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Meet Dr. Trinesha Hadassah Yisrael of Neuroangel Beauty

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Trinesha Hadassah Yisrael

Hi Dr. Trinesha Hadassah, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I started off studying biomedical sciences since elementary school in Houston, TX.

Growing up, I was alot of young people’s inspiration, motivation and influence as I excelled greatly in school at Pershing Middle School, YWCPA in Third Ward and Smith College/Harvard. I started modeling in elementary school for Milenna’s Models and low and behold it came back again. I was big in fashion, biomedical sciences, music, modeling and hooking up with I influential local people in the Houston area. Disclaimer for those reading who may know me, my name used to be Paige Moore but it’s been changed to Trinesha Hadassah Yisrael, which is a big story for another day lol.

Growing up, I participated in the city’s and nations top activities beyond what you can even image. The schools I went to greatly trained me to make something of myself. I found heart in the sign in Houston where it said “Be Somebody” and that’s what I became – somebody for the kingdom of God and not for my own glorification.

I volunteered at oil and gas companies, did HISD’S EMERGE program, gave back to the homeless and fed them, took many field trips, loved philanthropy and did many internships of all kinds, mainly involved in S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math).

I mainly hung out with friends and created friendships as that was one of the few things I cultivated growing up in Houston. I loved hanging out with my friends but keeping God and God first. My mother was a praying woman and did not allow me to do what most of my friends were doing, which I didn’t like. But, now I see why she told me ‘No’ a lot of the times, if you know what I mean.

I graduated Valedictorian in 2016 from YWCPA in Third Ward and a music podcast producer picked me to model for him when I graduated in May of 2016. I then went on to study Neuroscience at Smith College and I attended biomedical sciences and premed studies at Smith and Harvard University where I was a student there on a few occasions.

I appeared as the valedictorian in Houston magazine in 2016 and attended the best of the best elite programs and schools – two of them being at Harvard and Smith College. My former producer name was Merrick Zion and he chose me for his artistry at that time. I can’t tell the entire story here, my book “Ratchet To Righteous” will be available not to long from now to tell the full life story. This was when I was super young just graduating high school. I probably was 17 or 18 years ago. He now has a podcast and television program called Zion’s View on YouTube and instagram, where he interviews many people from Houston.

In 2015-2016, he picked the most talented young people in Houston to have us modeling, doing music, taking pictures, hooking up with famous ATL artists and much more. His cyphers and work included Megan Thee Stallion, which is the reason she’s big and famous today because he put her out. It’s still on YouTube now. Around that time it was when we were all in a big group of talented artists in Houston and Atlanta.

Since that time, I’ve been in school, studying, doing ministry, working on music and building my own women’s business called Neuroangel Beauty (started November 2019 when I was at Smith College). I learned to keep Jesus first in my relationship with Him as well.

Not too long ago, I collaborated with my bestfriend, Jeremiah Marshall, whom I learned about Voyage Magazine from to do more music and partner with the youth. I believe this is apart of our calling to spread the gospel through music and create soul-healing music (music for the soul). He inspires me to do music and he is really big in Chicago, Africa and other parts of the world. His stage name is Dondre Maestro and he’s going to be big and a celebrity one day for JESUS! He’s going to be teaching me how to rap and do more music. I am so excited about that.

On the flip side, my business Neuroangel Beauty, is another aspect of my destiny where that will be big, influential amongst nations, and the entire globe. Providing women natural beauty, health and wellness services to all women of all creeds is my biggest passion and I can’t wait to pursue more. I can’t wait to do more as this is just the beginning.

Thank you!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
No! The road to destiny and chasing purpose is never easy. I lost friends along the way and I spent many late nights up studying, creating, drawing and working while everybody else was out drinking, partying and just going wild. No judgement to them as that’s just what they were doing at that time while I stayed steadfast, dedicated, hardworking and focused.

I had to work hard to pursue destiny and deny my flesh. I really had to deny myself, take up my cross and follow Jesus and stop hanging around the wrong crowd. I had to stop being distracted and put in long hours to produce my projects.

The road will never be easy but it’s always worth it when you can come out with a legacy, build and help the community and expand to nations. I love helping people pursue purpose, get healed and set free and truly find and BE IN the meaning of life, fulfilling all your dreams. It’s a true blessing. I never wanted to be a menace to society and I always knew I was going to “BE SOMEBODY” in life as the Houston graffiti sign says on the highway.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Neuroangel Beauty is a women’s health and wellness beauty business that brings women full life transformation. I provide soaking sessions for mental health therapy, women’s integrative health coaching, graphic designs, visionary consulting and much more. I plan to have a portion of my business when I do philanthropy work in Israel for women. I want to help them get their basic necessities as they’re at war with Gaza/Iran and their children are in poverty and danger.

Many women need alot of guidance and this business is an all encompassing business to give them just that. Many women’s business aren’t like mine because they’re out to exploit women, take their money, judge them, give them the least valuable resources, goods and services and kick them to the curb. They’re not truly out to help them grow, heal and transform. They’re not teaching them holistic health care, natural beauty, providing natural esthetician and beautician treatments, mental health therapy and much more. My business is differentiated from others because I care and want to help women transform into their best selves. Neuroangel Beauty will change them inside and out simply put.

I specialize in mental health therapy, which are my soaking sessions that provide therapy/healing to all women for emotional, social, spiritual, physical and mental well-being to say the least. I do real estate, holistic beauty/esthetician services, graphic designs and much more. All of this isn’t uploaded to my website yet as I’ll be celebrating Rosh Hashanah soon where we celebrate, rejoice and also rest, but soon you’ll see all my services on my website.

I’m most excited for women to truly be transformed forreal and come into who they were created to be. If you’re reading this, know that you’re more precious than rubies as Proverbs 31 says and you truly have a queenship and purpose in the earth, whether it’s to be a wife, mother, cook, author, homemaker or whatever, your purpose is valuable and you’ll feel empty or lacking without it.

What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
Keeping Jesus first has been the most important lesson because I would have never been able to accomplish any of this without him. He’s led me in all things along the way and I’ll forever be grateful for the come up and my future.


  • Visionary consulting is $50/hour
  • Graphic designs are $50/design
  • Soaking sessions are $100/hr
  • Real Estate Bestie Consultations are $50 per call and $1000 per financial interior design package
  • My “How To Start Being Vegan 10 Smoothies E-book” isn’t finished yet but it’ll be $15 for an instant pdf download

Contact Info:

Image Credits
All image credits are Trinesha Hadassah Yisrael. I created the images for my business.

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