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Life and Work with Cindy Hide

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cindy Hide.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Cindy. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
Love, Money & the Law is my passion project that was born out of a heartbreaking, challenging divorce with school-age children. I suppose it embodies the old adage “making lemonade out of lemons” in that my experiences fuel every new podcast, video, book, or seminar that I create. During my court process, I vowed to someday provide a resource for others to gain insights into family law issues in order to make informed choices, support healthy relationships and marriages, and when needed, peaceful divorce. I pour my heart into Love, Money & the Law because my enthusiasm for loving, kind, passionate relationships lies within these subjects. My hope is to share wisdom and challenge the way you think about life and how you live with your loved ones. Ultimately, it’s a project to promote peace and understanding for individuals, couples and their families.

Has it been a smooth road?
I’d hardly describe my life as “smooth” in any sense of the word. To some, I may look like the picture of an easy life, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Childhood challenges aside, when I left my marriage, I was 49 years old, had not worked as a lawyer in years, and had very little money to start over with when moving from Ohio back to my home state of Texas. Both my children were grown at the time but they still had needs emotionally and financially and I wanted to be close by. It was another heartbreak as their mom because as much as I wanted things to be easier for them, they, too, were faced with their own sadness and ways of dealing with a once happy family that had fallen apart.

I’ve “made it” as a family lawyer through hard work, long hours and just plain old “failure is not an option” determination. The vision and embodiment of Love, Money & the Law has the same grit as its foundation for success to date.

What would I tell other women? Get your education and love what you do! Financial stability and independence are the keys to your freedom and making your own choices about who you spend your life with and why. Also, NEVER give up on a dream, even if it’s only in your mind’s eye that you can see it happen. Stick with it. Talk to others who have done something similar to give you guidance in order to avoid as many mistakes as possible. Have faith and trust in your understanding of GOD and the universe to make things fall into place. You’ll be surprised at how things will manifest if your intention is pure and you’re committed to an outcome for the highest good for everyone concerned.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Love, Money & the Law – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
My experience as a family law attorney in Texas and enthusiasm for creating prenuptial agreements and cohabitation agreements is part of the basis for creating episodes and seminars for Love, Money & the Law. Add my own life experience to the mix and this combo drives the content selection for every feature.

I’m very proud of the unique vision and execution of this project. To my knowledge, there is not another company with the same initiatives, goals, and products that focuses exclusively on family law issues. Everyone has a family, and the issues around dating, relationships, children, marriage, and divorce are endless. I believe that understanding is everything and so education and insights are necessarily part of that formula.

Are there any apps, books, podcasts or other resources that you’ve benefited from using?
Yes!!! I’m a big fan of anything and anyone that makes life better. I’m also a big fan of everything unseen – mystical, metaphysical, magical, spiritual, and scientific. As for specifics, let’s talk Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza, and Tony Robbins, to name just a few of my inspirational and informative gurus. I also appreciate music that makes you stay in balance and feel good, like solfeggio frequencies. Anything that inspires me to meditate or pray is always a plus.


  • Videos and on-demand webinars for sale between $19-$149
  • Private coaching – pricing upon request
  • FREE subscriptions to Podcast and YouTube Channel
  • Live Seminars – pricing varies

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Ashton Joe on a few of these but I own all copyrights.

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