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Inspiring Conversations with Matt Miranda of Red Cardinal Digital Marketing

Today we’d like to introduce you to Matt Miranda.

Matt, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Hi, my name is Matt, and on March 4, 2021, I celebrated five years of sobriety. In 2015, I was working at a company and started dating my boss (It never works out. Don’t do it!). It was fun and everything was great… until it wasn’t. We would be working 100-hour weeks and drinking the same number of drinks.

At first, I loved it. I loved being able to drink in the office and do my work. Eventually, it started getting to every day and even to the point of making roadies on the way to work at 8 am every day. I tried so many times to get out and move on with my life, but I eventually came back, and it was a horrible cycle that I couldn’t get out of no matter what. Everything revolved around control and she had me nailed. I had no degree, was making good money, and was terrified to lose it all. This is when God comes in.

Eventually, we went to NYC for my birthday in 2016, and for some reason, we went to St. Patrick’s Cathedral. We went over the left side, where you would light a prayer candle and say your prayer. As she was standing right next to me, I closed my eyes and prayed…

“God, get me out of this relationship safely.” (I joke about it now that I don’t think he heard the “safely” part, but have come to see it was the only way).

I will spare you the details, but I found myself doing things I regret and I am not proud of. Less than a month later, I am in a parking lot thinking I am going to meet someone to turn in my business equipment (Credit card, keys, and computer). This time it was over for good. There was no way we could continue the tumultuous relationship. I had a gut feeling that something was off. Something had me spooked, and I drove around the parking lot to see if I could find anything. I actually left and thought I should do the right thing and came back.

I end up parking in a spot and I get a call from my mother saying that all of my clothes and everything I had was being dropped off by a courier at her house right now. I told her just to leave it and I will be back in a little. I hang up the phone and look up. I see an SUV with blacked-out windows reversing extremely fast in front of me, trying to block me in, and I think I am about to get robbed. I throw it in drive and try to get out and not get robbed.

I didn’t make it far, and I am surrounded by 15 U.S. Marshals with weapons drawn… ripping me out of my car and arresting me. Talk about incomprehensible demoralization. I easily could have been shot and killed at that moment. An estimated 15-25 million people struggle with an alcohol use disorder in the United States, but less than 10% of them receive treatment. I was part of that 10%. It’s also estimated that 95,000 people die each year from excessive alcohol.

If I had not found God, then I would have been a part of that statistic as well. I would not be typing this right now. Those first 21 days from 3/4/16… I lost 21lbs. I lost a pound a day for three weeks. I should have gone to treatment, but no one knew who to turn to. This is why I started my digital marketing company in the hopes that no one has to go through the same thing I went through and that they can ethically get into treatment.

That is why it’s so vital for me to get treatment centers in front of the people that need help. That is why I am so passionate about what I do and serving others. It’s not about the money or any of that stuff. It’s about the new guy… the guys struggling with alcoholism and addiction. I was facing felony charges and the near-certainty of serving 2-10 years in prison. I couldn’t stand the thought of having to live with that the rest of my life, and I was fully prepared to crash my car into the barriers on an exit ramp.

I had nothing. I lost my job. My girlfriend. And was facing prison time. Rock. Bottom. But God spoke to me and told me to keep going and to trust him. Obviously, he knew my intentions and for whatever reason, showed me mercy when I certainly didn’t deserve it. Getting arrested was the best thing to ever happen to me. God brought me to my knees (or in this case, my stomach with my hands behind my back) and forced me to surrender.

It was at that exact moment that I looked up to the sky said to myself, “something has to change.” I was willing. When I meet my maker… I will be able to keep my head up high, knowing that I made a huge mistake doing what I did, but that I did every single thing in my power to become a better person. I left no stone unturned. I took full accountability for my actions from day one. Throughout my time going through the courts, I prayed to God to give me a chance every night for the first five months. A chance where I could fall to my knees, throw my hands up in the air, and say, “I did it! I freaking did it!”

I will never forget the day walking out of court, knowing this day would come and I was eventually going to get there. I remember driving home down Memorial blasting “When the lights come on” by Jason Aldean. I was crying my eyes out because I knew I got a 2nd chance at life and that one day… one day… my moment would come. And it has. Multiple times. All of the promises have come true.

Sobriety has given me the gift of finishing my degree with a 3.8. I had something like a 2.8 coming out of high school. I would never have been able to walk across that stage at ASU if I didn’t get sober. Zero chance. It also helped me to go on to start a successful marketing agency helping treatment centers ethically grow their business. To build a team and to serve others around a cause that I am so passionate about. To have an impact on this world in a positive way.

Have the last five years been easy or perfect? Far from it. It has been difficult and messy, but it has also brought me closer to God. The crazy thing about all of this… I wouldn’t change a single thing about my story and am beyond grateful for God showing me mercy and gracing me with an AMAZING life. God was doing for me what I couldn’t do myself. If you don’t believe just how powerful recovery is and how good God is… I hope my story has changed your perspective.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
It has not been an easy road. I went through a lot of challenges to get where I am currently. However, I wouldn’t change a single thing about my journey. Everything I endured is exactly what I needed and took strength from.

The reason why I start the company is because of my struggle and not getting into treatment. I lost 21 pounds in those first 21 days that I was sober. One pound a day for three weeks. My goal is to make sure no one has to go through the same thing I went through. There is quality help out there.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Red Cardinal Digital Marketing?
Red Cardinal Digital Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in the substance abuse treatment industry. The company was founded from a need to educate more individuals that there is help out there and you don’t have to suffer. We help our clients grow their businesses and reach more of those still suffering from alcohol and addiction. Many clients come to us for help with Search Engine Optimization, Facebooks Ads, Google Ads, and Web Design.

What sets us apart is that we are fully transparent about what we do. We are more than willing to turn away clients and refer them to another business that may be a better fit for them. We take pride in our ability to help clients but know it might not be the right fit.

What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
Keep going no matter what. Life never gets easier. You just learn how to gain strength through the struggles. It’s important to give back and help those behind you.

Contact Info:

Image Credits: for the pictures of me in the polo shirt

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