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Meet D’onté Woods of TYS22 in West

Today we’d like to introduce you to D’onté Woods.

D’Onte woods, well known as D.Woods was born in a little town called Joliet, right outside of Chicago, Illinois on October 5th, 1990. D.Woods found love for the game of basketball at the age of five years old while watching the goat himself, Michael Jordan. THIS IS THE POINT OF HIS LIFE WHERE HIS ATHELCISM STARTED TO DEVELOP.

We get stronger with time and that’s what d. Woods did. Not only physically but mentally. Learning from a young age through life experiences, d. Woods learned how to open his mind on how to react to life situations. Over time he began to grow and realize much more than expected.

​D.Woods is an extraordinary athlete. He sustained a career playing basketball from a young age all the way up to his pro career. D.Woods attended college at a small private school in McPherson Kansas by the name of McPherson College. At this point in his life is where he started to notice his purpose and created his brand #tys22. #tys22 is a reflection of d.woods character, intentionality, and significance. D.Woods obtained a BA in behavioral science majoring in sociology, a double major in psychology and a minor in criminal justice.

​After college, D.Woods was blessed with his first pro basketball opportunity. Playing for the Harlem ambassadors, a pro show basketball team similar to the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters. D.Woods was labeled as a dunker, as mentioned before, D.Woods is an extraordinary athlete and can literally fly. He was also labeled as a motivational speaker.

​During his time with the Harlem Ambassadors, part of the contract was to participate in school assemblies to promote games and to promote positivity. D.Woods took this as an opportunity to share his story and develop his brand #tys22. By the end of the season, he accomplished that goal and developed a strong voice. Not only did he develop that, but also confidence from the overwhelming amount of support from students and fans, some in which called him their hero and acknowledged their gratitude by mentioning he saved their lives.

​His time with the Harlem ambassadors ended to reach new heights with another pro basketball team, the Harlem wizards where he earned the name “skyline.” His time with the Harlem wizards was an interesting time. There was bad energy, and D.Woods reacts to energy. His time was cut short due to unfortunate circumstances which lead him to believe his basketball career was over.

D.Woods reacted positively by climbing out of the dark whole he was in and started to pursue a career as a personal trainer. He found a way where he can incorporate his brand with training, and to simply help people mentally which will eventually lead to a stronger physical perspective.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I believe in struggles, they’re necessary to break you down so you can rebuild even stronger. So, in a sense, you have to expect that the road isn’t gonna be easy in anything you do. I tell my clients while they workout to imagine the muscle they’re working on is the area of their life they want to make stronger. You won’t all the pressure to break down those muscles so that it can rebuild even stronger, that’s where my brand comes into place #TYS22 (Trust Your Struggles).

One big struggle I had to deal with was realizing my basketball career might’ve been over and done with. Basketball is my first love and was my escape from everything. Basketball literally leads my life, and to have a sense of it being over was scary. So, I was stuck not knowing what to do with my life. I contemplated joining the Air Force until I looked in the mirror one day and saw my “FAITH” tattoo. It reminded me of what I’ve been through and how I’ve overcome so much that this isn’t anything I can’t handle. My faith tattoo definitely got me back in tune with myself again, at that moment is when things started to turn around for the better.

TYS22 – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
(T)rust (Y)our (S)truggles: knowing that every second of your life is happening for a reason. Every struggle is God preparing you for something even better of what you asked for. It’s feeding your faith and letting your worries and fears starve to death. Every struggle is a faith tester, where the man upstairs is setting you up so you can show out the trust you have in him and be blessed. There’s beauty in the struggle, you just have to trust it and pass that test.

The number 22:
Originally, my basketball number from college to pro. The higher power helped me realize it meant more than that, how? One day, I looked up the significance of the#22 in the Bible. What I saw blew my mind. The #22 is double 11 and symbolizes disorder and chaos, it can represent a concentration of disorganization which are characteristics of struggle. It also represents energy; the #22 is called a master number in numerology. Which means it has an extraordinary powerful vibration. The #22 is as a sign from angels that you’re on the verge of attaining spiritual wisdom of the highest order and that you are called to share it with the entire world. I also believe myself, that numbers let you know you’re going in the right direction. To use myself, for example, I see 11,11:11,2,222,22 a lot. Ever notice how people make a wish at 11:11? 11+11 equals 22.

To introduce my brand logo for #TYS22™️ and its significance. If you can’t see it clearly, in my logo is an eagle face, with its eyes standing out. The eagle eye is among the strongest in the animal kingdom, with an eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than that of the average human. An eagle is said to be able to spot a rabbit 3.2 km away. As the eagle descends from the sky to attack its prey, the muscles in the eyes continuously adjust the curvature of the eyeballs to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception throughout the approach and attack. All of these traits can be viewed symbolically as ideas to assist humans to be more successful within their own lives. The new vision will open that is far-reaching into the past, within the present, and to the future. Eagles are predators with a powerful sense of energy conservation. They use their great vision to know when to take flight and capture their prey. To align oneself with the eagle is to take on the responsibility and power to become so much more than you now appear to be.

“To develop spiritual stamina so when problems occur I don’t react off emotion but off of wisdom and understanding.”

I apply my brand to each of my training, weight training, basketball training, and motivational speaking. What sets me apart from others is that I’m more interested in one’s mind before anything else. I truly believe that if I can help people who may be lost at thought get in tune with themselves, their body will follow and so will everything else in their lives. My brand slogan is “ENHANCING MENTAL AND PHYSICAL PERSPECTIVES.“ I’m most proud of my brand is when I see the transitions in clients and simply in individuals, I help plant a seed in. I didn’t say help because it’s that individuals decide to make up in their mind to take the necessary actions for that seed to grow.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
My definition for success is to get oneself aligned and in tune to gradually build to reveal your purpose.

My criteria are to apply my brand 4 principles to life and anything you may do.

Apply #TYS22™️ 4 principles to your life and make the rest of your life, the best of your life.

Seeing the light within your heart when all your eyes can see is darkness. Complete trust and confidence in the man upstairs. FEED YOUR FAITH AND LET YOUR WORRIES AND FEARS STARVE TO DEATH.

Change the way you think; life is a mind game. Having a positive perspective through any struggle that comes upon you, even the small things. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.

Staying consistent with the first 2 principles, FAITH & POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE. Stay consistent with the higher power. Always remember “CONSISTENCY IS POWERFUL.”

The capacity to ACCEPT and TOLERATE delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Remember everything is everything, and it’s all by design. God may not come when you want him to but he’s always on time. IN DUE TIME!

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Hype Designs by Patrick Massey (LOGO)

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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