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Exploring Life & Business with Cassandra Love Lambert of C-Love

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cassandra Love Lambert

Cassandra Love , we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Yes, I can. I feel like my entire life journey has been guiding me towards this destiny of helping others heal and move forward in their lives, especially from deep wounds and abuse. From as young as two, I faced tremendous challenges. I was taken from my mom and placed in foster care, never seeing my baby sister from that family again. Between the ages of five and eight, I suffered abuse. My mother was emotionally immature, avoidant, and exhibited narcissistic behaviors, while my stepdad had a short temper and would yell, cuss, and name-call. These early experiences shaped my patterns of being in troubled relationships as I got older. I always seemed to end up with the worst men and in bad situations, feeling like I was cursed and couldn’t escape. But these hardships ultimately led me to my calling of helping others transform their pain into power.

My teenage years were tough and very confusing. It felt like my mom was competing with me for male attention, regardless of their age or relationship status. My first real boyfriend cheated on me, and from there, I continually found myself in relationships with manipulative, cheating, and abusive men. Life felt like a never-ending hell I couldn’t seem to escape, which caused me to dance with the idea of death and suicide at times. However, I never felt brave enough to go through with it, so I would cut myself or punch myself instead. Things with my mom were always hot and cold. I never felt her genuine support, especially when I questioned her. She had to be right, and challenging her would lead to all hell breaking loose. I even looked into divorcing my mom and being emancipated in high school, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to make that happen. I learned how to survive things at home that no one should have to worry about growing up. This set me up for abusive relationships and a career path misaligned with my soul and purpose.

I didn’t discover until my 30s, after having my daughter, that I had C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Instead, I grew up feeling like something was inherently wrong with me, like I was worthless and damaged goods. This realization helped me release some of the shame I had been experiencing. After giving birth to my daughter, I experienced postpartum depression. It was like all the healing I had done before having a daughter barely scratched the surface. I struggled to connect with my baby and then beat myself up for it. It didn’t help that my mom would criticize me for what I was going through and showed no compassion or care. Anything to make me feel worse about myself seemed to make her feel good about herself.

Feeling this pressure from my mom and having my daughter caused me to have a dark night of the soul. I turned towards a ‘higher power,’ one that I had a lot of anger toward due to all the traumatic, awful things I had been through in my life at such a young age. As I kept taking steps toward a higher power and repairing this relationship and connection, I was guided to somatic work. The first modality I encountered was Clinical EFT Tapping. A friend of mine was working toward her certification and asked if I would be a practice client for her. I said yes, and while in session, I got this intuitive pull that I needed to pursue this path. I had learned to listen to these intuitive pulls; I had the same pull when starting my C-Love makeup and face and body art business while pregnant, and it had grown into a thriving business.

Creating my art-based business while pregnant was fun and fulfilling. Yet, when listening to people’s stories as they sat in my chair, I realized I wanted to help them more deeply than just adding sparkles to their faces and temporary joy to their lives. The pandemic and all of my life experiences guided me toward becoming a somatic practitioner. Through all the hardships, I found my calling. Using my experiences to help others transform their pain into power, enabling them to heal and move forward in their lives. As I noticed certain beliefs no longer controlling my life, emotions no longer in charge, and patterns not repeating, I had to follow this path of helping others achieve similar transformations.

Clinical EFT led me to Somatic Attachment Therapy and then to Brainspotting. This trifecta of modalities formed the foundation of my Pain into Power Process and program, where I guide predominantly women through a five-stage somatic process, transforming their inner pain into their superpower. We start by regulating their nervous system and emotions and empowering them in their lives.

They learn tools for inner resourcing to respond rather than react to life. They discover how to set boundaries and communicate effectively, which are key components of self-love. We explore why positive affirmations alone don’t create deep transformations and use EFT to get to the roots of symptoms to create lasting change and psychological shifts. Throughout this process, we work one-on-one to address the intensity of memories that have shaped their self and worldview, facilitating deep cognitive shifts and belief shifting from disempowering to empowering.

I love helping my clients fully feel their feelings so they show up authentically. I support them in becoming fully functioning, emotionally healthy adults who validate themselves, have a strong sense of who they are, and communicate their needs effectively. I currently give weekly talks on Share Well Now about regulating the nervous system to support those who cannot afford my program or services. I also volunteer in a Facebook group, “Healing from Sexual Abuse – Beyond Surviving,” for people recovering from sexual abuse. Additionally, I facilitate 90-minute experiential virtual boot camps every other month with another trauma-trained professional, Rachel Grant. We are creating a community we call Thrive Tribe and helping others “live their best damn life.” We share tools, resources, and trainings that have helped us move from survival mode to thriving in our own lives.

When I was struggling in the dark, trying to understand how to heal or what was ‘wrong’ with me, I kept searching for someone who ‘got’ me. I never found her. As I journeyed through my own healing process, I realized that I became the person I was looking for, so that I could be that person for others. The healing journey can sometimes be confusing and feel defeating because it’s not a one-size-fits-all path. We are all unique; what we go through and how it impacts us is also unique. What works for one person may not work for another. Sometimes, you move forward only to take a few steps back again. Progress isn’t linear, and working with someone you feel understood and safe with is crucial.

I tend to work with women and men who have experienced sexual abuse or trauma, had emotionally immature or narcissistic parents, developed PTSD or C-PTSD tendencies, and ended up in multiple abusive relationships. They want to break these patterns and feel worthy and free to be their true selves. I’m most proud of the work I’ve done on myself and continue to do, as I now see the fruits of decades of investment. I’m proud of my relentless commitment to creating a better life for myself and my daughter and helping others do the same. I’m proud that I am writing my book, being raw and vulnerable, and no longer hiding. I did the work to get to this moment, and I am honored to be able to help others in this deep, meaningful way.

My first memoir book, “Into the Light: Becoming My Own Hero,” is coming out this October. This book delves deeper into my life journey, trials, and tribulations, and I am excited to announce that it is on pre-sale now ( I intend to plant seeds of hope in those who feel like they are living on repeat in crisis mode and sometimes want to give up. I hope my story shines a bright light of hope to those still living in the dark and provides a roadmap out. It is the survival guide I wish I had had on my own healing journey.

I’ll also be featured in the 100 Voices of Women Docuseries on FENX TV next year through She Rises Studios and in their anthology book. Additionally, I’ve been selected as a speaker, one of 50, for the Women’s Thrive Summit of 2025. You can follow along with all of these projects via my Instagram.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It hasn’t been a smooth road, but it’s been perfectly orchestrated. Starting over as a single mom and building my C-Love art-based business was incredibly challenging. The nightlife and events scene often involved unfair treatment, and I faced obstacles like being blocked from events or having my booth prices controlled. These challenges made me work harder, get creative, and expand beyond my initial circle.

Navigating life with a difficult parent who also helped with my daughter as the childcare support added additional stress, keeping me in a constant state of anxiety. After building my business to six figures over 10 years, the Pandemic caused it to dry up within 24 hours. I pivoted quickly, transitioning from makeup and art to helping people through Clinical EFT. With the help of a business coach, I developed my 5-stage Trauma-Informed Somatic Pain into Power Process, which continues to help people today.

A year and a half ago, I faced burnout and loneliness as a solo entrepreneur, but finding supportive communities helped me climb out of that dip. I’ve learned the importance of flexibility, seeking support, and surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Business and entrepreneurship require resilience and adaptability, and being part of a supportive community is crucial. Additionally, having a daily routine that supports my mind, body, soul, and nervous system is priceless, as it allows me to be more resilient in the face of obstacles.

As you know, we’re big fans of C-Love. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
I am in the business of breathing life back into people and setting their souls on fire. I help clients fully feel their emotions, especially the challenging ones, increasing their capacity to handle difficult moments. This allows them to maintain their center and choose from alignment rather than trauma responses or past programming. I aim to help them feel alive and safe, providing a supportive environment for them to show up as their authentic selves.

The Pain into Power Process is a trauma-informed, somatic-based program that includes Clinical EFT Tapping, Brainspotting, and Somatic Attachment Therapy. It addresses unprocessed trauma, both childhood and adult, helping individuals bring balance to their systems so they can make more conscious choices.

What distinguishes me is my unwavering commitment to my own continuous growth and my profound care for my clients. Clients are not just clients, they become part of my family, and I am deeply invested in their growth and healing. I am honored to be part of their transformation journey, and I hope to inspire them to embark on their own paths of personal growth.

Brand-wise, I am most proud of spreading love through all my endeavors. Whether through my art-based business or healing work, my mission remains to touch lives with love. I am also proud of my upcoming book, “Into the Light: Becoming My Own Hero,” which represents my journey of standing fully in my truth and sharing my story with the world.
C-Love still has an art department for special events, but our main focus is somatic healing and transformation. I offer custom one-on-one sessions through the Pain into Power Process and am part of Thrive Tribe, where we run group boot camps and workshops. I also give weekly talks on Share Well Now about regulating and healing the nervous system.

Do you any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood experience was all the creative ways I found to earn money for things my parents didn’t want to buy for me. I’d sell my holiday candy from Easter or Halloween, crush cans, and do chores.

My favorite memory was the time I created something out of nothing at my mom’s work. She worked at a huge office in Millbrae with cubicles. Usually, I had to wait for her in the lobby, but this time was different and felt more special. She took me upstairs and let me sit inside one of the cubicles. Inspired by my surroundings, I got the bright idea to draw pictures of things I liked, photocopy them, and staple them together to make little booklets I called coloring books. I was so excited with the final product that I sold a few in the neighborhood that weekend for 50 cents each. Even as a child, I was creative and had an entrepreneurial spirit. Reflecting on this memory always makes me giggle, smile, and remember that all things are possible.

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