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Meet Jessica Trotter

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessica Trotter.

Hi Jessica, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I was going through a very rough time in my life, things weren’t aligning properly, going through a bad break-up, etc. I needed something to change in my life. I wanted something to come along that can clear my mind and get me back on the right path I wanted to choose for myself. I began to search, and search, talking to God the entire time. It was my relationship with God that led me to pursue a lifelong dream of starting my own business. I said to myself, “God gave me this talent, why not use it?”

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Has it been a smooth road? Absolutely not being a mother first, working full-time, just accomplish my goal graduating from college, and running a business. Whew! I have had days where I was wondering if I want to keeping doing this.? Then it’s months where sells are slow and I’m like am I doing this wrong. I had to learn that business world is not a cake walk and it can be challenging. So I pray, stay positive and create.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I build this business with just doing shot glass trays and now, I’m a custom made ashtray, rolling tray, and so much more creator. I specialize on making your visions come to life with different themes, colors, and pictures. Also, I’m always adding different creations to my shop online centerpieces, matching coasters, canvases and charms. The way the colors blend so beautifully when I pour I just love it. And I love learning and creating new ideas for my customer’s.

How do you think about luck?
I don’t believe in luck, I believe in blessings if something is meant for you follow it and don’t give up on it.


  • Ashtrays-$10.00
  • Rolling Trays Set-$30
  • Rolling Tray Set/Grinder/Roller/Holder-$40
  • Plant Tray-$15

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