Today we’d like to introduce you to Trish Santos.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Trish. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
When I was a little girl I used to make up my own songs and sing them out loud in the back yard totally uninhibited. Enter childhood trauma!!! Like many, I had to deal with some pretty intense stuff at way too young of an age. I am so grateful that aside from my family, music was still a huge source of comfort for me. In the teen years, I was able to channel a lot of that teen angst, not only in music but also in writing. I would lock myself in my room and write and write and write songs and poetry until the negative feelings were long gone. It was so very healing.
Later, as a young mom, in the process of looking for a job, I was able to connect with an amazing female entrepreneur Shelly Skeele, who owned Karaoke 4 Kids. Learning from her was such a blessing to me. She taught me a lot about how to run a business. She later encouraged me to start my own business and become a private contractor for her; so, I did.
We were able, as a team, to develop many programs and such for the kids, families, and organizations we serviced in Houston. The part I loved about this job was seeing the same joy that music brought to me as a child, in the kids we entertained. It was beautiful. Ultimately, when Karaoke 4 Kids went out of business, it became my heart’s desire to continue the work we were doing with The JoyfulNoise Karaoke.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Running The JoyfulNoise Karaoke has not always been easy; but that’s a good thing. It sounds strange but I am grateful for ALL the struggles I have had in my life and in growing my business. What is growth without that pain and discomfort? If we’re not uncomfortable from time to time then we’re not really growing. However, I am confident that even in the hard seasons, God will always come through for me!
In growing The JoyfulNoise Karaoke, I would have to say that the toughest time was about four years ago when my husband’s health issues and invasive surgical procedures stopped time for anything outside of our family. At the moment, I felt I was totally fine. I was just dealing with life, working and caring for my family. But as I went through the motions, I started realizing that I was not at all feeling like myself. I ended up dealing with, what I now know, was anxiety that stuck around for a while! I ended up having to take a long hiatus from work because of my anxiety. When I got back, I realized that I had to start from square one in growing my business. Mental health is such a big deal and though I was discouraged a bit about losing customers, I was grateful that I stepped away as I did because it was needed. I was also grateful for all the lessons that came with it. It was a season of growth for sure!
For others trying to grow their business (or children, education, passions, whatever!) I would encourage them to be mindful of where they’re at today. If it is in a less desirable place know that it is only for today! Life has seasons, many which are needed for growth. Know what your goals are and WHEN life derails you from them, learn what you need to from that situation and then get back on track! Be committed to your goals, working diligently at them but know that you will get distracted by life and that is okay. You don’t know what you need as much as your Creator does. There may be a character-building you need, a person you need to meet, a situation you need to experience that you would have never put yourself through, but you won’t ever know until you get to the other side!
So, as you know, we’re impressed with The JoyfulNoise Karaoke – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
The JoyfulNoise Karaoke is a mobile karaoke that services The Greater Houston area. What I love about what I do is that it’s interactive. Your host will guide your event for the time we are there. We also DJ but we mainly specialize in Karaoke. Parents love our company because we strive to keep our music clean so they don’t have to worry about little ears.
What is great about our service is that beyond just bringing a party to you, we also have a mission and that’s to bring JOY to the lives of those we come in contact with and to encourage them to be fearless and make their unique NOISE in this world, hence the name, The JoyfulNoise.
One of the things I am most proud of is our program called Random Acts of Karaoke. In staying true to our mission of bringing joy, every quarter we strive to bless a non-profit organization with a free or deeply discounted show. It is our way of living out our mission and it has been positively life-giving seeing the impact of all those involved. I love hearing the feedback after these events. I’m telling ya’ll music changes lives, even if for a few hours!!!
While mobile karaoke is our main service, we have so much more we are working on to bring to H-Town in the very near future! We want to inspire our customers even after the party is over while showcasing Houston’s talented musicians. We have been creating videos that will give our customers, especially those young aspiring artists, tips from musicians who have been there. That way they can use these tips as they pursue their musical passions. We will also be showcasing other amazing Houston entrepreneurs in the music and party space, and beyond. Our hope is to connect all the talent that we have here in Houston while benefiting our costumers before and after the party is over.
Which women have you been inspired by?
I have been extremely blessed in my life because I am surrounded not only by many inspiring women but encouraging women as well. I hear stories of females tearing each other down and it saddens me. The ladies and there are many, whom I surround myself with make it a habit to build me and each other up.
Although, I am surrounded by such amazing women, I would have to say that the influence of my mom my sister and my best friend Crystall have had the greatest impact on my life. My mother has always whispered life-giving phrases in my ear throughout my life. There are so many pearls of wisdom she has said to me that I still use to this day. She didn’t just preach to me, she also showed me how to live right in the way she lived. She has unfailingly been the best example to me of being an abundantly caring and wise person and then blessing this world with those attributes. Another thing I admire about her is that she is also a phenomenally hard worker no matter what.
My sister has also, always been amazing too. I am probably the only girl in the world who can say that she has never fought with her sister! This fact is due to her desire to love and see the best in others. Like my mom, she is a grounded soul, she knows the right things to say to me, especially when I need direction. Also, like my mom, she is hardworking and dependable. All of which are values I admire and strive to have.
More recently, I have been hugely impacted by one of my closest friends. From the start, her work ethic and caring heart had always drawn me to her. Needless to say, I had already admired her. However, lately, it has been her ability to stay spiritually grounded, trust in God, and still serve others fervently, during the most intense trauma a family can possibly endure which has been the most impacting to me. I pray to never know what it feels like to see my child suffer from Leukemia, but if I did, I would pray that I would be able to emulate some of her strength. I would hope that I would still be able to think of others above myself during those times like she does.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.thejoyfulnoisekaraoke.com
- Phone: 8322657904
- Email: party@thejoyfulnoisekaraoke/ thejoyfulnoisekaraoke@gmail.com
- Instagram: @thejoyfulnoisekaraoke
- Facebook: @thejoyfulnoisekaraokehouston
- Twitter: @bejoyfulbeloud
Image Credit:
Josh Santos
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