Today we’d like to introduce you to Rayn Snow.
Rayn, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
The Prodigy Statistic: Beating All Odds
I am Stable
I am Teachable
I am Authentic
I am Talented
I am Inspirational
I am Safe
I am Testimonial
I am Intelligent
I am Capable
When you hear statistics in the black community, it’s typically translated as a bad imagine. Jail, Drop Out, Teen Pregnancy and Broken homes just to name a few. Everything that was meant to break me, I survived! Monica said in a song, “whatever don’t kill you makes you stronger, well I must be the world’s strongest woman.” I stand here today WHOLE.
My mom always told me she thought I would be dead or in jail before I turned 18. I went through so much pain early on in life. Between the ages of 3-7, my parents would kidnap us and move city to city. At age eight, my dad took us to Atlanta. I have been beaten by steps moms. At age 11, I stole my dad’s credit card and ran back to Ohio. At 12, I was raped by a father figure. At 12, I got charged with my first felony. After catching that charge, I was on the run from the police. I would sleep with men for places to live. Between ages 12-16, I was in and out of jail for assault, robbery, grand theft and many other charges. I had to survive in the streets. At 14, I tore my ACL and dropped out of high school after 9th-grade year. Since I was on the run from the police, I dropped out of school. At 15, I got my pregnant with my first child and had a miscarriage due to an abusive relationship. At 16, I got pregnant again with my daughter. She was the biggest blessing in disguises.
She was the turning point in life for me. I went back to high school senior year got all my credits in one year with my baby girl. I graduated high school on time and went to college. Got married to my husband and bought a home in Florida on our honeymoon. Had my second child my baby boy. Graduated college and moved to Florida. When we moved to Florida, we had no idea how we would make it but God knew. We started our travel company doing Airbnb, car and RV rentals. We traveled the world full time in 2021. Then we moved to Houston, Texas fell in love and started planting our seeds. We are opening our studio. Our company is called 100 Shades of Vibez, a paint and sip studio.
I use to be scared to tell my store knowing people would judge me. I know now I wouldn’t be the women I am today had I not went through everything I went through. I’m telling my story to inspire others that no matter how hard life is or gets, you can make it through. It won’t be easy. I promise it won’t but it will be worth it!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
16 and pregnant High school dropout
Broken Home
Young and Married
As you know, we’re big fans of 100 Shades of Vibez. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
100 Shades of Vibez is a standard world-class company established to deliver exceptional products and services with excellent consumer recognition services. 100 Shades of Vibez offers varieties of painting experiences. We want to provide the highest level of product while individualizing every customer and maintaining integrity, fairness, and honesty with them. At 100 Shades of Vibez, our vision is to provide a fun-filled environment and experience to help our client reach their goals and live their dreams.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: Instagram.com/srt__vibez
- Facebook: Facebook.com/100shadesofvibez
- Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xJPDcX-GbAc&t=43s