Today we’d like to introduce you to David Zabinski.
David, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I have been a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist for over seven years. I found my passion for fitness and nutrition by originally losing weight and building muscle in high school. After high school, I went to the College of Healthcare Professions and graduated from their Personal Trainer program. This was a one-year trade school based around the certifications for Personal Trainers. Meanwhile, I competed in Bodybuilding myself and also coached other competitors get ready for the stage, through my first business; Z-Flex Nutrition.
After I graduated, I did an Internship with an industry leading Fitness Professional in New York City. During that time, I completed my education with Precision Nutrition to become a certified Nutritionist. After the Internship, I moved back home to Houston, TX and started working at 24 Hour Fitness and became a Master Trainer within a year and half. During that time, I stopped bodybuilding and focused on Powerlifting and Strength Conditioning. Then I was hired by Equinox to be on the original training staff to open their first and premiere club in Houston. I worked there for almost four years and during that time, I was hired to be a Master Instructor and help lead In-House education for the club. Focusing on quality movement, mobility and longevity, I did over 10+ certifications over those years. I also was awarded inside the company for performing in the Top 50 Trainers in the company back to back years.
During that time, I invested in equipment and built my own Personal Training Facility called Colossal inside my garage at home. After I left Equinox, I went full-time on my own in the garage and have been running my own business ever since.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Getting into the industry was my first and probably biggest obstacle. At a young age, I knew I had developed a passion for health and fitness, it was the only career that made sense to me. That being said, if you looked up the average income for a trainer at that time it averaged between 30-40k a year. Wanting to have a family one day, I knew this would not be enough. It was a hard commitment, but I had to trust my gut.
Also, I knew that I wanted to work for myself one day. I respect anyone who goes and works a hard 9-5 but that life isn’t for me. I knew if I worked hard and built my own business slow and steady from a young age, I could make it on my own.
Another obstacle was getting the guts to leave the comfort of Equinox. Being in a Luxury establishment filled with potential clients is a huge advantage. I knew it had to be done and I pulled the plug eventually. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Overtime people saw my garage gym growing and started asking if I was taking on clients at home. So naturally I said yes and started splitting time at Equinox. 6am-2pm with Equinox clients then 4pm-8pm with non Equinox members. Then once I was ready, I took the leap and officially started “David Zabinski Fitness” and went on my own fulltime.
That’s the business end of it but as far as my own education and techniques as a coach, I’m always developing and trying to grow.
I’ve been a personal trainer for over 7 years and over that time I have developed my own training systems from the different backgrounds I have. From competitive golf, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, I do my best to take what I have learned, and continuously try to improve my techniques. The 3 main focuses of my systems are Strength, Movement, and Longevity. I want you to be as strong and pain free as possible for as long as possible.
I have also been a licensed Nutritionist for over seven years. Certified through Precision Nutrition; I have helped clients of all different backgrounds. For example, I have coached multiple women prep for Bikini/Bodybuilding shows who went on to qualify for Nationals, and I have also helped other clients lose over 150 lbs. of sustained weight loss and conquer obesity. I want to help clients develop an amazing relationship with food so you can make it work for them rather than against them.
When I think of the word Colossal, I think “larger than life” and that’s my main goal; it’s to truly help people live better day to day through health and fitness. Without proper health we miss out so much from life. This country is in a nationwide health crisis because we were never taught how to take care of ourselves properly. We live in a “slap a band aid on it” culture and don’t go after the root cause of our issues. I’m here to change that and make sure people know how to get the most out of life.
Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I’m a firm believer that Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. After high school, when most kids went to college to get a degree and party. I took the route less traveled. I went to a trade school and dove headfirst into my career. I was working full-time by 19 years old. I also helped dozens of people for free early on before I had proper credentials, just sharing my passion and knowledge at the time.
This was also before Social Media had blown up to what it is today and posting about bodybuilding or your fitness journey on social media wasn’t so widely accepted. My friends gave me crap for it and thought it was funny but I stayed true to who I was and what I cared about.
Then when Equinox opened its first club in Houston this was a huge opportunity for myself. This is when the preparation met opportunity. I was quickly established as one of the head trainers and promoted to an education role. This wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t do the groundwork and years of educating myself.
Contact Info:
- Address: 5528 Cornish St.
Houston TX, 77007 - Website: DavidZabinskiFitness.com
- Phone: 713-822-0738
- Email: davidzabinskifitness@gmail.com
- Instagram: David_Zabinski_Fitness
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.zabinski.7
- Other: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9v9nwsPsoY
Image Credit:
Christian Pena Photos
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