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Meet Crystal Martinez of Crave Fitness in Pearland

Today we’d like to introduce you to Crystal Martinez.

Crystal, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I have always loved being athletic but at age 24 I found myself with a health scare at my yearly check-up due to my nutritional habits. I chose to change my lifestyle over being medicated. I learned how to fuel my body properly and catapulted my athleticism to an entire new level! I took on 5ks, 10ks and even a half marathon obstacle race! My body fat dropped from over 30% to 12% in a year and I completely dodged a bullet of needing medication. I started to compete in Bodybuilding and after experiencing cookie cutter trainers, I chose to educate myself. Since my sport is so extreme, I was then able to help the average person reach their goals like my mom. She dropped 17lbs in a month, was able to get off 4 high blood pressure medications and ran her first 5k with me all in one year. I continue to help others become empowered through knowledge and guidance as coach and life has never been so rewarding. Last September, I was able to retire from the corporate world to take on my full time role in coaching others with health and wellness. I absolutely love it and am grateful for each client who’s allowed me to be a part of their amazing journey!!!

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I believe there are no bad days, just “Character building” days. As any other person, you will encounter obstacles throughout your journey but they can teach you so much if you allow them to. I struggled with belief, comparison, and organization when I started my business. However, I dug deep, found my resolve and didn’t quit. Now many friends starting their businesses, seek my guidance and input.

Please tell us about Crave Fitness.
When I look back in life, I have been the defeated, the stuck, the frustrated and the lost person at one point. I have grown in wisdom, changed the course of my life, learned how to lead and I have risen above circumstances that could have blown out my inner fire. Now, my largest desire is to give back by teaching others to also OVERCOME.

My passion for fitness has always been there. I have been athletic and participated in sports since middle school and in 2012 I found a new challenge in Bikini Fitness. Bodybuilding has been the most impactful sport for me thus far. I know what my body is capable of, if I will only stay mentally strong…Grit. Resilience. Laser Beam Focus. Consistency. Hard Work. It is life changing and rewarding in so many ways. Every time I step on stage, I am celebrating a new inner Victory.

I want to be a positive ambassador of the sport and I want to help others also find their inner strength and belief in themselves so they too, know that they can conquer ANYTHING they desire to achieve.

My background involves a bachelor’s in Psychology, 15 years of corporate experience, and 5 years in the health and wellness field. I am currently in school for getting my Holistic Nutrition Certification and stand proud behind the supplement company of AdvoCare. My passion and mission is to EMPOWER. Hence, Crave Fitness is a siren call to all those who are ready to rise up to the challenge of becoming their best self,
One Milestone at a Time.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
Standing up for my older cousin when I was 4yrs old. He ran in the house at 6yrs old with an older group of kids chasing him and I walked up to the front of the door to defend him. I have always had a heart for helping others, for standing up for what’s right, and a will to fight for what matters to me.


  • Consultations are Free
  • Nutrition Workshops are Free
  • Customized Plans vary according to Month Commitment

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