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Meet Amy Casto of Our Nesting Roots

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amy Casto.

Hi Amy, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
My name is Amy Casto, founder of Our Nesting Roots, my nonprofit journey began when I was a teen and in foster care. I always dreamed of providing support to young women, a type of support I wish I had growing up as I navigated college. I was very grateful to find amazing mentors along the way and now I wish to be that to young women aging out of foster care and entering college.

I am now a teacher at small private school in Sugarland where I am grateful to be surrounded by an amazing team and students whom I look forward to seeing every day. As I found my calling for serving youth I realized I needed to take immediate action so creating a Fostering Kits Care Program allowed me to make that a reality. In our kits, we provide essentials, goodies, inspirational messages, a list of resources, and a pen pal/mentorship program. I am motivated and excited by the simple thought of making an impact in the life of young women.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It has been a difficult road in regards to shaping how I want to serve foster youth, but I feel I have found my niche where I can truly make an impact, empower and offer a sense of inclusion to young women starting college who are facing similar challenges I faced growing up as part of the foster care system.

I’m grateful for the motivation, support, and inspiration everyone in my life has bestowed on me. My nonprofit is my small gift back to the world as a way of showing gratitude for all who have supported me along the way.

We’ve been impressed with Our Nesting Roots, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
At Our Nesting Roots, we have a Fostering Comfort Kits Program where we serve young women aging out of Foster Care and entering college. We provide simple items such as essentials, journals, luggage, gifts, a list of resources, and a pen pal/mentorship program. All these are important to college students, but sadly, most youth aging out of foster care don’t receive this.

Most foster youth don’t even have proper traveling luggage and carry their items in trash bags as they transition into adulthood, we need to do better as a society and make a difference. This is why at Our Nesting Roots we have created a Fostering Comfort Kits Program to help former foster youth feel like they matter. Opening a box full of essentials, gifts, goodies, and resources and realizing someone considered them, and thought of them, are just some of the ways former foster youth feel supported by our Program.

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
Most people wouldn’t know I was in Foster Care.

I have a very cheerful and positive disposition that they just wouldn’t assume I have walked through darkness, but my experiences have allowed me to be truly grateful for the life I now live and the passion I have for everything I do and all whom I love. Where there is darkness, light still exists.

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Image Credits
Gabriel Montoya and Daniela Werneck

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