Today we’d like to introduce you to LaQuita Carter.
So, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
My journey has been quite interesting and stretching most days. Although I’ve had a knack for masking it, what has truly gotten me to the place where I am now is deciding to do for others what I so desired for myself. I began to be that safety net, that friend, that supporter, encourager, that helper. Now my life was not void of these things, but I always had a guilt behind depending on the same people as if I were a burden. I learned that so many people felt like I did. Working for over 20 years as a social worker, being a connector and bridge became my daily habitation. As I learned more about life, I wanted to share what I learned with others. I began hosting women’s empowerment meetings, cupcake business socials, and one on one coaching calls.
My goal was to enrich and equip forward-thinking persons and help them process past their fear of success. I moved into the vast profession of real estate with this same mindset, to help families navigate through one of the most memorable and life-changing events in life, buying a home. Along the way, some relationships have been painful teachers, but I’ve always told myself to remember the lesson as a blessing and do not get stuck in an emotional vacuum. Now writing my fourth book, I can remember crying to finish writing the first one. Challenging myself to show up for the day after tomorrow is my daily goal. I am committed to show up for myself, my family, and all the people I am graced to meet along the way.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
The greatest struggle has been not allowing my passion to drown me. Some days I lost sight of me and was moving on borrowed fumes. I’m so grateful that my internal voice is very loud no matter how much I ignore it at times, it is always trustworthy. I experienced a season where I shut down from everything and everyone. You know there comes a time where you get that deep hurt, a hurt that really makes you question life. And when that time arrived for me it stopped me in my tracks. That bubbly, encouraging and hopeful LaQuita took a back seat to the LaQuita who just wanted to get through the day. It took me a bit to come out of that funk, and honestly it was my choice. Once I allowed myself to feel every emotion I needed to at the time, I honestly prayed for the strength to begin again. It has not been a smooth road, but I have gained something at every turn.
Alright – so let’s talk business. What else should we know about you and your career so far?
My company, LaQuita Carter, LLC serves many capacities. I mentor women in business, coach and counsel in life concerns. I would say that I am probably known most for helping others see themselves in the business, home, life, profession that they have been dreaming of. I do my best to hear on purpose what they are saying verbally and from their spirit and match them with the avenues/resources that will enhance their vision. Those who work with me will often hear me say, “I want to see your fruit”. I believe that referrals and recommendations go very far and it is a gift to be well spoken of, so I do not take others for granted. What also sets me apart is that I do not mind being disliked, especially when it provokes you to achieve.
Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I do not believe in luck. I believe that you will receive what you give out. And I choose to plant great seeds and watch beautiful harvests bloom and unfold. There are always a few weeds that sneak in the garden but pull them out and keep watering.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.laquitacarter.com
- Phone: 832-987-3219
- Email: hcarterconsults@gmail.com
- Instagram: @ladyqcarter
- Facebook: /LaQuita.Carter
- Twitter: @Ladyqcarter
Image Credit:
The Photo Firm and Absolut Graphics
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