Today we’d like to introduce you to Bri Babie.
Hi Bri, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers.
I’m going to be honest. I kinda always had a big following on Instagram before I started my influencer journey. I had about 9k followers in high school, and it just kinda stayed that way until I started taking my pictures more seriously. As my Instagram started to progress, different brands/ companies would reach out to me for paid and gifted collaborations. It first started off small, but now I’m working with brands like Shein, Shop Kollyy, Ed Hardy, and more.
TikTok also played a part in my influencer journey as well. Yes, TikTok! When TikTok first came out, it was super popular and quite easy to go viral. I would do skits on there and instantly go viral within minutes of me uploading. Later on, Instagram decided to do paid reels, and I just transferred videos from one app to another. Although TikTok was cool, posting reels on Instagram definitely opened up the doors for me to meet other influencers in Houston and collaborate with them. As my Instagram started to grow, that’s where I started to put my main focus at.
I also found out that I have really pretty and unique feet from Instagram. Might sound off-topic, but this was my peaking point of it all. I started to notice that pictures with my feet gained lots of attraction. Don’t get me wrong, I have pictures that still went viral without showing my feet but showing them definitely helped me to reach 100k on Instagram. With that being said, I decided to make a business called P.T.O. (Pretty Toes Only), selling slides and foot accessories.
Due to me already being an influencer and sponsoring other companies’ products, it was just natural for me to market my own products as well.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
No, my influencer journey has been full of ups and downs, but that’s the beauty in it. Nothing that is really worth having is easy to get. Otherwise, everybody would be an influencer. It takes a lot of dedication, determination, and self-discipline to be an influencer. Most people quit when things don’t hit/ go viral or when they don’t receive the response that they were expecting. The worst thing you can do is give up because you never know if the next pic/ video could very much hit.
Also, do not be scared to put yourself out there or broadcast your talent to the world. Most people think about the negative outcomes way more than the positive, which tends to hold people back. Be unapologetically you and do what makes you happy! You never know; you could be the one holding yourself back from a totally different lifestyle.
As you know, we’re big fans of P.T.O. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about the brand?
I have a small business called P.T.O. Pretty Toes Only, where it’s a one-stop shop for foot accessories, including slides, toe rings, ankle bracelets, and more. I started my business about 3-4 months ago due to people having a high interest in my feet via Instagram. Instead of me just selling feet pictures and videos, I thought it would be even smarter to have an actual business behind it that way, I can cater to both female and male population.
Creating my own business was literally one of the best decisions I’ve made as an influencer. Although, at times, owning/ running my own business can get overwhelming, it’s all worth it when you have customers who love and support your products.
What do you think about happiness?
What makes me happy is me progressing and accomplishing my goals in life. Probably sounds vague, but as an influencer, your main goal is to keep pushing for better/greater things in life and influence others so that they can do the same. I set goals, and I try to achieve them the best way I know how, and honestly, that’s what helps me to keep going and keep wanting more for myself.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.prettytoesonly.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_prettytoesonly/
- Youtube: Youtube.com/bribabie