Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Stephanie Oguchi.
Dr. Stephanie, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My story began when I was writing my thesis for doctoral school and I needed an outlet from the stress. So, I began writing children stories which allowed me to bring my creativity to the for front. I never thought in a million years that my creativity would transition into sharing my childhood and cultural experiences to the world as well as encourage children to embrace who they are without being apologetic.
Has it been a smooth road?
It has not been a smooth road, however I am grateful to have gone through the process which has allowed me to bring my vision to life. It was difficult to keep the words for the books at a nondoctoral level for my target audience; children. Children have very creative minds and if the words from a book are simple, yet intriguing, they can become emotionally invested in the story and easily relate to the characters.
So, as you know, we’re impressed with The Colors of Me – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
I created a children’s series called “The Colors of Me” for children of all ages. The stories focus on a variety of societal and cultural issues from characters of African descent. It is important that my books convey the message to young readers that their differences contribute positivity to the world and to understand the essence of self-love.
I also am a Pediatric Doctor of Occupational Therapy so I have been able to transfer my pediatric experiences into my stories and characters.
I think that I am most proud of how my books have made differences in various lives. I was showcasing my book at an event last year and a woman approached me. She told me that she had bought my book, “Chi-Chi’s Hair“ for her niece. Her niece was getting bullied because her hair was “natural” and “unprocessed”. The woman started crying as she was telling me the story and I saw such hurt and pain in her eyes. Needless to say, it was a very emotional conversation.
Being able to connect with families intimately and see their vulnerable side is an indescribable feeling. This is part of the process that keeps me motivated to help families find the clarity they need to help their loved ones.
I think what sets “The Colors of Me“ apart from others is that my stories are authentic experiences that I have encountered. The stories have awakened memories that I have suppressed from childhood and now have allowed me share with other children who are most likely going through the same difficulties.
Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I like that Houston is such a diverse and multicultural city. Houston’s diverse population allows for other cultures to step out of their own bubble and learn about the differences in others. The thing I like least about Houston is the TRAFFIC!!! But it’s inevitable when a city the size of Houston continues to expand at the rate that it is.
- The Colors of Me: Chi-Chi’s Hair $12.49
- The Colors of Me : Kambiri’s Summer Plan $13.00
Contact Info:
- Website: www.thecolorsofme.com
- Email: thecolorsofmeseries@yahoo.com
- Instagram: @thecolorsofmeseries
- Facebook: @Thecolorsofme
- Twitter: @Thecolorsofme
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