Today we’d like to introduce you to Robert Barbosa and Sam Lopez.
Hi Robert and Sam, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to share how you got started.
We literally started in a furniture-pad fort held up by rusty ladders and tripods. Before that, all we knew was that Robert wanted a podcast, but didn’t want to do it with Sam. Since we were in the beginning of the pandemic, he had no choice.
The idea behind A Recent Study Suggests is that there’s always a recent study that tells you something crazy like mosquitos don’t like Skrillex or that coffee may or may not be good for your libido. We turn these into conversation starters and by the end of each episode we hope that our listeners become unofficial experts in strange scientific research.
Today we’ve upgraded our set-up to the closet. Still steamy, but more stable. Just like our relationship.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Ya know, not all good things are smooth. Take peanut butter for example. Some people prefer creamy, and sane people prefer crunchy. Robert is smooth, Sam is crunchy. Sometimes there are disagreements, but ultimately we both like peanut butter. To answer your question, yes.
But on a serious note, we need more guests. So… if you know the following people, tell them to come on our show. 🙂
Andrew Michaan
Cole Hersch
Barbara Dunkleman
Geoffrey James
Amir Blumenfeld
Jake Hurwitz
Elyse Willems
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We do podcasting good and English better. We also turn otherwise boring scientific studies into quirky and entertaining pieces of content. By doing that, we have created a show that people actually look forward to on a weekly basis, and that is something we are most proud of.
Beyond that, we’re still together even though Sam makes us record in the closet now.
The direction that we chose to go with about recent studies is different from what you would expect. Sure, we teach our listeners a thing or two about how much plastic is in their poop and why couples look alike, but it doesn’t feel like sitting in on a lecture. We’re not professors and they’re not students. It’s all just casual conversation that’s not too deep (unlike Robert’s burly man voice).
Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
Listen to lots of podcasts (starting with A Recent Study Suggests), don’t wait for the perfect setup or someone to spoon feed you all the answers, and record your first episode. Do it badly and do it for fun. Then start reaching out to people who you admire locally and ask them to be on your show. From there you’ll build an audience and genuine connections. That’s what has worked for us and will keep us publishing podcast episodes every Monday until we die or turn 90 years old. Whichever comes first.
Contact Info:
- Email: arecentstudysuggests@gmail.com
- Website: arecentstudysuggests.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arecentstudypod/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARecentStudyPod
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCumYZpUE4OiZvxoixaZzioQ/videos
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@arecentstudysuggests
Image Credits
Robert Barbosa
Sam Lopez