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Meet Asya Marshall

Today we’d like to introduce you to Asya Marshall.

So, before we jump into specific questions about your work, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I’ve always had a passion for music, it started when I was in elementary school. I started off playing the violin, and after that, my Mama put me in piano lessons. Once I got to middle school, I joined a jazz band and played the flute for a while, now if you ask me if I can play any of these instruments today, probably not! While I was in middle school, we had a DJ club and even though it didn’t consist of much, I was excited to be apart of it. I used to record songs from the radio station onto cassette tapes and make mixes for our school dances. I thought this was the coolest thing ever! Watching everybody vibe to something I created gave me a different outlook on what I wanted to do with my life. My Dad would tell me this wasn’t something I could make a career out of, but I’m grateful for him because he gave me the drive I needed to prove him wrong. I went off to college and met JC (Joshua Clark) and RB (Randall Barnes), who would throw the best college parties. I remember someone introducing me to JC and letting him know I wanted to be a DJ.

From there, he hooked me up with the campus DJ Chester Woods (DJ XKAL) who became my mentor at the time. After that, I started to DJ some off-campus parties and on-campus events. After graduating, I moved to Houston and it wasn’t until a year ago when I finally stopped making excuses and saved up to get my own equipment. Once that happened, it was like the universe said: “girl we’ve been waiting on you.” I jumped right in and it felt amazing to hone in on a skill that I was so passionate about. I used to frequent a bar downtown called Axelrad and would hear this DJ performing who goes by the name of DJ Charlee Brown. After hearing his sets, I would be like this dude is dope, I was never disappointed. The songs he’d mix together we’re so epic that I could easily hear the passion and time he put into his work. I was so impressed because he played on a frequency that I’ve always wanted to tap into. After his set, I reached out to him and asked him if he could mentor me, he said yes, and from there it’s been golden. Now, I’m apart of a team of producers, artist, DJs, and much more called “TheVibeHTX” that Charlee Brown brought together. Even though I’m just getting started on my journey, I’m looking forward to my growth in this industry, and I’m excited for what’s to come!

Has it been a smooth road?
One of the obstacles I’ve faced along the way was the lack of funds during college to buy my own equipment. I feel that my skills would be on another level today because I would have had access to practice as much as I wanted. Everyone thinks DJing is so easy, but it is really challenging. There’s always so much more to learn, and just when you think you’re getting somewhere, obstacles pop up, like losing all of your music rights when the CEO of a radio station is asking for one of your mixes, but I always try to look at the lesson in everything and trust the process. I don’t believe in coincidences, I believe that everything happens when and how it’s supposed to.

Please tell us more about your work, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I am a DJ for TheVibesHtx, I play all types of music ranging from deep house, hip-hop, afro beats, electronic and much more. I pride myself in being versatile and open to almost any genre of music, which sets me apart from many DJs who mostly play one genre of music.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and the least?
What I like best about Houston is the culture and the opportunities available here. There are so many people from around the world that come here, and the opportunities are endless. What I like least about Houston would have to be the traffic. I’m originally from Kansas City, MO which is a small city. Being from a small city I’m used to getting to the next destination quickly since it only takes you less than 35 minutes to drive to the nearest state back home. I’ve learned to stay off the roads during certain times of the day, and if I do have to go out, I’m getting familiar with different routes to avoid crucial traffic.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Akilah Marshall

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