Today we’d like to introduce you to Justin Rogers.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I’m an Active Duty officer in the United States Army, currently assigned/working as the Company Executive Officer of Houston South Recruiting Company, United States Army Recruiting Command. I come from a family of Patriots. My Grandfather was a Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel, and Korean-War veteran. My biological father (deceased), was a Marine.
My father (stepdad), is an Air Force Colonel who currently works at the Pentagon, and my mother is a retired Captain in the United States Air Force. It’s safe to say that I moved around quite a bit up until this point. I was born in Florida, raised in Georgia until I was nine, moved to Arizona, Alabama, Virginia (where I graduated High School), went to college in Texas (UTSA Alumni).
I was then stationed in Kentucky (Fort Knox), back to Georgia (Fort Benning), Kansas (Fort Riley), I was deployed for 10 months in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve 2017-2018 as a Scout (Reconnaissance Platoon Leader), and as of February of 2019, I have been stationed here in Houston, Texas. Fitness has always been a beautiful escape for me.
Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated with training my body to be the best it can be. My first love was football. Growing up in a huge southern family, I had plenty of athlete relatives to look up to. Many of them were former Division 1 football players, which fueled my passion for the game and inspired me to follow in their footsteps.
In 2010, my dream came to reality when I was selected to play D1 football at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). I was one of the very first players ever to play football for my Alma modern, due to 2011 being our first official inaugural season. In December of 2018, I was 1 of only 71 officers in the entire army to be assigned to Executive Officer positions for Recruiting Companies.
Fortunately for me, I was able to land this special assignment here in Houston, Texas so I can be closer to my little sister Kellie. Our biological father passed away back in 2016, and since then, she has struggled tremendously: academically, socially, and emotionally. Due to her no longer having a positive male role model in her life, it became imperative for me to find a way to be closer in proximity.
My first week in Houston, I just had to find a gym. I quickly made a few connections in the area, and one of my friends recommended that I try one called Alphalete. I had no prior knowledge of its reputation what so ever, but I decided to give it a try. Personally, I am not into traditional gyms. I like more of the training facility type feel.
My first impression of Alphalete reminded me of my old gym “The Foundation Sports Training Facility” back in Manhattan, Kansas. After not even being there for five minutes, I instantly fell in love with the place. The atmosphere/vibe there was exactly what I was looking for. Everyone is there to get better.
Shortly after attending the gym, I met a guy by the name of Taiwan Robinson (IG: @trueapex. I later found out that he is a well known personal trainer in the area and owner of “True Apex Fitness.” He started taking me under his wing and showing me how to go about getting my feet on the ground in the Fitness Industry. I also met a young man by the name of Russel Orhii (IG: @russwole). We worked out one day, & he posted a video of me benching 405lbs for eight reps. immediately I was welcomed and asked to be apart of the powerlifting community.
I have never formally competed in powerlifting before, but I’ve always been extremely strong from training my entire life for football. After becoming acquainted with Russel, and learning more about the sport, I decided to shoot my shot, enter the USAPL, and compete in my first ever powerlifting meet at Powerfest on July 6th, 2019 at NRG stadium here in Houston Texas. I have extremely high expectations for my self.
Based on my current numbers alone, I am already projected to qualify for Nationals in my weight class (93kg). From talking back, and forth from my friends Chandler Smith (CrossFit athlete / IG: blacksmith), and former NBC Titan Games Champion/World strongest 105kg strong man Anthony Fuhrman (IG: @anthonyfuhrmanstrong).
I have confidence that a solid performance in this meet, has the high potential to result in me being selected for the US Army Warrior Fitness Team (IG: @usarmywarriorfitnessteam), where my only job would be to train full time, attend fitness expos, and compete at a national level around the world in Strongman/Powerlifting. I have a tremendous amount of work to do, but it is such a blessing to even be in this realm of opportunity.
Currently, my focuses are executing my duties as an Army officer to the best of my abilities, training relentlessly / getting healthy for my upcoming competition, online coaching, and inspiring others to live out their fitness dreams.
Empire Attire (Luxury Fitness Clothing Brand / IG: @empire_attire_)
UXO Supplements (IG: @uxosupplements)
Has it been a smooth road?
Major Challenges:
-Military Life (deployment, always being gone away from my family, never until now have the time to optimally strength train like I would like
-Being raised mostly by a single mother for a large portion of my life
-My mothers fight with lupus
-The death of my grandmother
-Biological Fathers death
-Having to be a father figure for my little sister
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Justin6.01 story. Tell us more about the business.
My business is still in the beginning stages. Currently, I’m online coaching on the side and learning from my friend Taiwan (owner of True Apex Fitness) on how to start from the ground up. I have a name for it, but since it’s not officially trademarked yet, I do not want to give it away.
Business Goals:
My goals for my business are to gain more online coaching clients, grow a stronger platform for my self, and one day open my own sports training facility.
What sets me apart:
-College educated. I graduated with honors with a BA in Criminal Justice (3.57) from UTSA in 2015
-I am a former D1 NCAA athlete (football), so I know what athletes need to get to the next level
-I am a veteran. As a military officer, I know how to lead/inspire others to reach a common goal, even if they don’t believe they can on their own. I’ve led over 300 Soldiers and managed over $40 million dollars worth of equipment up until this point in my career.
-I am truly passionate about fitness, and even more so, people.
Where do you see your industry going over the next 5-10 years? Any big shifts, changes, trends, etc?
Over the next 5-10 years, I believe the fitness industry will steadily continue to grow, especially here in the Sugarland/Houston, Texas area.
The influence of online/social media platforms has made it more exciting than ever to provide others with a quality fitness experience.
- Currently, I am promoting a 12-week strength training program! Current rates are 25% off!
Contact Info:
- Phone: 757-768-5610
- Email: jrogers601x@gmail.com
- Instagram: cptamerica_lifts
Image Credit:
Vincent Sparks (IG: @thevincentsparks), Doohan Nohan (IG:@nohanstudios)
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