Today we’d like to introduce you to Benny Molina.
Hi Benny, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself
Hi, my name is Benny Molina. I started the brand from Webster MA eventually moving it to Oxford, MA. Well, I started by uploading Music to sound cloud and I use to call my sound cloud Bennya387 but I used to put the new music with a play logo on the bottom of it for the header and I was getting a lot of people to listen to the music I would upload because I like to listen to music so one day I showed my father and he said we should put it on a shirt. I also did it because it was a motivation thing like with the music culture so I thought it was a crazy idea but we started doing it because it did have meaning. So when we started doing shirts we needed a website and it was hard to find at first but I remember having to google it and we found this place that did it for us but I wasn’t too happy with it because we needed a website to sell clothes so we searched aging and found another place and they did it for us but I kept on looking so we found Wix where you can create your own website so I started doing that and at the time we only had new music with a play logo so my father talk about Symbols but I didn’t like the idea at first so I didn’t do it till one day, I decided to try it out so I get on photoshop and start to create the N and the M and I put them together and it came out nice so that’s how the logo started. After that, I went on Instagram and started Hashtaging a lot and uploading a lot and started to catch attention from people that were MLB NFL Boxers MMA fighters and other verified accounts and from there kept going.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
No, it hasn’t been a smooth Road. It’s very bumpy along the way the struggle was getting the products and if we can trust the manufacturer. So we found the manufacturer online and since they’re in a different country, we wanted to order a pair of joggers. They would make them for us but had to send cash so we took a chance. So we took that chance and they came through we also never had the luxury these other brands might have had but we did everything ourselves like promoting making sure the product was good quality and also improving the website and products. To get the money, it was hard at times because I was working at a place where I was only getting paid minimum so I would pitch in with my father I remember going to the streets and I started selling here and there and kept doing it and it started to catch on little by little.
Also, I remember are first sales was from the Bros over at Cowbell Kingdom they opened the door for the sales on the website I remember because it would do ok on streets selling them people were asking for the products so we kept on going from there and started getting a lot of people to wearing from Basketball world and MMA and UFC fighters. In fact, the first product we sent was to the bro Taylor he’s an NBA/oversea Basketball player and trainer and then from there we got our first UFC/MMA fighter and trainer and announcer Jose Shorty Torres.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m one of the CEO of New Music Clothing and what I do is I find out if the product is right for the customers and I also try to see if they would like it and I promote it. I do Video Editing on Adobe After effects. I know how to work on PC and software and I also like to learn all the things because I’m always a curious person about learning certain things. I also get the cost of the product from the manufacturer so I talk to them a lot on the products we design the products on photoshop and adobe illustrator were always finding new ways on how to improve and also do Shipping and receiving and create the labels and get in contact with the people that want the product or buy it. I talk to the NBA players, NBA Vets MMA and UFC fighters Boxers and people in general. I’m also customer service. I do a lot of things on my end and my other partners do to I am partnered with NBA vet and Houston Rockets Announcer Ryan Hollins as well
Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
Theirs really no surprises maybe that I like to play games on my pc every now and then haha but other than that, I like to stay busy you know but when I’m on my downtime, I like to game or watch sports like Baseball and spend time with family so not too much of a surprise, lol.
Contact Info:
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- Instagram: newmusicclothingnm
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Image Credits:
Ryan Hollins
Benny Molina