Today we’d like to introduce you to Jordan Franklin.
Jordan, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I am very open and transparent about my story being one of trials, resiliency, and faith.
I am born and raised right here in Houston. I attended Westfield high school on the Northside. Went on to receive my B.A. in Philosophy with a minor in Religion from Baylor University and then my J.D. (Juris Doctor) from The Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
I have always been a good student but I have HORRIBLE test anxiety. My GPA in high school was good, my SAT was decent. So when I applied to Baylor they told me “no” twice. I got accepted finally on the third try. I had my mind set on where I wanted to go and “no” wasn’t good enough for me. I remember meeting with my academic counselor who told me flat out “kids with your stats don’t make it past Christmas.” Needless to say, the challenge was accepted. Not only did I graduate, I made the dean’s a few semesters too.
Between undergrad and law school, I took two years off and worked at a law firm to make sure law was something I wanted to pursue. When I originally went to undergrad, I thought I was going to be a doctor…I hated chemistry, genetics, etc. lol. I was like, “God, this can’t be what you have for me.” I made the shift in school when I took a philosophy and political science class in the same semester.
So, during this two year period at the firm, my curiosity in law grew. I decided to go to law school.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Not smooth at all lol.
That LSAT was a huge hurdle for me. I had an average score and a decent undergrad GPA yet again. I applied to 17 schools and got rejected from each and every single one. I was so discouraged and hurt and unsure. Doubt can be handicapping and it took a huge hold on me. My LSAT tutor even stopped talking to me. In my brokenness there’s only one place I can turn and thats to God. I remember one Sunday going up to my pastor, Keion Henderson–I attend the Lighthouse Church in Humble–I was in tears, my confidence was broken and I was unsure. I’ve always been the type to have a plan and I felt my plan was not attainable. He spoke with me, prayed with me and told me right before I left, “J, it’s going to be the last school you apply to you get into.” When I went home, I mustered up my strength and sent in one more application. The last school I applied to was The Southern University Law Center–two weeks later, I’m in.
I’ve always been the type to be able to show you better than I can tell you. I let my work speak for itself. I may not be the smartest in the room, but you won’t outwork me. All I wanted was a chance and Southern gave me that. Not only did they give me the opportunity to attend, I was able to grow and spread my wings there. I wasn’t just a number there. I was so involved to the point it was stressful lol but also very rewarding. I was SBA (Student Bar Association) President, I clerked for a judge, I was on the University’s Board of Supervisors, etc. and still graduated with a 3.14 GPA. The trials I faced trying to get into law school were nothing compared to what I went through after graduating.
Within a week of graduating law school, pretty much every new JD is preparing for their State’s bar exam. I came back home and decided to take the Texas Bar despite learning three years worth of Louisiana law (just an FYI, the laws are pretty drastically different). For two months, I got up every morning at 7 am to head to the library, not returning until midnight. I had mental breakdowns, emotional breakdowns, I was beat, but I walked out of that exam feeling so confident. I knew I passed. The waiting period between the exam and the results is about four months. Thats when the anxiety spikes. Fast forward to the day results come out. I knew I passed, but my phone was taking forever to load. I could feel my heart in my throat. While waiting, a friend of mine texted me. I opened the text to it saying, “Are you ok?” I was completely confused why they texted me that, until the pass list finally loaded and my name was not on it. I cried, I screamed, I sobbed. Surely, it was a mistake. It had to be a mistake. For Texas, you need a 675 to pass. I failed by 9 points.
My heart was shattered. My confidence was broken. My spirit was broken. I felt God had be upset with me. I worked so hard and put 1000% of myself into it. I sank. I was so depressed during that period, I stayed at home and pushed everyone away. I felt I failed my friends, my family and everyone rooting for me. The pressure the legal profession puts on passing the bar, especially the first time makes you equate your self worth with that exam. During that year I was trying to find myself, restore my faith in God and allow Him and no one else, not even myself, to build me back up and strengthen me from the inside out. I failed again in February, but I felt at peace. I passed July 2018. I’ve been open about the journey my faith took during that refining process and have made sure to make myself available to anyone going through it as well. One question I got asked a lot was “what did you do differently?” Of course, I went back to studying in a way I was comfortable, but ultimately I worked but prayed for God to step in and fill in the areas I may lack. Not only did I pass, I passed in the 700’s.
During each of those waiting periods for exam results. I focused on what I wanted to do and be once I got passed this hurdle. I studied, I read, I got certifications in areas of interest, I networked, I grew spiritually. When I passed, I was ready to hit the ground running and decided to go out on my own. Despite being a hard worker and looking good on paper, I heard “no” after “no” from firms. I am firm believer in, “if you cannot find a lane, create your own.” Thats exactly what I did, thus the birth of The Franklin Law Group.
Please tell us about The Franklin Law Group.
So, the name of my law firm is “The Franklin Law Group.” I choose to focus my practice on areas such as Business law–such as formation and contracts/licensing, Trademark and Copyright Law.
These are areas most relevant to innovators like startup’s, creators, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. I love working with these groups because resiliency is something we all have in common. I’ve heard “no” so much, it doesn’t scare me, phase me and I succeed despite it. I love working with creatives because how they view life is so inspiring and fascinating to me.
I think what I am making my name in is def. Trademarks. Those are my bread and butter. I love the area lol.
I am the most proud that we are company built on being resilient despite hurdles thrown our way. We are fighters.
What sets me apart is my outlook. I reshape the box, I don’t just think outside of it. Plus having to brush yourself off from failures makes you fearless. I’m fearless and faith-led.
Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
Growing up, when my little sister Hailey and I did well in school, my dad would take us to marble slab and to Barnes and Noble to pick out new books. I loved to read as a child and he knew that and fostered that in me. Clearly, as an attorney reading is important lol.
- Trademark Package = $925 including the filing fee for 1 class
- LLC Package = $615 including the Secretary of State Filing fee
- Copyright Package = $255
Contact Info:
- Website: www.thefranklinlaw.com
- Instagram: @Jovant_Garde
- Facebook: The Franklin Law Group
- Twitter: @Jovant_Garde
Image Credit:
All photos captured by My’chal Jacquot of Spot on Photography/Myke Visions
Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.
Shirlean M Jackson
June 12, 2019 at 6:23 pm
Congratulations Jordan. I am very proud of you for accepting the challenge that was tossed your way. Not accepting defeat. Your great father would say “failure is success turned inside out”. Most of all God never fails us, He may delay us because He and Only He knows when it’s our time. I ask that He continue to bless you and your company. Love Shirlean
June 13, 2019 at 4:01 am
Congratulations Jordan!!! Your story is one of resilience and absolute dedication! You are the best lawyer anyone could ask for and I am so proud of you. Keep making waves and being outstanding. Looking forward to more from The Franklin Law Group.