Today we’d like to introduce you to Kennedi Robinson
Hi Kennedi, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I have always been intrigued with all things glam & beauty. During my freshman year of college, I was a member of Texas Southern’s Ocean of Soul band as the featured baton twirler. Each and every week, I was having to pay for makeup appointments. Sometimes, I would absolutely dread my makeup but the show had to go on. COVID-19 happened during the second semester of freshman year which left me in the house with nothing to do but perfect my newfound craft. I would try a new look every single day and practice on whoever allowed for me to freely create. I truly fell in love with the art of doing makeup & the effect a flawless glam made my canvas feel. The feeling was such a reward to see someone be so infatuated with my work. Eventually, I began fully accepting clients in 2020. Here I am today, going four years strong with GoodGotGlam & I couldn’t be more grateful for all the love and support I’ve received from my clients. Whether it’s been me glamming for a wedding, photoshoot, or simply doing everyday makeup for someone, all the support hasn’t gone unnoticed and keeps me going in more ways one could ever understand.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Of course not. Like any avenue you decide to partake in, there will always be obstacles in the road. There has been times when I’ve been so discouraged with the slow seasons or feeling like my work “wasn’t good enough” that I wanted to completely give up on doing makeup. Even just sitting with myself and trying to figure out how to make my business stand apart from everyone else’s, I could get in my head sometimes. Being the perfectionist I am, I am truly my biggest critic and always looking for things to improve whether big or small. I have big dreams and goals for my business, so there’s no risk I’m not willing to take and that means I’m accepting of those up’s and down’s that come with that.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a 23 year old makeup artist of GoodGotGlam in Houston, Tx. I specialize in offering soft and full glams. I’m very proud to say that I have had the opportunity to interact with & provide makeup services to many beautiful women across the metropolitan Houston area. One of my most proud memories would have to be when I was able to provide makeup services for high school girls during prom season who were unable to book/afford those appointments on their own. To me, being a makeup artist isn’t just about the revenue I receive from being a service provider. It is far deeper than that to me. Being able to see my clients’ faces light up & that confidence boost a perfect glam gives just warms my heart. It reminds me that I’m doing my job that God has sent me to do and making use of the talents I’ve been blessed with.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Since a kid, I have always been super involved and hands on. I could never sit still for too long. I was always in some kind of sport or activity. Almost every weekend, I had my mom taking me to something that I was participating in. I’ve cheered and twirled my whole life, so I had been introduced to getting dolled up and being glammed at a very young age. Whether it was me just giving back to the community or attending a game, I was definitely not lazy kid or afraid to go out in the world to get my hands on whatever it was I wanted to do.
- Soft Natural Glam $75
- Full Glam $100
Contact Info:
- Website: https://goodgotglam.my.canva.site/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodgotglam
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@kennediayonna