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Meet Gracelyn Sorrell

Today we’d like to introduce you to Gracelyn Sorrell.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My story begins as soon as birth. I was born 2 lbs 1 oz and the doctors just knew my mom and I would not make it. At 13 years old, I was sexually assaulted by the same sex, less than a year later my dad died. At this point, I not only lost my identity but now my value. So, I became addicted to pornography at 14 years old. My dad was my rock, my example, and who I looked to for direction. When I lost him the first day of my freshman year of high school, I not only lost him but I lost me along with who I really was. At this point, I needed answers. As a freshman in high school, you’re already trying to figure it all out so now I’m in the hallways of my school aching and pleading for some hope all alone searching for direction and my identity in relationships, IG likes, makeout sessions, pornography, and friendships that did not serve me well. I started to question why I was chosen to live this life, why at birth, I was fortunate enough to keep living.

So, at 16 years old I got intentional about asking God why. If He is my Creator like He says He is then why do I have to suffer? So, at 16 years old after years of tears, pleading, and confusion, God answered me. He used the few voices in high school as they encouraged me to start a YouTube channel to speak about my purity journey and why I decided to wait until marriage to have sex. After all, life was hard but I was still smiling and encouraging others. So, I started making videos on how I kept my smile, endured, and even remained dedicated to Jesus even in the pain and discomfort. One year later, I was led to host my first conference called The Purity Conference. This finally felt like the reason why I was still living. This is what I wanted to do so, four years into full-time ministry and entrepreneurship, I am now a conference host of The Purity Conference, Founder of The Purity Co, and Online Course Creator of The Intentional Way Course. This is why I live and I now understand that we all have a reason and value that is not found in people, things, or status but only God can make something out of nothing.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
This has not been a smooth road. I walked through darkness. Years of depression, anxiety, and doubts of my worth and value. I get emotional just thinking about it. Grief is so hard. I had to relearn myself and not accept who I thought I was as an effect of the pain I’d experienced. Discovering my identity and understanding my value were the hardest parts because you have to trust in an unseen God and put your faith in the unknown. It’s a beautiful and wild journey. Even with pursuing ministry full-time people doubted me, asked me why I would choose this route and not go to college or get a “real” job. Everyone has their opinion but I had to make a decision to either trust the God that I knew spoke to me or please people by doing what made them feel comfortable. It was hard and sometimes still is!

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am an Entrepreneur, specifically in full-time ministry. I spend the majority of my time mentoring, public speaking, coaching, consulting, assisting, and helping others’ businesses thrive through my website design services. I have an online ministry @ThePurityCo where we create content, host conferences (@ThePurityConference), and cultivate community. I host purity events in-person and online and well as a coach within my online course called The Intentional Way Course. This is where I walk the everyday Christian toward discovering their identity and value using what I call the mind, body, soul, and spirit (MBSS) Method. I am known for building a ministry from the ground up with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. People get to see an example of someone who wholeheartedly believes that ANYONE can be redeemed. I literally get to express the character that I encourage others to have through my work and I am most proud of building nothing into something and taking my dreams and making them a reality. I think what sets me apart is simply that my work is my life. I get the opportunity to share my truth and make a living doing it.

Any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general?
I would say prayer led me to some of my greatest connections. Believe that there is someone for you and you for them. I would pray and literally be sent what I needed. It works. And of course, I’m here for you too! 🙂


  • $367 – The Intentional Way Course: 4 week online course that includes virtual video content, digital workbook, lifework, daily challenges, and a coaching call
  • $75 – 30 minute consultation: Getting started in ministry
  • $150 – Weekly mentorship sessions

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