I love and miss making friends at school, the field day, school dances, after-school activities and clubs I was in, and playing sports. With this in mind, as a mother now, I have the opportunity to be a better parent to my children. It’s important to break generational curses. We have to be better for our children. It’s so beautiful being able to heal through them. Motherhood or parenthood is not easy, but it is a role I never want to let go of. There is so much to learn through parenting each day. I love getting the opportunity to raise good humans.
Contact Info:
- Email: melissajsilva3@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/thefloresmama?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0dOR9RXijOBctYlh2Npb8g
Image Credits
Ashley Arden Photography
Everlasting Photography
Reagan Kappel Photography
Tayler Alexander Photography
Capture Your Heart Photography