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Meet Monica Cortez of Cafe Guadalupe in Northside

Today we’d like to introduce you to Monica Cortez.

So, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Your passion is your purpose. That’s how the saying goes right? I wanted to do something I loved. Something I was passionate about. Something I could see myself doing for the rest of my life & happy doing it. I also wanted to be able to provide for my girls doing just that. I asked God to show me exactly what that was – I’m passionate about a lot of things you see. Coffee. That was my answer. I had to dig deep inside – I actually love to make teas, different concoctions of smoothies & coffee. I love helping people in the area of their health. I love everything about natural healing and herbal remedies. It was perfect. Coffee was just the beginning and base platform.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
No. The biggest struggle was getting started. Taking that first step. I waited an entire year before making that first step. Even the first day – I’ll never forget. I had a flat tire from a random bullet case and I was stranded at Chevron. It literally felt like everything was against me to get started. I thought I’ve waited an entire year for this day – I don’t care if I have to start by selling something in the parking lot of this gas station! So that’s what I did. I asked my dad to go inside to buy me milk & ice. My parents had come to my rescue due to the flat. My first customer was a young boy who was with his mother selling roses in the street. He bought a lemonade.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
What sets me apart from others is that you never know what to expect. I literally make what’s on my heart at that time. I examine what’s going on in our city. Are we happy are we sad and what can I do to contribute in a positive way. Be it sharing a smile, cup of my handcrafted Musicians Healing Tea, Pineapple Upside Down cupcake or even a prayer. As far as what I’m known for. I’d like to say I’m known for my faith. Serving a cup of coffee sounds simple. In reality, I come across people of all walks of life. Amazing people. People can spend their money on anything anywhere but when they choose Cafe Guadalupe- it touches my heart every single time. I’m so grateful. The one thing I hope for is that they leave Cafe Guadalupe with a smile, hope for the future & definitely a delicious cup of whatever I made them. I hope they leave better off then when they came.

What were you like growing up?
Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher or counselor. I’d see those commercials on tv showing the kids in 3rd world countries and I would cry. I’d try to think how can I get my .40 cents a day to them. I have a heart for kids still to this day. Music was also always a big part of my life. I loved jamming to my boom box that lit up around the speakers. New kids on the block, Vanilla Ice & Bon Jovi were some of my favorites. My favorite part of growing up was living in South Padre Island though. I was happiest there. I was free to roam the island all day until the sun came down. I ate sandwiches with sand stuck in the bread. I spent so much time in the sun my hair was light brown.


  • Coffee $5
  • Handcrafted Healing Musicians Tea $8
  • T-shirt’s $25 (Proceeds benefit taking a stand against suicide & sex trafficking)
  • Framed Positive Affirmations $35

Contact Info:

  • Phone: 8327280369
  • Email:
  • Instagram: Cafeguadalupe_
  • Facebook: Cafeguadalupem

Image Credit:
Christina Cortez with Karma Leaf Photography, Carolyn Marie with Carolyn Marie Photography

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