Today we’d like to introduce you to Jenny Noonan.
Hi Jenny, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
After I had my first child, who is now almost nine, I was incredibly challenged in the throws of new motherhood. Even with supportive family around, I found myself floundering for understanding and guidance for what felt like a huge mental, emotional, and spiritual life change as I was becoming a mother. Over the next several years, I became passionate about teaching women who were becoming mothers and filling in the gaps that are missed in our culture somehow: the idea of resting postpartum, choosing your own path as a mother according to your instincts and intuition, and how to be a mom who feels fulfilled in her motherhood and in other ways as well. I am a coach who teaches others how to tune into their intuition and instincts and supports people in some of the biggest transitions in their lives through teaching them how to be in a choice instead of a reaction.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Nothing about being an entrepreneur and mother of three screams smooth road. Often the biggest challenges when it comes to running a business are time and energy.
Feeling like I have the time and capacity to teach my kids (oh, did I mention I homeschool as well?), run my business, run my house, and feel like I have time to do the things I want to do has taught me all about what it looks like to lead a dynamically balanced life. I’m so grateful to God for what I get to do, and remind myself when things get tough that I am living in the dream I dreamt for myself long ago. I think sometimes we think that living our dreams will be so easy once we get there. What I’m discovering every day is that I get to have everything that I want and that everything that I want takes a ton of work. This is what I’m teaching other people to do as well.
Another challenge is that I still don’t think people know the benefits of coaching and how it could really serve them some way in their life. Most of us live dynamic lives or are wanting to live a dynamic life. Having a coach is an opportunity to launch yourself into something spectacular, even if it’s the simply changing a habit to life a life that you really love.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I created a series of workshops called Intuitive Motherhood, and in these courses we cover all kinds of things from how to deal with transitioning relationships to how to create the time and space for yourself, to postpartum healing and recovery, and even how to let go of old patterns and ways that don’t serve you or your family in the long run. People know me for being passionate about motherhood and supporting women through their motherhood transition and experience.
So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
You can hire me to be your coach. I coach in lots of other areas besides motherhood, and it’s an area I’m very passionate about. I love supporting people through their transitions or as they are about to take a big leap into something really spectacular and need the support to do so.
If 1-1 coaching isn’t right for you yet, you can look out for workshops that I lead either in person or online. If you’re wondering if coaching is right for you, you can reach out to schedule a free call with me!
Contact Info:
- Website: jennywrenarrives.com
- Instagram: @jenny.wren.arrives
- Facebook: facebook.com/jennywrenarrives
Image Credits
Jamie Lim