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Meet Susana Lewandowski of Siembra Creative Counseling & Coaching PLLC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Susana Lewandowski

Hi Susana, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I think it starts in my roots and the story of my family history as immigrants, survivors and creatives. The message of having passion, purpose and doing work to support my community and bring empowerment to voices who are not given that freedom was cultivated from a young age. I was heavily influenced by my maternal abuelita, she was a source of love, humor, comfort, strength, and protection all in this little soft-spoken unassuming lady who paved the way for me in many ways. I stand on her shoulders. My family is originally from El Salvador, I was born in San Salvador and like many Salvadorans in the 1980’s with the civil war and unrest my mother decided to leave to the U.S. My journey to be an advocate and supporter of my community probably started with that seed being planed in my journey to the US. My mother and me went through many difficult roads trying to find and establish a home in a new country. I remember I always gravitated towards art, creating, drawing, and painting from a very young age, it was an outlet to express and process things, the creative arts are a way of self-expression when language is a barrier. From an early age my mother pushed for education and I was the first in my family to obtain a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. I did not seek out being a therapist but life had given me so much lived experiences that connecting and empathizing to others pain and struggles came very naturally and it was a path I wanted to pursue. I have been given the blessing to bear witness to the human spirit and the power we have despite the traumas that come across our path. The best part of being a therapist is seeing the transformation in others, witnessing them regain their sense of purpose and re-write their life narrative. It is such a privilege to see this in- person. I have worked with couples, families, children and adolescents with various situations and struggles. Currently my path has crossed again with the creative arts and I am learning and researching on expanding creative programming to promote mental health and wellness. Its interesting how it started with the creative arts from a young age and I am coming back to it with a twist of health and empowerment.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I wouldn’t change my journey, it has taught me and stretched me in so many ways that life is much richer. All the struggles I personally endured along with my mother and abuelita has just reinforced me with continuing the torch and fuel to create change.

As you know, we’re big fans of Siembra Creative Counseling & Coaching PLLC. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
My business is a blend of everything I love, it is focused on empowering my community, facilitating creative expression to promote health, expand public health and healing in communities and individuals. I also provide 1:1 coaching to individuals needing guidance in support in their next step whether its life or career transitions. The name itself “Siembra” is Spanish for sowing, I believe in our ability to plant seeds in our community through education, healing and art that will form into something beautiful later in life.
The best part is being able to collaborate with other organizations both in the U.S. and in Central America to bring prevention and awareness around mental health and wellness. I’ve been able to work with some amazing individuals doing wonderful work in different parts of the world and together we work towards social change and equality. I want readers to know that my brand is more of an approach to a way of life. I encourage people and communities to tap into their roots, heritage, culture, and spirituality in whatever form it comes in because all those elements fuel our creativity and that is a powerful source for change. What sets me apart is I am also an artist at heart and still create and teach at local schools all with the same purpose to support, empower and plant those seeds of change.

We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
My version of success is doing what your passionate about, following whatever brings you that energy and stretches’ you. Success I don’t believe lives in comfort, it is choosing a path at times of discomfort, challenge, risk , doubt, and yet you still do it! Success is just trying something you have always been curious about accomplishing and doing the work to get it done.

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Image Credits
Mural “Transform the Narrative” located at Art League Houston 1953 Montrose Blvd, Houston Texas 77006. Dedicated to survivors of Human Trafficking.

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