Today we’d like to introduce you to Amanda Heintz.
Amanda, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Life has been a crazy thing for me. Coming from a kid who thought chaos, disorganization, struggling, and barely surviving was what everyone did, I just grew up to fight for what I wanted, never gave up or let others take what I was working for, and accepted struggling was apart of learning to succeed in all you do. I started this brand to share my personal testimony of trauma and hardships, to show the world that we are in control of what we do with what we have when the dust settles, and it is time to pick ourselves up. She Changed it all, is not only a story of the events in my life, but an empowerment tool in changing it all, from the motivational inspirations to the physical health and mental health supplementation, to humor and seeing the light in every dark or scary moment. My pain has so much purpose, and I am here today as not only a Motivational speaker but as a Woman with a message of hope and action.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Definitely not a smooth road. Many people question when someone chooses a path that is not the typical career choice, and I have definitely asked myself over and over whether I was qualified to call myself a motivational speaker, because “what if I was not so motivational to others as I’ve been told I am?”. Self-doubt can cause so many things to spur off and create a domino effect of questions.
When I started this brand, I wanted to immediately jump on stages and talk to rooms for people. I know that sounds terrifying for most people, but I feel it running through my veins, that I am supposed to be sharing all of these things I have done and experienced, overcoming all the odds placed against me. My husband rolls his eyes every time he sees me talking to anyone who has ears because he knows that that person did not know what they were getting in store for!
We have faced many challenges in our home with our children’s health, school life, and personal lives that have taken my focus off my schedule and solely on them. I look at it as a blessing that I have the freedom of time, and as being a new testimony to the hardships we all face in daily life in our homes, I have chosen to open up my life on social media and face to face with anyone who needs the validation that the rest of the world is not live behind an Instagram filter or post.
Please tell us about your business.
She Changed it All is my Motivational brand launched one year ago this month! Now today, I have evolved my experiences in life, business, family and all of the crazy road that has led me here to this very moment into my Personal Brand Amanda Heintz- She Changed It All. This is what I am most proud of, this is the purpose I knew I was headed to fulfill with all of the trauma and ups and downs I’ve experienced, & this part of my story had to be told from my point of view. I found that when speaking to other women, mothers, fathers, and even just a stranger in the grocery store or baseball practice that they were two struggling with things in life that were holding them back. It may not have been a major trauma or loss, but so many people find themselves STUCK in life with the notion that this is just how it is supposed to be. They give up.
My mentorship and motivational speaking business is new and growing so quickly. My story and personally sharing my life, how I have overcome and achieved what I have today as far as personal self-confidence, financially broken to secure and to provide new experiences for our children, our growth as a family and married couple, & using life’s chaos and messes to step up and grow to new and beautiful places that is something I have been doing daily for the last four years. Now my vision is to expand to being face to face with people who want more, who are ready to rise above what the rest of the world thinks they have to settle for, or maybe the people who do not even know that they need to hear my story yet. I want to share it all with the masses so that if it touches their life in any way to be better, I know it all had a purpose!
We talk about it ALL. The ugly, the pain, the funny, how healing from the inside brings forward healing to the outside. My testimony with natural supplements versus pharmaceutical, the power of a very special Whole Flower CBD Fluid technology we offer, lifestyle changes, and much more.
Whether it is a conference, private event, team building event, workshops, daily humor and lifestyle tips, and sharing the good physical and mental health supplementation technology we have implemented and praise. I want to bring the raw and vulnerable emotion from my heart to yours in my mission to support and grow from this crazy thing we call LIFE!
If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
Nothing. It has all led me to this place, and moment in time, it hasn’t been easy and not always felt like I could live through it, but I did and now I’m here to share it all with you in hopes of bringing beautiful change into your lives.
- Whole Food Health Supplements $40+
- Whole Flower CBD Fluid Technology $45+
- Motivational Speaking Events $TBD
Contact Info:
- Website: SheChangedItAll.com
- Phone: (832)386-9850
- Email: SheChangedItAll@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shechangeditall
- Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/Shechangeditall
- Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/shechangeditall
- Other: https://www.NOTanOIL.com Ref ID# 98541
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