Today we’d like to introduce you to Rae Amarullah
Rae, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I’m Rae. I am a supply chain professional & consultant; and also the proud owner & lead designer of a social enterprise.
My early childhood was in Indonesia in a big city – Jakarta. But I really grew up in Houston.
I moved to Houston when I was 11 – graduated from Humble High. I was what was known as a dork or nerd; what might now proudly be labeled a geek.
I moved back to Indonesia & although I was quite focused on working in job titles, my style & spirit remained very self-deterministic and entrepreneurial.
From a very young age, and throughout my youth, I always loved designing and making my own clothes and accessories. However, this is just a foreshadowing of the story to come full circle.
It’s surprising a little bit to see where I am today as Bali was so close and so open and empty back then; I really could picture myself just being a beach bum.
However, I moved back to Houston to complete university. I was a very ambitious student getting a business degree so I was thinking about career, but I still remained open to opportunity and change & chances to connect & give to the community.
After finishing both my undergrad in finance and my MBA and MS in Accountancy in Houston at University of Houston and University of St. Thomas, I fully entered the corporate space. It was a tough start in banking at a small local bank in Houston with Texan colleagues… big guys with cowboy boots and the whole charisma thing…and then a little Asian girl haha.
This is the genesis of my business name I’ve used ever since. It’s a funny story, at least for me!
I was working as a loan officer and had to talk over the phone with customers. Here’s the kicker- my first name is Yayuk. Yes. But the “k” is kinda silent. Well, I was getting called everything from Yahoo to Yoyo, so I knew I needed to pick a simple, 1-syllable name. I wanted to use the first letter of my middle name, an R. So I started going through names and realized an opportunity. Ray was at the time a name more associated with men. However, it was a good nickname for all. Remember that this was the 90s. So I went with the spelling Rae. Keep in mind the progress women have experienced. So at the time, people would call in and ask for Ray. I would say this is Rae. They would say, no I need to speak to your boss Ray. I would say this IS Rae, and I’ll be approving your loan. Haha. Put them back on their heels; a bit of a negotiation strategy ever since.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
So. The career path I can concisely package, however the stories around it are worth exploring. I went from banking to accounting for IS; then moved to Austin to work for a computer manufacturer from roles in finance, then IT, then L&D, extracurricular as Diversity Board Member. Then after 5 years; a huge decision.
After buying a house and making Austin home, with family only a short drive to Houston; I asked my husband if he wanted to see the world. With an emphatic yes, I took a risk and accepted a role within the same organization to head-up a call center in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 9 months of winter meant a new wardrobe. clothes. lots of clothes.
And of course the huge challenge of directly managing 200 people and a call center of over 2000. However, the bigger challenge & unbelievably important & significant learning experience about human behavior & hardship. The 2008 financial crisis hit, and the decision was made to close call centers in high cost areas. I had to close and fully shut down the call center I’d been tasked to oversee. A considerable task of balancing empathy, professionalism with the hard realities of business decisions. I learned a lot of poise and equanimity; its a must quick learned skill when dealing with phones being thrown at me and even death threats.
Then another big risk taking opportunity that has changed our lives so much and allowed our small business to be born.
I got an opportunity with the same organization to move literally to the other side of the world, Singapore.
Yes, I did stay with the same tech company for 15 years. I’m not sure how prevalent that experience might be for employees of the future.
I had made a home in Singapore; however I will always remain a Houstonian & Texan at heart with many trips back to enjoy family on both sides of the marriage. I also have family in Indonesia.
While working for the past 16 years in Singapore in supply chain, this proximity allowed me to reconnect with communities in SE Asia. That’s how we met our impact communities, our artisans and our beneficiaries & stakeholders.
As you know, we’re big fans of Purnama Outreach. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
So let me talk about our social enterprise Purnama Outreach.
Having always been connected to community in Houston & on my journey; whether through corporate initiatives or privately; I wanted to find a way to expand that connection. Since we had the opportunity to receive a good education in Houston, we wanted to focus on education outreach. Here we had a very interesting business decision to make. Naturally a non-profit organizational structure made sense. However, while traveling in SE Asia, we enjoyed the local artisanal craftsmanship that was a big part of the communities we wanted to connect with & impact. It just felt right coming from my background & personal experience & entrepreneurial spirit to bring work & income to these communities rather than only charitable endeavors.
This decision to create products & services in a for-profit business gave me a real inspirational boost to return to my love of design. So we bring to a global market handmade accessories using locally sourced materials & talent; enriching our impact communities in Central Java in Indonesia. We also work with our Womens Skill Development Program in the mountain villages of Nepal to bring to the world beautiful hand-woven pieces. It is just personally satisfying to support our charitable outreach programs through pledges made from revenue in a social enterprise business model.
So as a business pledging commitment to practices such as fair wages and responsible sourcing, the challenge is to create value so customers & partners & clients choose to express their beliefs & values in the face of cheap and convenient practices which push a culture of disposable goods.
Any big plans?
We are very proud of Purnama’s brand & accomplishments.
We are in the process of continuing our connection to our home town of Houston, working with local student groups & youth groups connected with UN initiatives. And extending our entrepreneurial spirit, we are working on partnerships in Houston, Austin, among others to expand on our consulting services.
In the future, we are very excited to work with our project in Jakarta to facilitate L&D and new international business & investment into Indonesia.
Well, through all the hard work & challenges; I am still an aspiring beach bum, and I try to play one as often as possible. I really believe always taking time to connect with nature, and travel as much as your able brings great experience and benefits that will enrich not just your life; but your work or even your brand.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://shoppurnama.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purnama.outreach/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purnama.outreach/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6nF-p2n6veAS9ZqfOMhPKQ