Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashlee Pitts.
Hi Ashlee, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
Being an African-American female and a mother of three (one boy and two girls) whom suffers from mental illness, I was at a crossroad when it came to expressing my feelings. My therapist suggested that I write my feelings down, but unfortunately, my anxiety wouldn’t allow me to write, or at least so I thought. For months, I pondered on ways I could release my pain in a way that would not only be healthy but also conducive to my energy. So, I came up with the name Black Girl Interrupted and decided I would create a podcast for black women and share my journey with the world, let people know the REAL Ashlee Pitts, and to encourage other black women to unpack those suitcases that has weighed us down for so many years. After many failed attempts to get the podcast started and many obstacles that stood in the way (God said I had to remove the negativity out of the way), I shelved the idea and went on with my life. It wasn’t until my son wrote me a letter, expressing to me how I had made him and his sister feel their whole lives and going through a difficult breakup, I knew it was time for me to not only share my story but to begin my journey of healing that broken little girl that had lived in me for 30+ years. On October 8, 2020, I uploaded my first live Facebook video; although very nervous, I just went in full throttle and took that step to the release of Black Girl Interrupted. So many people asked me about the name Black Girl Interrupted, and I responded, “Why not the name Black Girl Interrupted” I mean, I am a black girl who has gone through so many interruptions in life, I knew that was the name that would be fitting for a beautiful story. As I begin with the first episode, I knew that I could do it, creating that safe space for me to have the ability to unpack my suitcases without the judgment, and here I am, almost three years later, still on my road to healing and trying to build a brand to leave a wonderful legacy for my children to carry on.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Obstacles and challenges, what are those??? Just kidding. Whew…The road to being a podcaster has been absolutely difficult for me. Once I came up with the idea of even creating a podcast, I was more so worried about the judgment and the support of others that I sat on this idea for over two years before I made the decision to follow through. Once I got started, I was so consistent with my episodes until March 4, 2021, the day that changed my life forever. Losing my father sent me back into a downward spiral. I felt as if I had been robbed. It felt like someone had stolen my precious gift, thus losing my drive to continue on with Black Girl Interrupted. My episodes became far and few between, even though I created this safe space for me to have the ability to release my pain, I lost the drive to continue on. So, I made up in my mind to take a much-needed mental break in order to bring back some sense of peace into my life in order to continue on with my journey to healing and helping others. As hard as that decision was to walk away from the safest place I had created for myself, I knew what I needed to do for me.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
I have been in the customer service profession for over 20+ years, and I have enjoyed the countless interactions with all the different personalities throughout my career. I am currently employed as a medical insurance claims representative, and I am loving it. My passion for customer service is reputable, and being able to assist people is one of the greatest gifts that God has given to me. I have always searched for my purpose in this crazy world, but I have come to the realization that I was put on this Earth to help others, and I can honestly say I enjoy it and wouldn’t change anything about what I do. A few of the things I can honestly say I am most proud of is regardless of whatever obstacles life has thrown my way, I was always determined to make it over the hump. Yes, it may have knocked me down, but I have and am still learning not to let that stop me from making it to the finish line and realizing the light at the end of the tunnel is closer than you think. I am also most proud of how strong and victorious I have come to be, regardless of the storms that I have encountered, and that God continues to remind me that I can do whatever I put my mind to, and he will not put more on me than I can bear.
What set me apart from others??? God created me imperfectly perfect in that way he envisioned me to be. I have never tried to be like anyone else but ME. I am the friend that you can call on when you are dealing with life’s issues, but I have also learned to set those boundaries and not allow my cup to run dry. I am also that friend that will not allow you to wallow in your situation, yes, we can discuss it, but just the know the next conversation with be about solutions to your problem.
How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I am always looking to collaborate with any and everyone who is open to having some of the most uncomfortable conversations and willing to open to sharing their story in front of the camera and strangers. Anyone looking to connect with me or even to suggest show topics can send me an email or contact me through any of the social media sites that I have listed. I do ask that you allow me 24 to 72 hours to respond. At that point, I will set up a Zoom meeting to discuss the topic and answer any questions you may have at that time. With regards to the support, just keep encouraging me to do what I do and share any of the posts you may see in regards to Black Girl Interrupted. My goal with this podcast is to help one person, and if I can do that, then I have done exactly what God has asked me to do. I am not focused on the monetary part because all I want to do is make a difference. Change the narrative of the way the world perceives black men and women. I want to help heal those who are hurting, just to remind them that you are not alone. I want to build a brand and leave a legacy that my family can be proud of.
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