Today we’d like to introduce you to Jade Johnson.
Hi Jade, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
So I’m a licensed real estate agent here in the state of TX. I was introduced to real estate at the age of 14 by my brother-in-law. My sister and her husband were both licensed realtors, and I would tag along with them for showings when my mom was at work. I was exposed to a lot in the industry from being with them and learned a lot about not only being an agent but a business owner overall. Seeing all of these things, along with the freedom of entrepreneurship, I still was not completely sold on getting my license once I turned 18 because I didn’t think I had what it took to be able to sell anyone anything- especially a house. Typically the biggest purchase of many people’s lifetime. Fast forward to 2020, when the pandemic happened, I decided to buckle down and get my license. I took my exam in October of 2020 and passed the first time. Shortly after, I closed on my first two deals within my first six months in the business. Those deals were so special to me because I did it by myself, and it showed me that I am able to sell homes despite thinking that I couldn’t. Since being in real estate, I have seen how much this industry has to offer besides just being an agent. I am now slowly transitioning from being an agent and getting into real estate development.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Not at all! The road still isn’t smooth and I don’t think it ever will be. I’ve had financial losses, took risks that didn’t have the outcome I wanted, battled with self-doubt and simply the struggle of not quitting.
So many people want to join real estate because they know that this is a lucrative industry, but many aren’t aware of how much money you can lose while figuring out what works best for your business. It’s a part of it though, but having so many losses can be discouraging, especially if you are not making the money yet. You have to take risks to see what works best for you. Being scared will get you nowhere in business. The biggest struggles I’ve faced overall, though had nothing to do with real estate but within myself. I still struggle with self-doubt because of comparison. I look on social media and see all these agents doing so well, they have a huge platform and people waiting to do business with them. While I follow them for inspiration sometimes, it can seem like a mirror showing you where you aren’t. I have to constantly remind myself that my journey is my own and that in God’s time, I will reap the benefits of my work, but I can’t quit. This business requires a lot of patience, but it is definitely worth it!
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Jade Johnson Development, LLC?
Jade Johnson Development is a real estate development company that specializes in building single-family residential homes (for now, *WINK WINK*). Right now I have been working on getting my first property developed along with the help of my mentor. This has been a very slow and long process, but I have learned so much already and can’t wait until I see my work come to life. As a new development company, I plan to focus on just single-family homes, but I do ultimately plan to be a commercial developer and building on a much larger scale.
What sets me apart from others is that this is a woman-owned company that is being built by me daily. Brick by brick. I am not working for a family-owned business that was already established. This is all me. I got into real estate, I saw the opportunities that it had to offer and made a plan and now I’m executing.
What am I most proud of? I would have to say the fact that I started this company as a 21 years old junior at Prairie View A&M University in my dorm room, and it’s really happening. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to be able to start doing this at such a young age, and I never want to take that for granted. I take my business very serious and I know that one day it will be more than I can even imagine. I know because I pray over my business daily. I pray that I can be equipped to take Jade Johnson Development to the next level and that as an owner, I can be everything I have ever wanted in a company to the employees I will one day have.
What sort of changes are you expecting over the next 5-10 years?
In the next 5-10 years, I see MAJOR growth for Jade Johnson Development! Becoming a familiar name in the real estate industry, expanding beyond Texas and truly building a company with employees and teams are just a few of my goals. I don’t only want JJD to be a Texas brand, I plan on expanding into different regions. I also want to start truly building a company. I would love to go back to my Alma Mater and offer internships and career opportunities to the students. I know what it’s like to be a college student looking for someone to take a chance on you. So I definitely plan on giving back in that area because so many people poured into me throughout my time in college.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejadejohnson/?hl=en
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/THEJadeJohnson
Image Credits
@therealrodrigoo on IG