Today we’d like to introduce you to Brandon Higgins.
Brandon, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
One of my core values in life is that we should use food as our medicine instead of taking medicine for the food we eat.
With my background in Commercial Building Automation Systems and my knowledge gained from my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M, I sought to create an automated system that can grow herbs used in natural healing. My goal was to create quality, efficiency, and scalability.
Over the course of a year, I developed a growing system that cuts grow times of herbs in half and increases the nutrient density to levels this world hasn’t seen in hundreds of years.
In the beginning, I sold the product as a fresh cut herb. Over the course of a year, I developed a loyal customer base that praised the product for the effects that they could feel!
After realizing the potency of these herbs coming out of my grow system, I began making them into powdered supplements. This new supplement line has created an ease of use to those that don’t care to eat vegetables. Access to the potency of my herbs are as easy as taking your daily multivitamin
From the creation of powders, we can now partner with different food manufacturing companies to enrich daily foods with the power of these nutrient dense herbs
Our first partnership is with Sinless Treats! A high end, elite, sugar-free, chocolate manufacturer that has developed chocolate for diabetics. A patented chocolate that truly does not elevate blood sugar levels. A perfect first partner! Fight allergies, increase mental attentiveness, align your body’s hormone levels by consuming a delicious piece of chocolate!
At Maxene’s we have established a new way to produce food that heals and detoxes the body.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has been a constant process of troubleshooting. The growhouse is now on revision 10 with countless hours of trial and error. Fresh cut greens have short shelf lives that require refrigeration, while encapsulating powdered pills come with their own problems.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
We’re known for creating the highest quality herbs from our automated grow house. A high percentage of clients comment of the effects they feel from our product, that’s why our tagline is “Nutrients You Can Feel”.
I’m most proud of our supplement line. this allows us to ship our product worldwide and heal people from all corners of the globe
What was your favorite childhood memory?
The memories from early childhood, growing up with my single mom, that are the most impactful, was growing up in poverty and having a poor diet, I went through so many illnesses due to malnourishment. It really imprinted on me the importance of nutrition and how it correlates with health, and how health correlates with quality of life.
- FOCUS – Radish Supplement – $25 for 30 pills
- POWER – Fenugreek & Radish Supplement – $35 for 30 pills
- RECOVERY – Pea Shoot Supplement – $25 for 30 pills
- IMMUNITY – Broccoli Supplement – $25 for 30 pills
- DETOX – Mustard Supplement – $25 for 30 pills
Contact Info:
- Email: maxenesmicrogreens@gmail.com
- Website: maxenesmicrogreens.com
- Instagram: @maxenesmicrogreens
- Facebook: maxenesmicrogreens
- Twitter: maxenesmicrogreens