Today we’d like to introduce you to Chanelle Coleman.
Chanelle, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
So how did I get here? I ask myself and reflect on that often.
Like most women, I have worn many hats throughout my life and career. I am a mother, daughter, sister, and friend, as well as an owner, entrepreneur, mentor, mentee, and business partner. I hold a degree in Biblical Studies as well as a degree in Organizational Leadership, and I work across several industries that include IT, non-profit, and entertainment. I have learned through the years to walk through doors as they open and be grateful for the doors that close.
I would be a fool to believe that I made it to where I am today alone. In addition to having drive and walking in my purpose, I have also been fortunate enough to have had mentors, a diverse network, and many people that have been gracious enough to give me an opportunity to use my gifts, talents, and skills to partner with them on various projects and within their organizations.
So, how did I get to where I am today? It has been living out my purpose, consistency, grace, favor, and community.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I would not say it has been a smooth road, but I would say it has been a consistent road. I can recall many times in my life when I was overlooked for a position that I was more qualified for and had to go a longer way around; I can recall times when as a single mother, I had to opt out of opportunities to prioritize the needs of my children; I can recall times when my finances were not where I would have liked them to be even-though I was working several jobs and held many contracts; I can even recall times where I felt like I was not accomplishing things fast enough so I would find myself discrediting the efforts and progress that I was clearly making.
I, of course, do not think that any path or walk of life is without its challenges, but with each year, I am now able to see how the dots of past obstacles are connected. I think of the rougher seasons my life as things that “had to happen”. Challenges tend to grow us, develop us and stretch us for the good, if we allow them to. So for all that has taken place in my life, it had to happen and was for my good.
I learned long ago not to despise humble beginnings, so I have been grateful for every speed bump that may have slowed me down but did not stop me.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about you as a businesswoman?
I am an operations enthusiast and business leader with 15+ years of experience across multiple roles and in a variety of industries, including consulting, entertainment, IT, and non-profit. I have spent many years developing an extensive background in organizational effectiveness while collaborating with executive boards and leading teams. I absolutely love to build and serve, rather being an employee, a consultant, or in a partnership. I will always seek to find ways to inspire, train, develop, teach, and, most importantly, learn. In addition to my work in operations and speaking, I am also gearing up for my candle business re-launch in March of 2024. (
As an owner, operations manager, entrepreneur, speaker, and business strategist, I strive to build long-term partnerships and lead with wisdom, humility, and efficiency in all that I do.
Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
I am fortunate to have so many supporters. I could go down a long list of names from professors that have taken time to mentor, teach, train, and develop me. From CEOs who have allowed me to both partner and shadow them while learning from their mistakes. From clients, partnerships, and teammates that gave me an opportunity to model the way for them while consistently supporting my ventures with purchases and partnerships. Many of these people and organizations have encouraged and inspired me to act in ways that professionally and personally pushed me to new heights.
With all of those wonderful people that have been a part of my journey, I give the most credit to my family. I can say with complete confidence that the foundation that was laid by my grandparents has been so instrumental to the woman that I am and the success in life that I have today. Because of all that they instilled in their children from our faith, serving our communities, how to run a business and being confident in who we are, I am able to hold my head up high in all circumstances and situations and win. Rather it be prayer from my grandmother, fashion and creative advice from my mother, my uncle taking the time to work on business plans with me and listen to my ever-growing vision, my siblings sending an encouraging word and signing me up for personal and business adventures simply because they believe in me, my children telling me regularly how thankful they are for me or my beau telling me daily how proud he is of me and all that is to come… those are my mentors. Those are my supporters. These are the people that I can count on to contribute to my success regularly.
Contact Info:
- Website: https:// - Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.
February 7, 2024 at 8:55 am
I’m so proud of you, Nelly
So proud to say, she belongs to me
That’s my girl my girl my girl 🎼
Xavier Castellano
February 7, 2024 at 9:49 am
This is a brilliant article, and Chanelle shines without boasting. She clearly has a strong family foundation, and tons of passion for her work. I am heading over to purchase a candle and see what the company is all about…and if I like it, I am definitely going to be a life-long customer! I feel like this article gave me a clear sense of her vision and her joy for her work jumps off the page.