Today we’d like to introduce you to Danielle Jenkins.
Hi Danielle, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
You know those times when the teacher asks you, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” The therapist was never one of my responses. I stumbled on this profession by luck and became fascinated by the brain, why people behave the way they do, and how does one change. I decided to get my undergraduate degree in psychology from Howard University to learn more about the brain. At this point, I was now in it and committed to obtaining a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Houston. I found my niche in working with trauma during my second-year field placement. I was an intern for a residential facility for adolescents called The Center for Success and Independence. As an intern, your caseload primarily consists of adolescents in the juvenile justice system and I fell in love with them. A common theme I noticed in all of their stories was attachment ruptures and trauma. I dove into the trauma world and became trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). To develop my skill set further, I decided to go work at an agency centered around trauma, The Children’s Assessment Center. During my time there, I became certified in EMDR and a consultant in training. I have now ventured out into the world of private practice to assist others in the community on their healing journey. The name Grounded Within came to me one day as I was talking with a friend. I was venting to him about how hard it was to come up with a solid name that had the meaning of comfort, safety, balance, and healing. My good friend, who is a creative genius by the way, immediately was like hmmm… Grounded Within and I fell in love! Grounded Within is my new little baby and I’m so thrilled to share her with the world. It seems like life has been a whirlwind of events but I am excited about where my journey leads me.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Creating Grounded Within was not a smooth road. It was more like a rollercoaster with scary drops and tunnels but always showing light at the end. Honestly, I think the biggest struggles have been internal ones. Feeling like an imposter or not believing in myself were my biggest demons. It took a lot of positive affirmations, outside support, and faith to jump out into the entrepreneur world. I still sometimes battle with insecurities and fear but I’ve been doing better about noticing them, acknowledging that they are present, and moving forward.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
Grounded Within is a private practice therapy that’s mission is to assist in the healing journey of clients. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervisor specializing in working with trauma, PTSD, depression, suicide/self-harm, anxiety, and self-esteem. I am a consultant in training and certified in EMDR as well as trained in DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy).
I created Grounded Within to be a therapy office that focuses on restoring connection and healing attachment wounds from long ago. I think my attention to empowering clients and emphasis on the therapy relationship assist my clients in trusting the process of therapy even when they want to give up.
Grounded Within welcomes all types of people from diverse backgrounds. I offer individual therapy, family therapy, LMSW clinical supervision hours, as well as EMDR consultation for therapists that are interested in becoming certified.
What matters most to you?
Connection is what matters the most for me. I always tell my clients if they don’t have a connection with their therapist they will be less likely to trust them and become vulnerable and more likely to filter or hide emotions. Connection is the basis of any relationship whether it be professional or personal. Connection is what usually is destroyed in trauma especially when the trauma revolves around a trusted figure. It’s funny because trust and connection is usually the first thing to go when trauma occurs. It starts interfering with relationships and people’s ability to see the world as a safe place. However, that same phenomenon of trust and connection is the first building block needed to begin healing work in therapy. That’s why it is so important.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.groundedwithintherapy.com
- Instagram: @groundedwithintherapy