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Life & Work with Paulla De Souza of Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Paulla De Souza

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
This question made me smile because it will probably be an entire book. Lol. I will do my best to give you the précis version.

My name is Paulla De Souza, Paulla with 2’ls. Fun fact, my name is spelled with 2 l’s because someone made a mistake on one of my birth documents. I am so grateful my parents kept it. There was this one time I won an opportunity to work on a Jamaican project in St Lucia, I was cc in the email where the Producer said, “Hire the girl with the extra L in her name, I like the sound of that”.

I don’t think I was 100% clear about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I just knew I wanted to see the world. I was blessed to travel to 18 countries so far some of them multiple times. This quote by one of my inspirational speakers Les Brown sums it up nicely, “If you develop what you do well and become a master of yourself, if you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster; your gift will take you places that will amaze you”. This has been my experience thus far. From a Trade show in Accra, Ghana to a Bridal Hair & Beauty show at the Alexandra Palace in London. And multiple shows in South America and across the Caribbean.

I was born in Georgetown, Guyana, and grew up in a small village called Peter’s Hall located on the East Bank of the Demerara, with 2 younger brothers and a lot of cousins. My interest in fashion & beauty began at a very early age, my mom is a seamstress so I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where some of the most spectacular party and bridal dresses were made. I did makeup for my first bride at age 16.

I got introduced to the world of makeup and hairstyling when I started modeling as a teen and after trying out a few 9 to 5 jobs it was evident to me that was not my calling. I worked in a hair salon for many years. At age 27 I pursued an opportunity to attend Cosmetology school in Trinidad and Tobago.

While I was there I enrolled in a modeling agency. The Manager of the agency asked me one day, have you ever thought of doing a makeup class? At the time, mid 90’s, there was no social media or YouTube influence. I was unaware that I could have a career as a makeup artist. At that time, all the girls would line up for me to help them with their makeup.

Out of curiosity, I contacted, the referral that I was given and enrolled to take 8 personalized makeup sessions. On the first day of the class, the question was, “Do you know that you have a natural flare for makeup?” This question changed the trajectory of my life. She became my mentor for the duration of her time in this realm. Because of her, I believe in Angels on earth.

THE SHIFT: At my very first solo wedding I worked with the bride and 3 bridesmaids, one was an actress and, a radio/TV personality and she referred me to a lot of her friends and associates. I began doing everything from bridal to fashion, commercials, film, and TV and even dabbled with theatrical makeup. Ms. Natacha Jones was my second angel on earth experience, she played such an integral part in my journey, and in the beginning, a lot of referrals came from her. 29 years later we are still in touch, we are sisters. Mentioning these 2 beautiful souls is my way of honoring the people who played key roles at the very beginning of my journey.

In 2008 and 2009 I was recognized by the Caribbean Fashion Awards Committee as one of the top 5 Best Makeup Artists in the Caribbean. This was when it finally sunk in that I am truly an amazing artist. Smiles

Over the last decade, my focus has been on fashion, bridal, and editorial-style makeup. I also develop a passion for sharing my knowledge. I enjoy teaching women how to apply their glam at home and helping other professionals to fine-tune their skills.

How did I get to where I am today? This part of the question is multidimensional. As it relates to my artistry, I invested a lot in masterclasses with some of the best in the business who are masters at their craft in editorial, bridal, and fashion. They all visited Trinidad & Tobago. I was blessed to work alongside a few of them at Barbados Fashion Week, and St Kitts Fashion Week.

The aforementioned was episode Guyana and the Caribbean. lol

Episode United States, big smiles, this has been a fun and exciting chapter so far, filled with many challenges, mainly getting started in a place where no one knows that another fabulous makeup artist is on the scene. What I do is beyond makeup I help women to connect or reconnect with their inner beauty using the art of makeup and soul conversations, that give encouragement and upliftment.

About 8 years ago, I first saw my someone special in the boarding area at the airport in Guyana. I was traveling back to Trinidad. When I arrived at my seat, there he was sitting at the window seat and me in the aisle seat. (A delicious story for another time). We navigated our relationship mostly long distance until I arrived here in Houston, Texas in July of 2022.

I recently started working with a bridal coach who guided me to this stage of my journey, she recommended working with freelance models and actresses to create my new portfolio for my website and social media platforms. This chapter is still unfolding.

I feel truly blessed because some of the most beautiful women sat on my chair. I am super excited about my new beginning. And I am grateful for the exposure your platform is providing.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Oh, there were so many challenges and hurdles that I navigated over the years. The road was never smooth for me, living away from my son, family, and friends was my biggest sacrifice. But I am so grateful for the experience and for my parents who gave me all the support I needed to pursue my passion.

In hindsight, my path was aligned with all the right people I needed whenever I was faced with what appeared to be an obstacle. But of course, when I was growing through in the moment, I had no clue so I was traumatized by worry, doubt, and fear. I finally embrace this fact, Fear and doubt will always be our constant companions. It is normal. I have proven to myself that resilience is my superpower. I eventually learned to trust the process and surrender to divine timing.

During those years I experienced my biggest personal development growth. Some things were within my control and others were not. I learned the importance of recognizing the difference, and God always made a way. For example, when I was invited to work on my first big production, I needed a work permit, which was very difficult to get but eventually the leaders of the Caricom states signed an agreement that allowed free movement of trade among their skilled professionals. Caricom Nationals who qualified were allowed to live and work in those Caricom countries as they were residents. The CSME Certificate saved my life lol.

Coming to the United States had its fair share of nerve-wracking challenges I heard a gazillion NOs before I received my life-changing YES. The process felt like it took a lifetime, thanks to COVID-19. MY GIFT – Instead of coming to the United States as a visitor, I came as a legal permanent resident. But God!!! He always have a better plan for us. If you are reading this and you are experiencing closed doors, be encouraged the Universe/God/Source is shifting things behind the scenes to give you something better. TRUST THE PROCESS.

This is my 2nd rendezvous with moving to a new country and starting from zero. I didn’t have a network when I moved to Trinidad. And now that I am here in Houston it is the same. Outside of my partner and his friends, I am navigating the process of getting to know new people to build my network. Connecting to all the right people assigned to open the doors God has lined up in this new chapter is exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

And yes, I have experienced moments when I wondered if I should pursue another path.

Following your dreams and passion is not for the weak. I learned from my past experiences to stay connected to the vision but be flexible on the path. And to take it one moment at a time.

I have many days when I have to extend self-compassion and manage my inner conversions…

My new beginning is unfolding.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a specialist in hair and makeup who caters to the needs of luxury brides. While I wasn’t catering exclusively to brides when I was living in Trinidad I worked with many brides, in Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, and Barbados, I lost track of how many brides I have worked with over the last 2 decades. My years of working experience and training now qualify me in the category of expert.

And yes I do also provide my services for other special life events. Engagement shoots, all bridal-related events, red carpet events, anniversaries, graduation, quinceaneras, baby showers, and fashion shows.

I specialize in clean effortless beauty always to enhance the natural beauty of the woman who sits on my chair. I can’t take full credit for this. A few years ago I had a client who was celebrating her 50th. I asked; how do you want to look, what’s the vibe? Her response was, “I just want to look effortless”. This was the moment that influenced my artistry style. She was so happy. When doing my makeup, I recognized that women don’t need a lot to enhance their beauty and makeup doesn’t have to be in your face to be effective. A simple application of mascara or lashes can miraculously enhance the face.
Less is more. Many of my clients are fans of effortless beauty.

What does effortless beauty look like? It is the application of complexion products that creates the illusion of flawless skin and the use of colors (light/dark, matte/shimmer pigments, lashes, etc.) to enhance your other features in a way that will complement your overall look for the specific occasion.

What I am known for is making my clients look like a more enhanced version of their natural selves. Even if your occasion is super fancy and you have a desire for your eye makeup to be more dramatic for example, you will still look like you. No mask. Makeup is not a one-size-fits-all. I enjoy the process of customizing your look based on your preference.

My favorite feedback from my clients is hearing how many compliments they receive which is usually, “You look so beautiful, or pretty or flawless” It is never about the makeup, they notice a beautiful woman. That’s when I knew I had done a great job.

I am most proud of my ability to give all my clients the best version of myself. The feedback I received is how calm I am. I genuinely care about the people who sit in my chair.

I believe what sets me apart is I am not just a makeup artist, I use my insight and skills to help women connect or reconnect with their inner beauty as that’s where our true power lies.

When you feel good on the inside, it gives you deep inner confidence. Women leave my chair looking good and feeling like they can conquer the world. I can work with the same person every weekend and use my skills to give her a different look every time. My greatest gift and I believe this sets me apart.

If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
There are many qualities that are important to my success. Here are some of my top core values under which I operate on a daily basis: integrity, communication, mindfulness, love, patience, honesty, compassion, authenticity, dependability, going the extra mile, and empathy. The list is long.

Working in a service-oriented business that mostly caters to women requires me to be fully centered and anchored within myself. I have to always stand in my power and abilities because what I do requires a lot of energetic giving. I am required to give beyond my makeup brushes without a formal request.

There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of getting a bride/actress/model ready for their big moment. Some brides are dealing with a lot of emotions that can be triggered by a simple song or perhaps she may be missing a parent or a significant family member. Since I am the one sharing her intimate space in the moment, I have to be able to hold space for her and guide her through those emotions. I am the calm in the storm.

I believe the biggest contributor to my success is my ability to go the extra mile in any given situation. It is not always about the money. I am naturally empathetic, so it is easy for me to jump in and help wherever help is needed. They say people may not always remember what you do but they will always remember how you made them feel.

My greatest quality is that I am mindful and very intuitive, so I am always able to communicate well with my clients so no one ever leaves my chair unhappy. I can sense when you are not happy and I will work with you until you are comfortable, of course within reason. I confess to leaving my ego at home so I don’t get offended if someone doesn’t like something. I ask the right questions so we can arrive at the sweet spot for her desired results. My clients/women in general trust me. I truly love that about myself.

Being a makeup artist requires a lot of patience and flexibility in every given scenario, from waiting for someone to show up or, learning to do what I do while the client is taking an important call, to working simultneously with the hairstylist who may need me to pause so she can pin a curl.

My willingness to compromise with whatever presents itself in the moment is also a big contributor to my success, not just in my business but as a person. I am not one of those diva makeup artists, lol. I am very humble and respectful but firm.

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