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Meet Marcus Jones

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marcus Jones.  

Hi Marcus, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
Everything changed for me on Nov 14, 2021. I was just a 17 yr. old, black teen with dreams of making it to the NBA one day. My days were just going to school and playing basketball every chance I got. On this night, I decided to go out to a birthday party in the Westheimer area. Not having transportation, I was able to rideshare and get dropped off in the general area. While on the phone, getting further directions, in an empty restaurant parking lot, at about 10;30 pm, I noticed a police car pull in the parking lot. He parked and appeared to be watching me. I didn’t think much of it. I was excited about getting to the party. If I had paid attention, I would have remembered a helicopter was buzzing in the area a few minutes earlier. Now the officer pulls up to me and starts asking me questions, “What I was doing? And how did I get there? I responded back respectfully with my answers and thought that would be it! He proceeded to tell me to put my phone down, put my hands up, and that I was under arrest because I fit the description of a suspect! He handcuffed me and placed me in the car! I was confused, upset, and couldn’t believe this was happening! I kept telling him it wasn’t me and he had the wrong person, but he didn’t want to hear it! He took me a few minutes away to an area where apparently a crime had happened. There were cops everywhere. This is where the police basically ” made me the suspect.” The police attempted to get me to confess to something I didn’t do, but I continued to explain that it wasn’t me! Then they removed me from the car, in handcuffs, and placed me in front of the police car with headlights shining on me while someone was looking at me from behind the lights! I learned later it’s what the police call a “show up identification! This would be crucial in my case! So now I’m taken to jail downtown, where I stay for a few days. I am able to get released on a PRbond because I’ve never been in trouble before. I show back up to court, where the case is quickly dismissed because the public defender shows the judge that I don’t even match the description (I was in shorts, and the victim described the suspect in pants with a different color shirt on. Unbelievable! And for some reason, they keep telling the judge I’m the juvenile suspect. The judge dismissed the two charges. Me and my family are beyond happy! We think the nightmare is over! Not so fast! It was just beginning! There was a 3rd charge, felony assault with a weapon, and supposedly the victim has now picked me out of a photo array lineup? There’s no way. It wasn’t me! How is this possible??? Then we remembered the show-up identification where the police paraded me in front of the victim that night in handcuffs!!! The photo array was done several days after my dismissals! I was back in jail on a warrant, and now there was no PR bond, and my dad had to pay $2,000 that he could never afford! It’s over a year later now, and I wish I could say this is over, but nope, because my case is still ongoing because of reset after reset after reset. Justice is not speedy. I’m on probation, and I have to check in every Wed. and Sat.; I missed my varsity basketball tryout because of a court date; I lost my first-ever job because I was in jail for several days. I’ve been trying to find a new job, but apparently, the dismissals and ongoing case show up. I dropped out of High school. I was supposed to graduate this year! It’s been a nightmare! I’d be lying if I said this hasn’t had me a little depressed. The “always a suspect’ came up when my grandmother was explaining to me how I have to be careful where I go and be aware of what is going on around me because the truth is I’m a black male, and I am always going to be a suspect! From there, the idea of that message was born, and my grandmother said that I should be the one to speak on this and try to make a difference! So, we researched, and here we are, just several months into it trying to get the message distributed via hoodies, hats, and t-shirts. People of color, especially, have to recognize that this can happen and how easily it can destroy a life! You can be the best behaved, staying out-of-trouble kid, and this can still happen to you because unfortunately there are police officers that think color is a reasonable suspicion. So, while I wait for this nightmare to be resolved. I’m trying to spread a message, bring awareness and possibly get some changes in how the police handle arrests. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Starting this business as an 18-year-old, without a car and without money, it’s a struggle every day. Whether it’s messing up on hoodie sizes, finding the right inventory, keeping costs down, controlling the money coming in and going out, searching for the proper and affordable equipment to get the work done. Yes, it’s a struggle, But I’m learning. 

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I really don’t have much work experience. I had just gotten my first job at Pappas BBQ, and I loved it. The money was good! Tips were great; customers loved my personality. Now my time is spent trying to get the word out about “Always a suspect” gear. I’m able to introduce the gear through social networks Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. I host parties in the Houston area, and this helps me to spread the word about “Always a suspect.” My age group can really relate! 

Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
Don’t give up when things are not going right! My story is not over yet, and hopefully, justice will do right for me. But I would say to anyone if you see something being done wrong, don’t let it go; report it, do something to get it to stop. It takes just one person to make a difference. 


  • $25 always a suspect hoodie
  • $15 always a suspect caps
  • $15 always a suspect t-shirt

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @alwaysasuspect2022

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