Today we’d like to introduce you to Belema-Ruth Gillis-Harry.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Growing up, I’ve always known I was called to be a leader but never knew in what aspect of life. Starting last year, March, I finally put action to a pull, I had been feeling for months and that was to start a women’s bible study. I started and it was the most discouraging thing ever. I had people who weren’t as serious as I was about it which is no surprise. No one will ever care as much or put as much effort into something the way you would because they don’t have the passion for it as you do. I decided to take a break over the summer and take time to figure out how I would go about this because I wasn’t ready to give up.
As soon as I thought it was all gonna start rolling, I hit rock bottom within my personal life. Between trying to deal with life’s obstacles and loved ones moving out of town, I was ready to throw the towel in. I felt unequipped and highly discouraged and decided I was done. On a Sunday afternoon, I got a call and almost rejected it because it was an unknown number but something told me to answer and I am so glad I picked up. A girl named Zania called me because she saw my bible study posted on my church’s website (Hope city!) as a connect group and wanted to share her journey with God with me and how she felt a connection as soon as she saw this group and she just spoke life into me. We stayed on the phone for two hours and after that phone call, I realized that this journey wasn’t about me and I picked up where I left off. I lead the group until December and of course, throughout, there were discouraging moments and I thought to myself, “just finish out and call it quits after.”
As the last Bible study approached, a girl named Jackie spoke to me after Bible study to share how she had adjusted her schedule for next year, so she would have Thursdays off in order to have time for Bible study. Once again, I was reminded that it’s NOT about me. I took that as a sign, prayed about it and fast forward to now, April 2019, I’m in my second round of leading this Bible study and every day, I’m reminded that my reason for doing this is far beyond myself but it is all according to the will of God. The girls I fellowship with encourage me… they are my “why.” Through these ups and downs, God has walked with me through it all and I am forever grateful.
Has it been a smooth road?
It definitely has not been smooth. When you have people who aren’t as dedicated and don’t have any regard for you sacrificing time for something, you begin to wonder if what your doing is worth it and if you’re even making a difference in people’s loves. My advice to all young women out there: first make sure you know and understand why you are starting whatever it is that you are doing, second ALWAYS remember your “why”, third understand that nothing happens overnight and things that are worth the time invested don’t happen overnight. If they did, we’d take them for granted. Like my pastor says: we’re not here for microwave blessings. Nothing good in life ever comes easy.
So, as you know, we’re impressed with Young Women with a Purpose – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
I lead a women’s organization called young women with a purpose. My organization is known for bringing women together in fellowship to grow together in Christ, do life together and build ourselves up in every aspect of our lives. I’m proud of the fact that I am able to lead my girls and encourage them while spreading the gospel.
Were there people and/or experiences you had in your childhood that you feel laid the foundation for your success?
I definitely believe everything I have been through from a young age to now being 20 years old has played a role in setting my mind right for where I am now. If I didn’t have some of the experiences I went through, I don’t believe I would have some of the knowledge I have now.
Contact Info:
- Email: ywpurpose@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/belemaruthhh/
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