Today we’d like to introduce you to Bob Willems.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Bob. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I started Champion Entertainment after completing a motion picture with character actor Claude Akins in 1993. With the distribution of the film, of which our distributor took all the proceeds and then filed bankruptcy, this experience was a wake-up call to what the entertainment business was all about.
My desire for Champion was to form a film and television production company that could swim with the sharks, but not be one of them. Have an LA connection, without actually living there, although I got my film training in LA.
As we began to develop programs, such as our successful children’s television series, “So You Want To Be”, other opportunities were given to us. We began to participate and produce other independent television programs and films.
Over the 25 years since we have produced several television series and specials, feature films and worked with countless actors with big names. Not all experiences are pleasant, but they are memorable.
We now concentrate more on consulting, program development and distribution to the ever changing markets.
We have developed our own distribution network and work with many major companies on the Global entertainment stage.
Has it been a smooth road?
As with any business, resources are always tough. We have made money on some projects, lost on some.
It is knowing what projects to sink your teeth into that keep you afloat. I tell most people, it’s a business first, even though it can be fun.
I always try and have a good attitude and look at the brighter side of things…but sometimes it is tough because really you are only as good as your last job. And with the advent of YouTube, more people think they can be producers and directors.
Just because you have a million views of a baby laughing or a cat walking into a wall doesn’t make you a producer of a story related film. Thank you for that YouTube. Plus in this business you have to have a thick skin, because everybody is a critic. And some are pretty mean.
Don’t pay attention to those that cut you down and there will be those that get under your skin, just smile and move-on.
Some of the hardest part of this business now is the changing digital landscape. Smaller cameras, smaller budgets, more tools with less resources.
The changeover from analog to digital was a struggle and actually took a toll on many film and video companies.
Every year there are more and more challenges simply because of technology. Cameras get better, more toys to play with. Think of it like this, a few years ago you had yo pay $600.per hour for a helicopter shot. Today that shot is done with a drone.
In 5 years where are we going to be?
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Champion Entertainment story. Tell us more about the business.
Champion Entertainment is a content creator. We create entertainment related content for Television, Internet, Theatrical and Corporations through our partnerships with individuals and major contacts.
We have moved from a pure production entity to a company that partners up with projects to help develop and produce memorable stories.
We are all storytellers and that’s all that we do is to tell stories visually. Be it a 60 second trailer or a 90 minute film, it is the story that matters.
I have also been fortunate to take my 30 years’ experience and teach film at the university level over the past few years at Texas Southern University. I truly believe in giving back to the community in any way you can.
As Einstein said “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value’
How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
Who knows where we are headed. More VR. Better cameras with immersive technology. One thing for sure it is going to be a heck of a ride. I see the emergence of virtual actors intermingling with real actors. Who knows we may see Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart reprise their roles virtually.
In reality it is a “Brave New World.”
I think we are going to see Television push the limits of reality even more. Look at live PD. We get to watch cops taking down people that are drunk, drugged etc. Where is the redeeming value in that. We can use the arts for change…. but at what price.
Contact Info:
- Website: championentertainment.com
- Phone: 713.522.4701
- Email: bob@championentertainment.com
- Instagram: instagram bobwillems4650
- Facebook: facebook.com/mychampionnetwork
- Twitter: @filmsbychampion
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/champion-entertainment-houston
- Other: ROKU Channel : https://channelstore.roku.com/details/94381/my-champion-network
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