Today we’d like to introduce you to Paula Cobb.
Hi Paula, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
SOULOLOGY INC was conceived in 2014. Back during a time when violation and injustices were the farthest notion in my mind that something bad could happen to me, especially in a federal government environment. At this time, I trying to wrap my mind around on what happened to me not only as a female but as an African American female. So, despite the degrees and accomplishments and how I had come to have an office with my name on the door. I was mentally drained from this traumatic incident and knew I had to work in order to take care of myself. It took me to a dark place and consumed my life for over four years but through prayer and counseling, it kept me alive. In 2018, God said that enough was enough and it was time to give birth to a baby that would help others that were not as strong to fight their way back. After. I witnessed people falling, stumbling, and allowing workplace injustices to cause them illness mentally and physically. I found a group on Facebook called Brilliant Women in Film that gave me the push to give my baby life SOULOLOGY was born but it took training and learning under the CEO and Founder Joan Montreuil. I was writing and journaling putting the past experiences into place that helped me create my first short film called “The Case”. Ever since then, my primary focus is to give a voice, lend an ear, heal a heart, give hope, and say a prayer that you, too, can survive the things that are made to break your spirit and try to destroy your Soul.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road to fight for your life and not stay on the ropes is always a hard road to travel. I had to deal with being labeled as a troublemaker for not taking the blows and being silent. I had people in management and leadership within the company where I worked lie on me with false claims of misappropriation of funds, threats of towing with allegations of having parked illegally in a parking space that I had been parking in for years. The irony of that claim was the spot was had no affiliation with my agency and therefore I did not understand why they were so concerned. I was ostracized and started having all types of complaints against me, not from other employees but from management. This went on like forever after I reported the harassment and assualt to a higher official in my office. I dealt with so much retaliation from this that it literally was a black and white issue the policy and procedures set in place definitely was not set to protect someone like me, female and African American. My career went into a standstill in hope that would make me leave but I am not built to run away from a fight, especially when I have not done anything to anyone.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
What I love most about my work is the fact that my primary job is an Account Specialist for the government which finances the real work that I was purposed to do and that is to show compassion and help others. I have over 20 years in civil service and just as many years that I spent facilitating at Bo’s Place for grief counseling and volunteering at Crisis Hotline. My primary job as an Account Specialist provides services to the military and their customers in over 9 states. I am mainly known for my secondary passion and work with Brilliant Women in Film, working on a production project, film writing and assisting others that are having issues in the workplace. I am most proud of the fact that I am able to support and provide help and assistance to others. There are always someone wanting to know that someone cares about whatever life crisis that they might be encountering. The thing that sets me apart from others is that regardless of how long it may take me but by any means necessary I genuinely care enough to do the research to get them help. I use my platform to give individuals a voice that has been ignored and silenced by others in authority in their lives. My experiences on my own journey motivated me to join various American Federation Government Employees groups to gather resources that would be helpful to people in crisis. This is why Soulology Inc is close to my heart. I am going to make sure that my services be a lifeline for those feeling lost in everyday tests and trials. My philosophy is that your soul is the key to your health which is the being of all our existence, and this is why it must be protected and nurtured.
What sort of changes are you expecting over the next 5-10 years?
I see that SOULOLOGY INC will be more of a ministry and helps that it will not fade with the changes and trends. People will always have issues and problems that get them to a crossroads in their life. We all seek a source on where I can go for help or be heard, and I plan on making sure that my company’s number is on speed dial. The big shift is not just listening to these people’s stories but allowing them a therapeutic way to write their own stories to move forward in life.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Email Address:
- Facebook: Paula Gibbs-Cobb