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Meet Gene Barron

Today we’d like to introduce you to Gene Barron.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I am an Abstract/Contemporary artist. I am self taught and work in many different medias and use many different techniques when creating my pieces. I feel that, for me, being open to growth in different areas and experimentation is vital. I delve into many different genres when I am creating. This includes representational work, including street art, dark art, and realism to abstract expressionism and minimalism. I create collages, dabble in photography, and even enjoy writing. To me, art is all inclusive and I love all aspects of it. I think that limiting myself to one style would be like shooting myself in the foot. At this time, I am very passionate about creating abstract works.

Please tell us about your art.
The main thing that I want my artwork to do, is to take people to a place inside themselves where emotion and inquisitiveness are tapped into. I like to keep my titles simple, usually only one word. I like to kind of just point the way and leave the rest to the viewer. I love it when people sit there and explain to me what it is that they are seeing and experiencing from my work. I feel that the work speaks for itself and I, personally, don’t like to overexplain it. The beauty of art is that it can open us up subconsciously, sometimes in the most profound and mysterious ways. One of the reasons that I love to create is to attempt to expand my mind and the minds of others and try to convey the idea that we all basically come from the same place with the same emotions, be it love, hurt, pain, isolation, etc. I want people to see that my art is honest and it is a reflection of my heart and soul. There is something inside of me that is constantly searching and striving to create art that relates to people and the world in general.

Given everything that is going on in the world today, do you think the role of artists has changed? How do local, national or international events and issues affect your art?
I create my art from a very real and emotional place inside myself. The world definitely is changing, but I don’t feel that my art has changed because of that. I have always been able to identify many of the same feelings that I express now when creating. I suppose it is because I have always tried to have insight into what affects people on an individual basis, the struggle and the happiness that any person, even myself, experiences in life. Emotions, frustrations, feelings of excitement and elation, sadness and despair, love and hope, they have always been here and part of the world around us. I think that now it may be that these ideas are amplified. In the end, I believe that art in all of its forms, be it music, film, etc., is a true, universal language and it can unite us no matter what our background is or where we are from.

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
My artwork can be seen at various places around town, from coffee and wine bars to gallery showings and art festivals. I have pieces hanging in a couple of galleries, including the Atkinson Collection Gallery in Chicago. The best place to view all of my pieces is on Instagram @artgaragebygenebarron. There, you can view and inquire about pieces that you may be interested in and see the commission work that I have done. People can support my work by purchasing my artwork and, also, letting people know about me and sharing my work with others.

Contact Info:

  • Phone: 832-360-7744
  • Email:
  • Instagram: instagram @artgaragebygenebarron
  • Facebook: facebook @genebarron

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