Today we’d like to introduce you to Michelle Guerra.
Hi Michelle, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I grew up when personal computers were first introduced or (as we know it) really started to take off. I loved learning everything I could about it as a child and a teenager but I didn’t know how to turn that love into a career.
After high school, I attended a 2-year technical school and received multiple certifications which allowed me to start contract work in technical jobs. I considered this a great opportunity to learn how technology was being incorporated into different businesses. Because this was a male-dominated industry at the time, I always felt I had to work harder to prove my knowledge and expertise in all of my work.
By the year 2000, I was hired by one of the largest Fortune 500 software acquisition companies. It was my dream job!! I spent hours listening to the customers’ issues and working with the developers to solve problems that the software was causing. I learned I had a knack for bridging the communication gap between the two groups. But I also learned that working within corporate America made me feel underappreciated and less rewarded for the work I produced.
At the end of 2015, I left the stability of my corporate career and decided to become an entrepreneur. I could finally put all my effort into helping individuals and small business owners better understand today’s technology – and take full advantage of their investment.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
At the time I started my career, it was a male-dominated industry. I always felt I had to work a lot harder and prove my knowledge and expertise in all of my work.
Working within corporate America was great at first since it gave me access to lots of experts in the industry and resources to build my skills and knowledge. The only downfall was working for bad managers which ultimately became my reason for leaving.
When I started my business, one of my biggest struggles was identifying WHAT I wanted to offer and WHO I wanted to serve. With lots of trial and error, knowing that I had all kinds of talent, I figured out my niche and the audience in which I wanted to serve.
As you know, we’re big fans of Michelle Guerra. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
I’m a Business Operations Designer with the Heart of a Teacher. I help service-based businesses streamline their workflows and build scalable systems through the use of technology.
Soloists businesses are familiar with the requirements of building and having operational business systems to run their business. Most start out on a shoestring budget, where they have limited time and money to invest in building these kinds of systems. They have read every blog article, read a small mountain of business books, and watched all the YouTube videos — but they can’t even imagine where to begin or what’s right for their business!
My clients come to me when they are tired of spinning their wheels and never making any traction with day-to-day tasks. They are already working long hours each day, feeling as though they can never get ahead. Facing the same problems over and over again, they know they need to make a change but are paralyzed by uncertainty.
I offer several coaching options that help Soloists:
– Select and use the right solution for their specific business need
– Secure and organize their information
– and Build back-office operational systems that provide the best customer experience for their clients
What makes you happy?
Seeing that lightbulb or ‘ah ha’ moment in my client’s face makes me happy!
Teaching my knowledge and expertise that I gain from my own life and work experiences and seeing the impact that has on others makes me want to do more.
Contact Info:
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