Today we’d like to introduce you to Bianca M. Joseph.
Bianca, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I am Haitian and originally from West Palm Beach, FL. I am where I am today because I originally planned to be a lawyer to help people, specifically oppressed people, but realized sometime in middle school that the legal system is too slow and often ineffective. Thus, in the 10th grade, I took AP Psychology and immediately fell in love with the field. I realized that I could have a greater, quicker impact on people as a therapist. Accordingly, I attended Columbia University in NYC and graduated with my BA in Psychology. I then moved to Philadelphia, PA to attend the University of Pennsylvania, from which I graduated with my Master of Social Work degree. I am currently a school social worker and founder of a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Youth Empowerment through Social Support, Inc. In both my roles, I provide psychotherapy and mentorship to youth of color.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Surprisingly, yes. Though I was inherently smart–I did extremely well on the ACT on my first try–I was a track athlete which gave me more opportunities. I could have relied on my academics or athletics, but I was able to rely on both to attend and excel at Columbia. While at Columbia, I narrowed down my studies to social psychology. I actually intended to be a psychologist but my favorite professor (who is still my mentor today) reminded me that I am more practical than theoretical and pushed me to explore the world of social work. On the first day of senior year, I decided social work is a much better fit than clinical or social psychology. Through social work, I was able to combine my passion for social justice (which I previously planned to pursue through law) with my passion for holistic well-being (which I planned to pursue through psychology). Honestly, a biggest struggle was allowing myself to choose a “smaller” profession. I’d always been a high-achiever so a MSW felt less than a PhD in Psychology, but I can do exactly what I would be able to as a psychologist, but with less years spent in school and less debt accrued.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a licensed master social worker and currently work at a middle school. I provide mental and behavioral health counseling via individual and group psychotherapy. I specialize in trauma, but I’m noticing that, given the limitations of working in a school setting, that I am most effective with mood and anxiety disorders. I am most proud of my ability to connect with kids of different racial, sexual, gender, and religious backgrounds. What sets me apart is that my background and upbringing culturally diverse. This personal diversity allows me to empathize with varying types of people, problems, and situations since I grew up reconciling differences between my mother’s Haitian culture and my American neighborhood and community, as well as the economic disparities so obvious in South Florida.
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
I’m all for risk! I tell everyone all the time: “If you try, there’s a possibility. If you don’t try, there’s no chance at all.” I took a risk moving to NYC, moving to Philly, and now moving to Houston. I moved not knowing anyone; I moved knowing my plan and was willing to take any (and all) risks necessary to see them come to fruition. For the most part, my risks have been calculated but I trust my instinct enough to take uncalculated, impulsive risks if it comes to it. I’d rather try and fail than not try and never know.
Contact Info:
- Email: info@theyesinc.org
- Website: www.theyesinc.org
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Rave Multimedia