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Meet Patrick De Haan of The New Electricity in Spring

Today we’d like to introduce you to Patrick De Haan.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Patrick. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
We discovered a new way to generate lots of electricity.

Physics and the electricity part grabbed my interest in high school. Years later, working with energy companies, some using wind turbines, solar panels and landfill methane recovery, I thought there have to be reliable alternatives for baseload power. Not just wind and solar supplements called green energy but a way to replace reliable, large scale use at less cost with lower emissions, independent of sunlight or wind. Being surrounded by energy companies in Houston made inspiration easy.

What specifically intrigued me back in school were car engine coils and spark plugs; there are no moving parts, just expanding and collapsing magnetic fields.

The best natural source of magnetism is Planet Earth; it never shuts off and it’s free. Because there is no way to deplete Earth’s magnetic field, this method means an unlimited source & supply of electricity.

The challenge is to amplify natural magnetism to become useful; in spite of massive size, it’s weak.

My venture partner & I solved this with a simple process; a coil and capacitor to make a spark, which a crystal amplifies into a large, even dangerous pulse of intense light inside a solar panel box. Out comes a LOT of electricity.

Two steps remain; build a larger working unit then submit a patent application. The bigger unit is needed to avoid a toy-like impression the initial prototypes might give. The simple, necessary lab equipment – basic, standard stuff – isn’t cheap. Since time is money and food isn’t free, cost will continue driving the pace of roll out.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
I would say both a smooth and short road, so far. Developing ideas, doing research and testing were a big, fun science experiment and felt like being a teenager again. I believe struggles will come from resistance I anticipate, but the general consumer public will like it, I have no doubt.

As the choice for lower electricity prices with improved reliability become better known, I expect development will move forward more quickly and the zero emissions aspect? It won’t seem like a goal but a bonus feature.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with The New Electricity – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
It’s not a company yet, just a project between myself and a venture partner in England; we came up with the method ourselves. I’d prefer to avoid creation of a company, but I’m not naïve enough to believe that’s possible.

Our specialty is simple; a new way to make electricity with much lower investment, zero fuel and cost, no emissions, even better reliability than normal and . . . lower prices, maybe as low as half the typical consumer price.

Future development will be REALLY interesting and I confess, it’s the part that excites me more than any other. Electricity, from generation to consumer delivery, involves a lot of investment, operating expense and regulation. It affects almost everybody. A really new way to make lots of power will rearrange a few things not everybody in the power business will be happy to see.

I expect current investors will NOT get too excited. A new method which could make a fair portion of existing infrastructure obsolete is not going to be taken as good news.

Since we can already make as much as electricity as we need, lower prices will attract consumers and put changes in motion.

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
Once we have a patent, the technology can be spread nationwide and beyond. How that’s done will turn on investors and manufacturing. This method produces direct current; almost everything that plugs in takes alternating current, so demand for converters will rise also. Will existing utilities form a consortium to manufacture for everyone, just themselves as a mutual society or will non-electricity investors, such as venture capitalists, pursue it independently of existing utilities?

Our leaning is towards what gets as much of this new method into action as soon as practicable.

Contact Info:

  • Phone: 281-367-3718
  • Email:

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  1. egroeg

    October 11, 2017 at 10:13 pm


  2. Dave Kiehl

    October 12, 2017 at 3:56 am

    Even assuming this turns out to be practical, what happens when the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field reverses?

  3. Mr Yang

    October 12, 2017 at 5:22 am

    This is so exciting! But just as Patrick mentions in this article, anything “free” will seriously disturb any investor and they will flee quick. But of course, first it needs to be done and proven to work – I reckon that is still a big task that lies ahead. My best wishes to Patrick and his partner. I have good hope for you guys 🙂

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