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Life & Work with Alfred Castillo, Jr.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alfred Castillo, Jr.

Alfred Castillo, Jr.

Hi Alfred, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today. 
I am an actor, writer, producer, and director living in Katy, TX. Born and raised in Houston’s East End, I have always enjoyed acting and developed a passion for it, entertaining friends by imitating movie or TV characters since my youth. My parents were immigrants, and the entertainment industry was never seen as a viable career option. They instilled the value of hard work and the importance of education. Throughout my academic career at HISD, I discovered I had a knack for math and science. While I always had acting in the back of head, I was driven by my family to achieve academic success. I honored my parents by graduating from Stephen F. High School with honors. I was awarded a full scholarship and graduated as the top student in my class, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston (Go Coogs!), Magna Cum Laude. I became a licensed professional engineer in both Texas and California and worked for The Dow Chemical Company and Olin Corporation for nearly 20 years. I am currently employed by Sysco as a Strategic Sourcing Manager. For years, I focused on building my engineering career. I developed leadership skills, enhanced my engineering education (I earned my master’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Houston as well…Go Coogs again!), sought networking opportunities, and worked with a plethora of mentors, all in hopes of climbing the corporate ladder. I even took a promotion at one of Dow’s manufacturing facilities in another geography to further my career. In the midst of all that hustling and bustling, I still could not shake off my acting dreams. I invariably thought about acting throughout my engineering career. I would think to myself, “One day, I am going to run into a movie director or producer, and he will see my potential to make it in the entertainment industry, similar to the way Jay Hernandez was discovered.” Of course, that never happened lol. I then embraced the attitude, “If it is meant to be, I will be an actor one day.” As they say, “The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately.” 

It would be 15 years into my successful career in the Petrochemical Industry when I decided to pursue acting. I had just relocated back to Texas when I decided to take acting classes with Sara Gaston, a phenomenal coach. Within a few weeks of training, I responded to a local casting call and landed my first commercial! I continued taking classes and ultimately secured an acting/modeling contract with the Neal Hamil Agency. My acting career was officially launched! I was booking jobs left and right in both English and Spanish for major clients such as Walmart, Academy, HEB, Dell, Conns, Reliant Energy, Gillman Auto, Edward Jones, Prosperity Bank, LGI Homes, Sonic, St. Lukes Hospital, Traders Village, Typhoon Texas, and Main Event, just to name a few. I had realized my dreams! 

Here I am 12 years later in 2024, having appeared in nearly 500 local/regional/national commercials, web videos, and industrials, worked on more than 30 print projects as a model and have had roles in nearly 30 feature/short films. I am currently represented by Pastorini Bosby Talent in Houston, TX.

As my acting career began budding, I had a desire to do more feature films, but as a Christian, I found it increasingly difficult to find acting work in the Houston area without compromising my faith. While I have found work that reflects my faith, I felt God was calling me to rise up and create faith-based, family-friendly content. I responded to the call and began writing my first screenplay entitled “La Cadena.” Upon completion of the script, I created my own Production Company (, “ROCA PRODUCTION FILMS,” whose sole purpose is “To exalt the name of Jesus Christ and expand His kingdom through film.” I collaborated with several industry professionals to guide me through the filmmaking process. I ultimately cast, produced, and directed the film, funded by my acting earnings. The film was picked up by Burning Bulb Publishing and is now airing on several streaming platforms, including Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Crackle, just to name a few. I continue to act and have written a few more screenplays that I plan to produce and direct in the near future, growing my film production business by offering more family-friendly titles. 

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Nothing is smooth in the world. Jesus Christ said it well when he said in John 16:33, “In this world, you will have trouble.” But he didn’t stop there (Thank God). He continued, “But cheer up, for I have overcome the world.” In Him, we have peace of heart and mind, even in the midst of our struggles and setbacks. I began walking with Jesus within months of graduating from college. The grind of Corporate America can be exhausting. But I worked hard, making sacrifices to better the company I worked for and my family. I wanted to work unto the Lord as the Bible teaches and I was rewarded. While the company did not require their engineers to obtain licensure, I went over and above to obtain my Texas license. I even obtained my California license after 3 other colleagues declined the opportunity. I studied countless hours and traveled away from my family to secure the license. I was producing results and was placed on the fast track which afforded me opportunities for advancement, placing me in key roles even without certain credentials compared to my peers (MBA, PMP, etc.). This created steeper learning curves. It also placed me in a position to manage people that did not embrace me with open arms. I was resolute and focused to do my job with the gifts and talents and my interpersonal effectiveness (just a fancy schmancy word for people skills) God gave me. When I failed, I got back on my feet. When I was in error, I admitted and asked for forgiveness. By remaining humble in my successes and in my failures, I was able to overcome these obstacles.

The acting world also presents its share of struggles. The amount of rejection and criticism one has to endure as an actor can be overwhelming. Many of my acting peers walked away from the business because of this incessant rejection. Just as unemployed professionals go through the job search process with interviews, actors audition constantly (daily, multiples a week). If you manage to book a job, hallelujah! Usually, it is only for a day or two, but hey, it’s a payday! If you don’t book, you move on looking for that next job, always wondering, “Why didn’t I book? Was it my performance? Was it my looks?” That was my struggle in this business early on, but now I just let God direct my steps. “If I book, great; Praise God! If I don’t, no worries; Praise God! On to the next one being one step closer to a booking.” With that perspective, it becomes enjoyable rather than a grind, at least to me. 

Acting in films was a struggle at first, especially being a Christian. My passion for acting was real but so was my faith. Would I be able to discern films (Godly/Family friendly vs. others) or decline roles that did not line up with my faith? Early in my acting career, I auditioned for a short film from a New York director. I read the synopsis and thought it could be a good fit for me until I was invited to the audition room. The sides (lines) were revealed for the part the director wanted me to read. I glanced through them and saw profanity throughout. As a Christian, I knew it was wrong to continue, but I tried to reason with myself. “It’s just acting. It doesn’t mean anything. Right? Jesus would understand, right?” I performed the audition, speaking like a sailor and all. I was thanked for my performance and walked out. I was devastated. I had failed. I felt like Peter after he denied knowing Jesus 3 times. I had compromised my walk with the Lord for a possible role. I groaned in my spirit and begged God for forgiveness. I vowed to never compromise in an audition ever again.

Fast forward a few years, and the Lord decided to test me again, this time with my 12-year-old son in tow. The film I was auditioning for involved a father and a son. It appeared to be a family friendly film from the way it was presented in the casting call. We arrived and were invited to the audition room. Many aspiring actors were seated, anticipating their turn as they watched the others performing. The actors were asked to do a cold read (meaning the scripts were given just seconds before with no preparation). I was appalled to hear the amount of profanity belted from the actors’ mouths. Even my son heard it and was shocked. When my son and I were asked to read next, I kindly approached the directors and said that I am a Christian man and I will not be reading a script that contains profanity. They looked at each other, and finally, one of them asked, “Can we just remove the profanity?” The other one finally said, “No, we will do no such thing. Alfred, thank you for your time.” I kindly thanked them and walked out with my son. I knew I had overcome that struggle, but this time, God allowed my son to witness my stance. What an honor to pass that on to my son. The scripture that I keep in mind is James 3:10-12 “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus, no spring yields both salt water and fresh.” Being a Sunday School teacher for the Youth in my church keeps me in line as to not imbrue my testimony/reputation nor create a stumbling block for my students or even other aspiring Christian actors. I have to walk the talk. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
As I mentioned earlier, I am a Professional Civil Engineer with licenses in Texas and California, but I am an actor at heart who loves to perform and a filmmaker. Whether that be in the form of a presentation to my colleagues, performing on stage, shooting a commercial/film, or writing a screenplay, I enjoy the creativity! I work full-time. Being a Sourcing Professional in the workforce has allowed me to provide for my family. It allows some flexibility to enjoy a work-life balance, which is extremely important to me. I am able to contribute to my company by impacting the bottom line and represent the company in commercial/business transactions with customers/suppliers and through Employee/Colleague Resource Groups (CRGs). For the past 3 years, I have led the Hispanic Colleague Resource Team at Sysco. We have grown not only in membership numbers but also professionally. 

What sets me apart from the majority of my colleagues is my interpersonal effectiveness, the communication skills, telling stories, and the ability to connect with my audience by just being myself. These competencies have served me well in the workplace, and I am able to leverage them in the arts, both on stage and on camera. Comedy, Drama, and Improvisation became a way of life as an actor, and I have been able to transfer these skills back to Corporate America where appropriate for optimizing my communication. 

I am proud to say that God has allowed me to honor my parents (both have passed and are now in Heaven with the Lord) with my education. Consequently, I have been able to enjoy a multi-faceted career in Corporate America and in the Entertainment Industry with both my acting and filmmaking opportunities. Upon becoming a Christian, I surrendered my dreams of becoming an actor (moving to LA, doing what it takes, etc.) to follow Jesus. Now, he has allowed me to pursue my dream, but this time, with a Christian theme. 

Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
If you would have told me I was going to be an actor 15 years after college graduation, I might have believed you. If you would have added the words “bilingual actor,” I would have written you off!

My parents spoke fluent Spanish, but they did not speak it to us kids. They were focused on assimilation, acclimating to their new environment here in the US. My mother worked tirelessly to learn English while becoming a citizen of this nation. She took evening classes and immersed herself at work, an English-speaking climate. I can still remember Mom watching Sesame Street with me to learn the ABCs, numbers, words, etc. English was the official language in our household except for those parental conversations that didn’t involve kids. I even went to a predominately Caucasian Baptist School in my formidable years. No Spanish for this guerito. I even took 2 years of Spanish in High School like every other student in America nowadays, but as the old adage goes “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” And that is exactly what happened!

It wasn’t until my junior year in college where I started dating the love of my life (now wife), Diana. She, unlike her “pocho” boyfriend, was fluent in Spanish. Her parents migrated to this country, settled but stuck to their roots. My wife spoke Spanish at home and learned English at school! What a wonderful way to become bilingual without the help of Duolingo or Rosetta Stone (no offense). 

Any promising boyfriend would expect to “meet the parents” at some point in the courtship. I was no exception. But there was a problem. I remember this conversation like it was yesterday. “My parents don’t speak English. If you think they are going to try to speak English to you, you got another thing coming. You will have to speak Spanish to them.” At first, I thought, “OMG, I’m done,” but then said to myself, “I will use my charm and wit to win them over. A few well-placed ‘holas’ and ‘como estas’ and ‘bien y usteds,” should do the trick to have these future in-laws eating out of my hands.” 

It was after this initial meeting that I realized “learning Spanish” and “speaking Spanish” were two different things. Nevertheless, I dug my heels in, took the hits (insults from family/friends for being Mexican and not speaking Spanish), and started to learn Spanish from my in-laws, all in the name of love. I even remember coming home one day asking my mom to speak Spanish to me from that point forward. Curiously, she complied and was now part of the Spanish learning journey I was on. 

Years later, I started to speak Spanish without an interpreter (I used to look like I was watching a tennis match). I realized the benefit of immersion. We even attended a Spanish church where the Lord instructed me to teach Sunday School in Spanish! He could have used any other church member who was a native speaker from any Latin American country He wanted, yet He chose me (the pocho from East End Houston, TX). Not because I am all that, but because He is all that as His Power shows up in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). This was one of the final steps He used to catapult me into the world of acting as a bilingual actor. Not only do I have countless Spanish commercials under my belt, but also a writing credit for my movie “La Cadena,” which was written in Spanish just as God directed me. He used a clueless, non-Spanish-speaking 21-year-old to do it. He came full circle! Thank you, Lord! 

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