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Meet Ephraim

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ephraim

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I was born in Houston, and have been playing music since I was about seven years old. When I was a child, I started off playing an instrument known as Djembe which is an African drum. I also played trumpet in band as a preteen, and later on, as a teenager, I began to play guitar. I started working on music with a name behind it in 2012, and that was more electronic in nature. The original goal was to be more of a dj and create music that you would hear at Coachella or an edm festival. However in the middle of learning something hit me to put the electronic stuff with the guitar stuff I was already doing, and this ended up taking me to a more honest place with music. After years of exploration and experimentation I am working on music I feel like is genuine to me.

Please tell us about your art.
I create music, and lately, I have also started creating collage art. I have always made music and I have a certain vision I would like to make. The message from my music is supposed to make people think and feel like they are in another world. The other goal of the music is to speak to a true and honest part inside of the human intellect that resonates with how we feel in the human condition.

I have also resonantly started creating collage art. The majority of the time the purpose of these pieces are to be visually stimulating and relate to something that is going on in my personal life. All I can really hope for people to take away from my artwork is their own personal interpretation. I would not really consider myself much of a visual artist even if I do make collage art.

Do you have any advice for other artists? Any lessons you wished you learned earlier?
I wish I had learned how to operate on social media earlier while in high school or had kept a more disciplined practice routine. The advice I’d have for any other artist is that they know what they want out of whatever it is they do and stay focused on getting that. I would recommend never changing for anyone or anything if it is a style you feel passionate about, or comes from within. Although we should be always learning and expanding because it will grow our art we should never alter what comes from us for others.

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
People can see my work on my website, and on social media. They can also stream my music on all streaming website, and Youtube. Streams support the music, and purchasing music from Bandcamp also will support the music.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Photgraphy by : Mayra Vasquez

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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