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Meet Lindsey Day of Lindsey Day Fitness in Central

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lindsey Day.

Lindsey, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I’m a weather and workout warrior — a meteorologist on a mission to help others optimize their health.

I became fascinated by the weather after moving from one of the snowiest cities in the country (Syracuse, New York) to so-called sunny Florida in 2005. However, that year happened to be the most active United States hurricane season on record! I love math and science and knew I wanted to study meteorology at Florida State University.

My freshman year in college, I lived a very unhealthy lifestyle. When I wasn’t sitting behind a desk studying, you could find me eating cookies in the dining hall for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I was not athletic; The gym was uncharted territory and I could barely run a half a mile without my asthma kicking in. My sophomore year in college I decided to make a change. I knew I wanted to be a broadcast meteorologist and figured getting in shape would benefit my television career. It’s funny how the tides turned and now fitness is my career!

Anyway, my graduate school thesis focused on improving hurricane track forecasting methods. I presented my findings at the annual American Meteorological Society in 2012. My work is electronically published by Florida State University Digital Commons:

I competed in fitness competitions while in graduate school. I was honored to receive the “Most Promising Figure Contestant” Award and my national qualification in the “Maria Bellando” NPC show.

I stopped competing in fitness competitions for career and health purposes. I worked as a meteorologist and reporter in Tallahassee, FL and Springfield, MO prior to working as a meteorologist in Houston, TX. Most recently, I partnered with CW39 in Houston to produce and host a Monday Motivation fitness segment.

Community involvement is important to me: I served as the spokesperson for my TV station’s “No Text and Drive Campaign.” I currently lead over 100 women in a “Faith & Fitness” connect group through my church.

I decided to leave the television industry/corporate world to focus on my own fitness and nutrition business. This led to a partnership with Bryan University, where I provide health videos for their social media platforms to help them build their brand. I keep a full schedule with various public speaking events, coaching clients across the country through health programs, creating educational content for my YouTube channel, building my direct sales business, and most of all, developing and bringing my “Charge Up Challenge” program to schools and businesses. So far, it’s been implemented at Xavier Academy in Houston, helping parents and students see statistically significant increases in energy and activity levels, and clinically significant decreases in body fat and inches around the waistline.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
As soon as I discovered my love for broadcast meteorology, I knew I had my work cut out for me. I heard stories about how tough the competition is. News Directors have stacks of resumes piling up on their desks and to make it in the business you have to stand apart from the thousands in the crowd.

Growing up, I was always viewed as an “average kid.” According to my grade school teacher during a parent-teacher conference, “I would never be more than an average student.” It took me until 4th grade to learn how to tie my shoes, for goodness sake!

Luckily – I had a teacher who believed in me and told me I could get straight A’s if I wanted to. That was a clear turning point in my life because from that point on I studied like crazy to make sure I got nothing less than an A on every report card through middle school, high school, and college.

Good grades were definitely a plus in my industry, but how would I catch the attention of a News Director in a top television market? The answer I had was to fill summers with internships and shed the freshman 15 I put on! I knew getting in shape would benefit my television career.

Although getting involved in fitness competitions was inspired by the desire to be healthy, I realized that what I would have to do to win a trophy was extremely unhealthy! I never took steroids – although that was very common at the level I was competing at. Yet, the lack of nutrition, ridiculous hours of intense workouts, lack of sleep and a large amount of stress that came with the territory led to many health problems. My adrenals crashed causing a host of health issues: hypothyroidism, a crashed metabolism, depression, digestive issues, PCOS, hormonal imbalances, unstable blood sugar, just to name a few. I was gaining weight and didn’t know why. With a career in television, this was a scary thing!

Upon searching for answers I began working with a holistic doctor who taught me to heal through nutrition and lifestyle changes. It was working! Luckily, I began to implement the necessary changes before it was too late!

I had to give up my love for competing to focus on my career and health. A few years later I made another tough decision to leave the television industry and corporate world. Although it was a great job, waking up at 1 am was taking a toll on my health. Plus, my boss wasn’t too fond of the look of a fit woman and asked me to wear long sleeves when on-air. I quickly ran out of long-sleeved outfits which led to a new complaint about needing to “expand my wardrobe.” He said things like “no one wants to see your muscles when they’re eating breakfast,” “your body looks like a stick with no curves and muscles”, and “that dress makes you look like a football linebacker.” (I hope he reads this). Honestly, I had enough of hearing it.

Leaving my meteorology career was a scary move! I poured my heart and soul into it from my first day in college to my last day on air. Starting my own business would not guarantee any amount of income. Not having a boss or anyone tell you what to do can be a beautiful thing! But you have to have the discipline to take on the role of being your own boss.

In hindsight, the life events that were once viewed as struggles turned out to be the biggest blessings! I learned so much about how to improve my health and have been able to share that information and positively impact the health of thousands!

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Lindsey Day Fitness story. Tell us more about the business.
If you work with me, I make it my mission to take you from your current situation (overweight, out of shape, drained of energy, or simply not at your full potential) to your dream situation — healthy, strong and exploding with energy! “Lindsey Day Fitness” is all about improving quality of life! My goal is to help you reach your goal and potential! I work with a range of clients from athletes, too busy moms and dads. I love what I do and will lock arms with you to help you transform!

I take a unique approach to each client. During our initial session, we have a conversation where I ask specific questions that allow me to craft a customized workout and nutrition program based on your preferences, goals – and based on what has been shown by research to be most effective. Most of my clients tell me I’m more of a life coach because we address stress, sleep, life challenges, etc.

Anyone can lose weight if they eat less and exercise more – but can they SUSTAIN that weight loss with that method? The answer is almost always NO! 95% of diets fail and most will regain their lost weight in 1-5 years. (Source: Statistics on Weight Discrimination: A Waste of Talent, The Council on Size and Weight Discrimination) From building muscle to melting fat – I teach ways that are sustainable!

This passion and methodology transfer over into my “Charge Up Challenge” program I bring to groups of students and parents at schools and to employees at businesses. The mission is to “CHARGE UP” the health, fitness, mental focus, performance & energy of participants through personalized coaching, and to “CHALLENGE” the traditional approach to fitness and nutrition. The most recent program results from Xavier Academy showed participants saw a statistically significant decrease in stress and anxiety, increase in energy and activity, and clinically significant decreases in body fat and inches around the waistline.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
One of my favorite quotes is: “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” Almost everyone will come across potentially great opportunities throughout their lifetime. The question is – has that person put in the work required to capitalize on that opportunity at that moment? Most of my accomplishments I attribute to hard work.

With that being said, luck has certainly played a role. I’m lucky that God gives me self-discipline and a strong work ethic. I’m lucky to have grown up in a family with two loving, hard-working parents. I’m lucky that they encouraged me to be independent and a self-starter.


  • 2 Trial Virtual Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching Sessions – $60
  • Presentation to HR Director or Business Owner or School Principal on how “Charge Up Challenge” could benefit – FREE

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Brian Winsauer – Winstar Photo LLC, Michael J Rogers – MJR Photography

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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